Good for the SEC to recognize that companies use claims of sustainability as part of their campaign to drive shareholder value. Turns out too often there's no there there.
Corporations never fail to amaze. They didn't want to stop clear cutting, because jobs - even though there won't be wood cutting jobs if they cut all the trees. Same with climate - no planet, no jobs.
It's a sad reality in the U.S. these days, that if we want to do what needs to be done to protect average people's well being in our economy and the ecological systems on which we all depend, we should listen carefully to what the US Chamber of Commerce says,...
and do precisely the opposite of what they're recommending.
The US Chamber works entirely in favor of the type of wealthy and powerful individuals who share a psychological dysfunction which makes it impossible for them ever to feel as if they have "enough." Even though they already have "everything" (as compared to the average person) they're always deeply desperate for more. Given the opportunity, they will continue to act like a virus which destroys itself by killing its host. They will never stop themselves or reign in their excesses. They must be restrained (economically, at the very least) if our society (and our species?) is to survive.
Most local and state Chamber of Commerce units are far wiser and more honest than the National.
This is a good proposal. I've worked in investments for 6 years and we get a TON of requests for sustainable funds and investments. The only reason not to adopt this rule is so companies can lie to and mislead their investors.
Judd, you are doing a terrific job of following up on previous reports. These corporate giants each have a flank of lawyers to protect them, but simply repeating their bogus claims of innocence can’t modify the truth that scientific measurement discloses.
Yet another example of America's "Nondemocratic Republic" where corporations regulate government. But they at least allowed their corporate puppets installed by BOTH their owned parties to make Daylight Savings Time official. Wow - such statesmen we can have pride in!
I love this! And I love that you made it transparent and easy for us to "get" so we can speak intelligently with the people in our lives who are avid Chamber supporters. Thank you!
This is described by the article I read in Common Dreams The 'Doom Loop' of American Oligarchy. Great read on the dismantling of our democracy by greed Some awful people got awfully rich. I’ve said that for years now. Thank you for this newsletter.
There was a good article in Bloomberg Businessweek about how deceiving ESG ratings are, so I guess I should be surprised at this. Its sad, but it's virtually impossible to boycott all these large companies (we need what they sell), so I don't know the answer.
I appreciate your ongoing efforts to highlight the ludicrous twists and turns of the Chamber of Commerce as they attempt to pretend they care about anything other than profits.
"Voluntary disclosure is working well." I think Mother Earth would beg to differ.
Truth in advertising? What a ridiculous concept!
Good for the SEC to recognize that companies use claims of sustainability as part of their campaign to drive shareholder value. Turns out too often there's no there there.
Thank you for all your research and disclosure. I wouldn’t know these things otherwise.
Corporations never fail to amaze. They didn't want to stop clear cutting, because jobs - even though there won't be wood cutting jobs if they cut all the trees. Same with climate - no planet, no jobs.
It's a sad reality in the U.S. these days, that if we want to do what needs to be done to protect average people's well being in our economy and the ecological systems on which we all depend, we should listen carefully to what the US Chamber of Commerce says,...
and do precisely the opposite of what they're recommending.
The US Chamber works entirely in favor of the type of wealthy and powerful individuals who share a psychological dysfunction which makes it impossible for them ever to feel as if they have "enough." Even though they already have "everything" (as compared to the average person) they're always deeply desperate for more. Given the opportunity, they will continue to act like a virus which destroys itself by killing its host. They will never stop themselves or reign in their excesses. They must be restrained (economically, at the very least) if our society (and our species?) is to survive.
Most local and state Chamber of Commerce units are far wiser and more honest than the National.
This is a good proposal. I've worked in investments for 6 years and we get a TON of requests for sustainable funds and investments. The only reason not to adopt this rule is so companies can lie to and mislead their investors.
Judd, you are doing a terrific job of following up on previous reports. These corporate giants each have a flank of lawyers to protect them, but simply repeating their bogus claims of innocence can’t modify the truth that scientific measurement discloses.
Yet another example of America's "Nondemocratic Republic" where corporations regulate government. But they at least allowed their corporate puppets installed by BOTH their owned parties to make Daylight Savings Time official. Wow - such statesmen we can have pride in!
I love this! And I love that you made it transparent and easy for us to "get" so we can speak intelligently with the people in our lives who are avid Chamber supporters. Thank you!
Read The 'Doom Loop' of American Oligarchy at Common Dreams for a companion piece to this reporting.
This is described by the article I read in Common Dreams The 'Doom Loop' of American Oligarchy. Great read on the dismantling of our democracy by greed Some awful people got awfully rich. I’ve said that for years now. Thank you for this newsletter.
The US Chamber of Commerce should be considered a "climate terrorist organization". New tag for these corporations: #climateterroristcorporation
There was a good article in Bloomberg Businessweek about how deceiving ESG ratings are, so I guess I should be surprised at this. Its sad, but it's virtually impossible to boycott all these large companies (we need what they sell), so I don't know the answer.
Great stuff. Make them squeal!
I appreciate your ongoing efforts to highlight the ludicrous twists and turns of the Chamber of Commerce as they attempt to pretend they care about anything other than profits.
Why is there not a truth in advertising law?