Am I the only one who remembers Jonestown in Guyana? His rallies are starting to smell eerily like that.
The pyrolysis of Trump would fulfill the simultaneous messianic self image that he has and wrap it into the victimhood that comes with his demise. Marched off to prison would be too pedestrian, too common criminal for him, without a microphone he would implode.
The bigger question is to what end Murdoch and his fellow travelers on OAN and Infowars will go to profit from this highly combustible situation.
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist”.
Glad I am not the only one who thought "Jonestown". Waco may be a better analogy. Instead of mass suicide by cool-aid, he is leading his followers into the same death by law enforcement as Koresh did. Jones killed himself and Koresh committed suicide by law enforcement(not fact, just my opinion). Trump's narcissism and cowardice won't let him do that.
DA Bragg has time if he chooses to charge Trump. I mean, where is Trump going to go? Russia? Saudi Arabia? He can hole up on Mar-a-Lago for the rest of his life as far as I'm concerned. Just cut off his internet and block cell phone signals.
When I read quotes from the Waco rally, Jim Jones was the first thing I thought of. The delusions, the trancelike ranting, the victim mentality and the violence. Trump cries "I, I. I, me, me, me," then tells his followers that whatever "crimes" Bragg, Garland and Biden are "persecuting" him with, those crimes are against them, too, and then he frightens them with dark predictions of America's "destruction." It's classic cult stuff.
Murdoch's NY Post published a harsh anti-Trump editorial. I think they see they made a gargantuan mistake in backing him because Fox will probably go down the drain when the voting machine company wins their lawsuit.
How Trump gets away with his threats and everything else he does and has done just blows my mind. He announced yesterday Bragg is dropping the case against him because there is no case. And Twitter was full of people buying into it.
Scorched Earth means nothing to Trump except as vehicle of escaping justice and bolstering his ego.
Congress still embracing members that backed the insurrection and allowing Santos to remain there tells us all about how deep their support runs for backing Trump. Corporate backers who got the big tax cut? Still feeding the same with donations.
Sadly I believe he is right. Bragg is going to a announce gosh darn it, I wanted to indict but I just can't take the chance that a jury might not find him guilty. Now excuse me while I go prosecute some jaywalkers, THOSE cases I can win!
I hope Mr Bragg and his family do have "trustworthy " protection as well especially in this political climate that you don't know who you can trust. ! I am so sick of these degenerates getting away with actions that normal persons would be arrested ! Hopefully those that can and should prosecute are listening and all of these Magats will be prosecuted !! One can only dream I guess !!
The corporate donations from companies who abandoned Trump after the INSURRECTION seem small to me; more of a “I don’t know how to respond here so I’m covering my ass and my company in case the wind blows in favor of Trump.” Nevertheless, they are hypocrites by not following through. They want the GOP to notice but the amounts are so trivial they are more of a statement by CEOs who have no principles. Trump will scream foul with his bullhorn until he is locked up. For those of us whose very lives and futures depend on the Judicial process, may it show signs of breathing one morning when I finally wake up to hope again for the sad state of affairs in this nation. One day at a time we wait and wait and wait...........the wheels of Justice turn slowly I’m told but this is glacial in nature, a sad metaphor as even glaciers are moving more quickly to raise the oceans 🌊 and overwhelm us. Thank you for keeping us informed.
Corporations tend to donate for the purpose of getting tax breaks. They are not inherently political, as a rule. This is why you see them donating to both parties, in roughly equal amounts and only a few thousand dollars. They can also then present themselves as "donors" to sitting congresspersons.
I'm not obsessed. I don't "wait." I have a life and a family that matter more to me. I vote, I sign petitions, but my activism is for animals. Whatever happens to Trump, MAGA, etc. will happen at the proper time.
Judd, I am a huge fan. You’ve written a lot of things that made me go through a plethora of emotions but I don’t think my blood has ever boiled this much. This waste of a life that is trump really has a damn nerve. The most dangerous people the world over has never been anybody who looks like Bragg but I don’t know history so I could be wrong. Why does he still get to walk around free and have rallies? You know what, let me just breathe. Great reporting and it’s appreciated.
You see what the cat dragged in? Dead words from a brain dead wonder. Surprised the reanimant can keep breathing? I'm not. They are resilient if nothing else, those RW'z are.
Kind of like cockroaches in that respect. And the despicable F.L. tops them all.
A collectivist cockroach calling American patriots cockroaches. Meanwhile the collectivist cockroaches see their "man" in office continue to make the country into a dumpster fire.
Bringing in Trump for arraignment will be a first but with Trump there will be a lot of “firsts”. He is entitled to Secret Service protection, they will most likely accompany him throughout the process. Then the question of “does a convicted felon get Secret Service protection while on bail? Probably. Will he have it if convicted? Who knows, he may just take a handful of Aspirin at that point. Like a Jenga Tower, each piece you push one way affects other pieces. I think we may, like we did after Nixon, write new laws after this one.
One thing is for sure, unless the Justice Department responds to protests with overwhelming force and medieval incarceration (think SuperMax and Angola prison) his supporters will continue to threaten the rest of us.
I think that if dumpster is arrested tried and convicted I think he should be incarcerated under a prison where he has no access to media ! Apparently the ones in Washington DC prison are being treated better than most prisoners any where else ! White privilege is alive and well it appears !!!!!!
This is beyond thuggery, these are legitimate violent terrorist threats. We watch, the international community watches, as these terrorists are allowed to become more and more dangerous. Nothing whatsoever is done to defend the safety of every non-maga in this country. Allowing public officials to be threatened snd attacked IS A CRIME.
We are ALLOWING this state of authoritarian Fascism. Biden should remove Garland snd bring in Special military agents to put these people away now!
Keep beating that tired old drum, Judd, on the hordes of money sloshing around for the Jan6 GQP Trump cult. Once again, what's needed is to get BIG MONEY out of politics. A first and important step in making reps more accountable for the lies and treachery they support and yell about. But how? The same thugs taking big money have the "power" to stop it; they won't and SCOTUS is so busy ruling on Bad Spaniels toys that they have no time for any important judicial work. Only one branch of government is working properly - the Executive. Legislative and Judicial have gone missing and don't give a damn.
Arrogant Republicans really do believe that none of this is ever going to catch up with them. Or do they already have an ironclad plan in place to steal the 2024 election, put Trump back on the throne, then round up all the rest of us and put us in re-education camps in Idaho? Seems unlikely, but they sure do think they are invincible.
It seems to me like the last gasps of a dying Trump. Those who would do harm at his urging ought to be reminded of what happened to the violent protesters at the Capitol on Jan 6.
People will die (again) because of that Orange Asscactus' words...........and that's exactly what his pathetic ego wants. As for Jordan, Comer, et als., their presence in Congress is a stain on its existence. Voters in their districts would clearly vote for anyone, so long as they have an "R" next to their name.
When will truly patriotic Americans realize that speaks out like a “Despot”. Rallying his followers to do harm to anyone that doesn’t agree with his policies. Asking them to commit sedition and put him in charge of the government. He is truly a “putin” and thinks he can take over as the likes in Third World Countries. He must have gotten his coaching from putin in the art of telling lies long enough that people will believe them. The order of self aggrandizing he does along with the lies are on the order of of “this can’t be true” but his followers fall for it.
I can only hope the phrase “No one is above the law” holds true!
Am I the only one who remembers Jonestown in Guyana? His rallies are starting to smell eerily like that.
The pyrolysis of Trump would fulfill the simultaneous messianic self image that he has and wrap it into the victimhood that comes with his demise. Marched off to prison would be too pedestrian, too common criminal for him, without a microphone he would implode.
The bigger question is to what end Murdoch and his fellow travelers on OAN and Infowars will go to profit from this highly combustible situation.
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist”.
Glad I am not the only one who thought "Jonestown". Waco may be a better analogy. Instead of mass suicide by cool-aid, he is leading his followers into the same death by law enforcement as Koresh did. Jones killed himself and Koresh committed suicide by law enforcement(not fact, just my opinion). Trump's narcissism and cowardice won't let him do that.
DA Bragg has time if he chooses to charge Trump. I mean, where is Trump going to go? Russia? Saudi Arabia? He can hole up on Mar-a-Lago for the rest of his life as far as I'm concerned. Just cut off his internet and block cell phone signals.
There is a statute of limitations of 5 years. Bragg has until 2026 to indict and prosecute, but he'd better do it before November, 2024.
House arrest? Are you kidding? Trump needs to be put in prison. Anything less is a slap on the wrist.
They will go to any and all lengths for the great god "Profit!"
When I read quotes from the Waco rally, Jim Jones was the first thing I thought of. The delusions, the trancelike ranting, the victim mentality and the violence. Trump cries "I, I. I, me, me, me," then tells his followers that whatever "crimes" Bragg, Garland and Biden are "persecuting" him with, those crimes are against them, too, and then he frightens them with dark predictions of America's "destruction." It's classic cult stuff.
Murdoch's NY Post published a harsh anti-Trump editorial. I think they see they made a gargantuan mistake in backing him because Fox will probably go down the drain when the voting machine company wins their lawsuit.
Great report, Judd. It is hard to overstate the treachery of these clowns, and the cynicism of the corporations that support them.
How Trump gets away with his threats and everything else he does and has done just blows my mind. He announced yesterday Bragg is dropping the case against him because there is no case. And Twitter was full of people buying into it.
Scorched Earth means nothing to Trump except as vehicle of escaping justice and bolstering his ego.
Congress still embracing members that backed the insurrection and allowing Santos to remain there tells us all about how deep their support runs for backing Trump. Corporate backers who got the big tax cut? Still feeding the same with donations.
Sadly I believe he is right. Bragg is going to a announce gosh darn it, I wanted to indict but I just can't take the chance that a jury might not find him guilty. Now excuse me while I go prosecute some jaywalkers, THOSE cases I can win!
I hope Bragg’s whole family has 24/7 protection. Trustworthy protection.
I hope Mr Bragg and his family do have "trustworthy " protection as well especially in this political climate that you don't know who you can trust. ! I am so sick of these degenerates getting away with actions that normal persons would be arrested ! Hopefully those that can and should prosecute are listening and all of these Magats will be prosecuted !! One can only dream I guess !!
The corporate donations from companies who abandoned Trump after the INSURRECTION seem small to me; more of a “I don’t know how to respond here so I’m covering my ass and my company in case the wind blows in favor of Trump.” Nevertheless, they are hypocrites by not following through. They want the GOP to notice but the amounts are so trivial they are more of a statement by CEOs who have no principles. Trump will scream foul with his bullhorn until he is locked up. For those of us whose very lives and futures depend on the Judicial process, may it show signs of breathing one morning when I finally wake up to hope again for the sad state of affairs in this nation. One day at a time we wait and wait and wait...........the wheels of Justice turn slowly I’m told but this is glacial in nature, a sad metaphor as even glaciers are moving more quickly to raise the oceans 🌊 and overwhelm us. Thank you for keeping us informed.
Corporations tend to donate for the purpose of getting tax breaks. They are not inherently political, as a rule. This is why you see them donating to both parties, in roughly equal amounts and only a few thousand dollars. They can also then present themselves as "donors" to sitting congresspersons.
I'm not obsessed. I don't "wait." I have a life and a family that matter more to me. I vote, I sign petitions, but my activism is for animals. Whatever happens to Trump, MAGA, etc. will happen at the proper time.
Judd, I am a huge fan. You’ve written a lot of things that made me go through a plethora of emotions but I don’t think my blood has ever boiled this much. This waste of a life that is trump really has a damn nerve. The most dangerous people the world over has never been anybody who looks like Bragg but I don’t know history so I could be wrong. Why does he still get to walk around free and have rallies? You know what, let me just breathe. Great reporting and it’s appreciated.
Republicans and their supporters evidently believe in the maxim, "If you can't beat them, literally beat them." What a classless bunch of thugs.
You see what the cat dragged in? Dead words from a brain dead wonder. Surprised the reanimant can keep breathing? I'm not. They are resilient if nothing else, those RW'z are.
Kind of like cockroaches in that respect. And the despicable F.L. tops them all.
A collectivist cockroach calling American patriots cockroaches. Meanwhile the collectivist cockroaches see their "man" in office continue to make the country into a dumpster fire.
Funny, but I just replaced Democrat” where you wrote “Republican” and based on the actual facts over the last 4 years, my words are accurate.
or perhaps, a "classic gang of thugs."
Bringing in Trump for arraignment will be a first but with Trump there will be a lot of “firsts”. He is entitled to Secret Service protection, they will most likely accompany him throughout the process. Then the question of “does a convicted felon get Secret Service protection while on bail? Probably. Will he have it if convicted? Who knows, he may just take a handful of Aspirin at that point. Like a Jenga Tower, each piece you push one way affects other pieces. I think we may, like we did after Nixon, write new laws after this one.
One thing is for sure, unless the Justice Department responds to protests with overwhelming force and medieval incarceration (think SuperMax and Angola prison) his supporters will continue to threaten the rest of us.
I think that if dumpster is arrested tried and convicted I think he should be incarcerated under a prison where he has no access to media ! Apparently the ones in Washington DC prison are being treated better than most prisoners any where else ! White privilege is alive and well it appears !!!!!!
This is beyond thuggery, these are legitimate violent terrorist threats. We watch, the international community watches, as these terrorists are allowed to become more and more dangerous. Nothing whatsoever is done to defend the safety of every non-maga in this country. Allowing public officials to be threatened snd attacked IS A CRIME.
We are ALLOWING this state of authoritarian Fascism. Biden should remove Garland snd bring in Special military agents to put these people away now!
Keep beating that tired old drum, Judd, on the hordes of money sloshing around for the Jan6 GQP Trump cult. Once again, what's needed is to get BIG MONEY out of politics. A first and important step in making reps more accountable for the lies and treachery they support and yell about. But how? The same thugs taking big money have the "power" to stop it; they won't and SCOTUS is so busy ruling on Bad Spaniels toys that they have no time for any important judicial work. Only one branch of government is working properly - the Executive. Legislative and Judicial have gone missing and don't give a damn.
Arrogant Republicans really do believe that none of this is ever going to catch up with them. Or do they already have an ironclad plan in place to steal the 2024 election, put Trump back on the throne, then round up all the rest of us and put us in re-education camps in Idaho? Seems unlikely, but they sure do think they are invincible.
It seems to me like the last gasps of a dying Trump. Those who would do harm at his urging ought to be reminded of what happened to the violent protesters at the Capitol on Jan 6.
Not much snd not enough
Monsieur trump should "go away."
Moscow, are you listening?
People will die (again) because of that Orange Asscactus' words...........and that's exactly what his pathetic ego wants. As for Jordan, Comer, et als., their presence in Congress is a stain on its existence. Voters in their districts would clearly vote for anyone, so long as they have an "R" next to their name.
Why can’t psychopath Trump be charged with slandering Bragg or inciting violence?
Thank you, Judd. You are amazing!
When will truly patriotic Americans realize that speaks out like a “Despot”. Rallying his followers to do harm to anyone that doesn’t agree with his policies. Asking them to commit sedition and put him in charge of the government. He is truly a “putin” and thinks he can take over as the likes in Third World Countries. He must have gotten his coaching from putin in the art of telling lies long enough that people will believe them. The order of self aggrandizing he does along with the lies are on the order of of “this can’t be true” but his followers fall for it.
I can only hope the phrase “No one is above the law” holds true!