Why oh WHY are this guy and his minions not in PRISON???? Also, thanks for the list of hypocritical companies trying to undermine LGBTQ rights. I’m really making efforts to make sure I don’t give them any of my business and hope others will do the same. Money talks.

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Trump plays cards with his hand facing the other players and still wins. He isn't going to stop until he is wearing an orange jump suit but will that ever happen? He lead an attempt to overthrow the election before he left office and the insurrection has never stopped. The 2022 midterms are apt to give control back to his minions as sadly, the Dems haven't been able to control much. The DOJ under Garland has no teeth as he seems to be more interested in the institution than prosecuting.

NY is dragging along the case against Trump and family, which appears to be safe to him as he went to a northern property in NJ to spend time summer golfing. My guess is Florida wouldn't extradite him if he was arrested. DeSantis would be like his Champion ! Trump is emboldened daily that he is Teflon Don. Nothing sticks.

Good job on your reporting being spread far and wide. We still need you to get the monetary reward these MSM are benefitting from. Any reader out there can help. And. PI needs a TV show at least weekly in the public eye and surely there are people reading this that can make it happen.

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Judd’s link “prepared by Russell Ramsland” from the Wash Post is an excellent read to see how the rabbit hole gets created for the zombies to fall into.

As a retired CIO, I am especially annoyed at the use of a supposed high tech company Allied Security Operations Group (CyberNinjas on Steroids) to back up the claims of fraud. ASOG’s use of technical sounding flimflam is being carried far and wide but is based on almost comical science. ASOG’s flimflam extends to their corporate establishment. Just as with CyberNinjas, ASOG’s website talks big talk but dig a bit deeper and you find a whole lot of nothing.

These so-called “security firms” are giving IT a bad name and it’s time for honest and reputable IT firms big and small to take them down.

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Rick Scott was a terrible Governor of Florida, & is a terrible Senator. He is greedy for more power & more money. His election to Senator was close enough for a recount, but unfortunately, he prevailed. He is sucking up to Trump because he hopes to run for President if Trump doesn’t.

The companies who contribute toward Trump & his supporters just want to get favorable legislation. They are not interested in the good of the American people, or our government, or the environment. « The love of money is the root of all evil. » Maybe Marco Rubio will tweet that? But probably not.

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None of this matters, of course. His brainwashed followers either claim that the proofs are fake (while at the same believing that the fake stuff they hear from Tucker Carlson is real) or they just take the next, logical step and say that the election SHOULD be overturned because their Dear Leader should always be in power.

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Republicans have sold out, willingly or not, to Putin with Trump as the carrier of the Russian virus. Not only are they trying to completely destabilize our election processes but the big money, lawyers and grassroots activists are all working up a lather against “Critical Race Theory” which isn’t a curriculum being taught anywhere in public schools. But people have gotten so reactionary and stupid, they overreact and end up corrupting school boards with know-nothing fools who more likely will further erode public school curricula. Democrats think this is all a game but the Right is deadly serious.

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The saddest line in this report is the one that exposes the lie behind the lies: "[f]ocusing on fraud claims allows Republican officials to raise money and attention from devoted Trump supporters."

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