Have been saying this for a long time now, really since the Republican-led Congress decides to try and bankrupt the PO by requiring them to fund retirement benefits 20years out. Ever since, the PO has run in the red and can never get any relief. With this latest move, the proverbial camel’s back may finally be broken, and just in time for the election. The republicans are as predictable as the tides. As such, we just need someone smart enough to predict their next destabilization move on the America we only thought we knew.

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One article I read said that the $5.5 billion the USPS has to put away every year to fund future retirements is for retirees 75 years (or more) from now--if you find that to be in error, please tell me where you got the info...

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“In 2006, Congress passed a law that imposed extraordinary costs on the U.S. Postal Service. The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA) required the USPS to create a $72 billion fund to pay for the cost of its post-retirement health care costs, 75 years into the future.Jul 15, 2019“

I was incorrect with my numbers as you properly pointed out. Above is what Google said. Thanks for pointing my errors out.

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Thank you for confirming what my feeble mind pulled out of the fog--so to speak. :-)

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Frankly, I’m surprised anything I wrote this morning made any sense. Hadn’t had either coffee or breakfast yet and was only half awake. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it 😂.

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And how much do you want to bet that Trump supporters are perfectly okay with this, even if it means that their own mail delivery is being screwed up?

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Losing my mail to own the libs, LOL.

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According to wikipedia, "Critics point to apparent financial conflicts of interest, including DeJoy's investments in USPS contractors and competitors, such as UPS and trucking company J.B. Hunt."

This is what public service has come to.

Stamp out Trump.

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BRAVO Judd!! So pleased to hear the results you got from Costco. It looks like all someone has to do is shed some light on these sneaky, racist, misogynistic donations and the companies are shamed into asking for their contributions back. It just goes to show that bad people operate best in the dark. Keep shining your light Judd!

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Ugly American supported by GOP Ugly Americans

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My question is: Are the cutbacks in mail service being equally dolled out or are they targeting specific zip codes & neighborhoods?

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Well, if I were a betting man...

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My mail in Seattle is not noticeably delayed (yet) except for overseas mail. But we're a reliably blue state, I wonder what it's like in, say, urban parts of the midwest

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I live in a deep red rural part of a blue state. Right after the announcement that USPS wasn’t to have OT, I received a couple of notifications from the postal service that I had deliveries scheduled on Sunday. (Doesn’t happen regularly but not unusual). Well the deliveries never arrived on the Sundays they were supposed to. I received an updated notice later on those Sundays that the delivery had been attempted unsuccessfully because the carrier had no access to the delivery site. That’s bullshit because I live on a paved road, in the middle of a small town and my carrier never has trouble delivering any other day. I sent @USPS a message on twitter complaining about the message excuse. They said they contacted the carrier supervisor of my local post office but when I asked if it was related to that announcement, they went silent and didn’t respond.

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The USPS not only delivers vote by mail, but most Amazon packages, too. Trump gets double his fun for getting at Bezos too. So far, the PO is getting everything to me on time.

I have a Republican zip code in a red county...

My friend retired from PO 5 years ago. She was told she could not be an election worker on the last election because of the Hatch Act. Let that one sink in. The new Postmaster General has conflict of interest up oneside and down the other, but what Hatch Act? Not with our Goya bean selling president and his family.

Where the hell is Congress when you need them?

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I live in Michigan and we also have drop-boxes for our ballots. I dropped off my primary ballot 12 days ahead of time. You left my state out in the article as one that uses drop-boxes.

What I don't know is how many of them there will be in the areas that Trump and the crooked Republicans have deemed too "diverse" to be counted with integrity.

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I actually have cause to commend Joe Manchin for once, and that is a strange feeling.

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