Even though I had a college internship with the chamber, it was for a particular purpose that I understood, but I never understood the chamber itself. Now, all these years later, your reporting on them has blown my mind. Never did I dream a collective like this could achieve an extreme level of political influence. Naïveté is my only excuse. Campaigns against them aren’t as potent as against individual corps, so I’m glad to see the plan for ATT. I’m leaning toward the strategy that campaigns should focus on what these bills specifically provide/do and the expected outcomes, and then target companies accordingly and specifically.

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I think it would be very helpful to have a label for these people and organizations that is as catchy as "Socialism" that the GQP uses to communicate in sound bites.

"1%" works well for people. What can we label an ATT or Chamber of Commerce when they go for the money instead of society's welfare?

Maybe the "Corporate 1%" because the average company is probably trying do the right thing for the world, since their owners and people are on the front lines?

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The catchy labels Republicans use become widely used because they have a network of bots, trolls & mouthpieces that successfully spread them so far and wide everyone starts using the terms in short order and social media is flooded by them. Dems otoh do not so we are left to play defense again & again & again

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Idk but one thought is to worry less about labels and more about policies.

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Follow the corruption & hypocrisy- right to the Chamber of Commerce. corporate America will continue to buy our elections for the foreseeable future. Seems they aren’t as powerful as they think when going against the will of R “leadership.” The access game is disgusting. We need to get the corporate funding out of our elections, but we’ll never get there without 100% audit trails on both the votes AND THE CODE IN THE MACHINES (both voting and counting) for all vendors. No more proprietary software in the machines, or there will always be a percentage of the population who will never truly believe the announced results of an election

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I believe these companies value their bank accounts and their investors more than anything the US Chamber of Commerce does. Trump's corporate tax cut never trickled down but added megabucks to the corporate portfolio.

I am sure the devil is in the monetary details. US Chamber of Commerce is a Demon, the 1% The Devil. Oh how I despise them. They are pushing us towards minority rule and oligarchy.

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I wish I could share this on Linked In with my professional network. Not until the folks who work for the companies and customers call them to account for their hypocrisy and support for organizations like the Chamber and BRT who secretly work to the thwart efforts to save the planet and lift up the middle class and poor will things change.

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Good to know that fear of Mc Connell, fear of trump, fear of Republicans cooperating on one single thing the Democrats propose is alive and well. Republicans don’t represent their constituents; they stand for corporate power and wealth over their own people! When are the voters going to WAKE UP and STOP supporting them? FOX news continues to suck the brain cells out of these nitwits! They have become a CULT of nonthinkers!

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COC is similar to NRA in that it started as a mainstream advocacy group for a fairly narrow agenda. Like NRA, it has morphed into an elephant advocating an extreme rightwing agenda. It has been decades since COC has been even remotely friendly to liberal causes.

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