This is exactly the type of reporting I love to see. Blow open the entire lobbying system, step by step.

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As a Southern I have to ask myself if there is nepotism in the names. Is Tate Bennett kin to the Tate in Forbes Tate. Down South we often give our children a family surname as their first name . I speculate to keep the family name going in the female side of say a made-up character Mary Grace Tate (of the family in Forbes Tate co founder ) when married to Mr. Bennett, the progeny was named Tate Bennett... Just thinking out loud cause Tate is curious in the name of both Bennett and the company. It's not a usual

given first name.

That being said what a den of thieves lobbyists are and contribute much to the lining of Congressional pockets. They will find ways to pet the Cur Dogs like McConnell where no doubt Tate Bennett learned a great deal of how to be despicable. Harass them more, Judd. I think they deserve it.

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It would actually be interesting to see if the companies that do business with Tate Bennett first, know that the firm hires not just former Trump staff but also what it looks like incompetent staff, and second, if they want to be represented by a company like that? In the end money speaks and the companies might feel like they get their money’s worth, or they think broader reporting like this will make them look bad and in that case they could go to a more “ethical” lobbying firm (if that actually exists)

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I tweeted at Forbes Tate and called, here's their number 202 638 0125

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Their tweet handle: @ForbesTate

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No I meant the clients of FOrbesTate. Obviously contacting themselves is ok too. But i think it would be interesting to see how ForbesTates clients respond to this.

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Public pressure is good, they only have like 600 followers on Twitter, companies are responsive to any pressure. They hired her before the attack and because they thought McConnell would be the Majority Leader. So her job is already in jeopardy. I tried calling and the phone just rings so tweeting is also an option. Also they say they are "Bipartisan" so we should put pressure on lead Democrats to boycott them.

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Those who are surprised by the hiring, the way it was handled, or by trump revoking the EO, please raise your hand.


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Gotta love that revolving door. And by love, I mean deeply despise.

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I hope Biden reverses this policy and that all of these ex-trump administration members are barred from working in the lobbying industry and shunned in the industry as a whole. They should be able to work again of course, but not for a major lobbying firm or any firm for that matter. It's pretty simple in my opinion and I wouldn't hire any of them to mow my lawn. Please keep up this type of reporting if only for the fact that I can avoid every major company that employs ex-trump enablers. Force every company that hires someone from the trump administration to disclose that information publicly and ask them how this person shares their values as a company. We know that they don't and they need to be called out. Excellent work!

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I love that Judd is tracking this kind of stuff. In the same vein as this, can we also keep an eye on Jeffrey Clark (the lawyer who plotted with Trump to oust the AG after the election)?

These people need to be named and shamed for participating in plans to undermine our democracy.

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Great reporting!

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We need to go after Bennett because I’m sure she has done several illegal things she should be held accountable for and Forbes Tate, well, they are too spineless to even announce her hire?? Sounds like yet another corporation that has ‘ETHICS’ problems. Any ex-members of our political administrations must be barred from working for lobbying companies because they have INSIDER INFORMATION and know how to work around all our laws! It’s obvious CONFLICT OF INTEREST and I’m talking about the American public’s ‘interest’!!

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