The Trump administration is still prohibiting National Institutes of Health (NIH) staff from issuing virtually all grant funding, an NIH official tells Popular Information.
This post is like when someone asks "Do you have the time?" and the other person answers "Yes."
What we all want to know is what comes next. What are enforcement options that aren't mere statements or fines, and what do countries do if they don't materialize?
They need to start to arrest the white collar people who don’t follow the court orders.. hopefully that would get their attention that the lawsuits are serious.
Exactly. Actually Musk should be deported to South Africa after having been locked up at Gitmo.
I have made up a moniker for myself when writing to politicians and they ask for organization, or I just throw it in. It is Moms Against Musk (MAM). I will be requesting this of all of my elected politicians.
But arrested by whom? Any federal law enforcement agency with jurisdiction is compromised by being a part of the very same executive branch that is breaking the law. This is one of the scariest parts of the Constitutional crisis we're in.
Exactly. And the Courts have no police force. This is why I point out the Trail of Tears happened because Andrew Jackson (the Orange Felon’s favorite past president) ignored the Court which ruled for the Cherokee tribe.
Vance was promoting this in 2021. The statement is in other places. This is one without a paywall.
“ During the interview, Vance offered advice for prospective presidential candidate Donald Trump:
“I think Trump is going to run again in 2024,” he said. “I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”
“And when the courts stop you,” he went on, “stand before the country, and say—” he quoted Andrew Jackson, giving a challenge to the entire constitutional order—“the chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.” . . .
You know by now that Trump's promise to be a disrupter is a declaration to bring our whole democratic system to ruination. His reasoning declares a war on women, on black and brown people, and anyone who ever criticized him. In his unclear mind, he states:
"The purpose of the spending freeze was to ensure compliance with President Trump's Executive Orders prohibiting funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion, or 'DEI,' and 'woke gender ideology.'"
May these wise and alert Federal Judges continue to impact Trump's defiance, and bring him face to face with Justice!
They have no enforcement power. Can we finally all acknowledge that the Constitutional crisis is in progress now? If the rulings of the court are not honored, then we have no rule of law and no country. What are our obligations now as citizens of a country that effectively has been disbanded?
Yes, brilliant lawyers are discussing this problem. Last night Rachel Maddow presented videos of groups (hundreds) of American citizens who are confronting the specific lies fed by their Senators and Reps back to them by email and then by organized groups that overflow the venues supposed to seat hundreds (like 450) into other larger rooms and out into streets. Take heart--the people are acting and speaking--and being seen and heard!
His basic operation has always been no surprise there... he will beat us down until we are exhausted ...just like he has done since the '70's and I am sure his father did before that..
How would SCOTUS enforce an order? Does it have police force. No.
There is a prior history of states ignoring rulings. Desegregation is one. Before that the Trail of Tears resulted from Andrew Jackson ignoring a ruling signed by Justice John Marshall.
By ignoring court orders, the Trump administration is announcing to the nation (& the world) that they have succeeded in their effort to establish an authoritarian regime. Unless there is a serious move by the courts to stop them, we will have been conquered. If there then is a massive citizen uprising, Trump likely will call upon the military to put it down.
Please consider how courts in your area enforce their orders? (Hint: They rely on prosecutors and police.) At the federal level where the Orange Felon is in charge —
“ The Marshals Service serves as the enforcement and security arm of the U.S. federal judiciary, and it is an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice and operates under the direction of the U.S. Attorney General”
Thank you, Ann. Yes, that is true. Given the apparent lack of independence of the DOJ under Bondi, it seems likely that the US Marshals would be called off.
This is from the personal side. It doesn't even address the lack of research that will be done.
This reduction in funds hits my family personally. My daughter is an assistant professor at a prestigious university and she and her colleagues are petrified of not getting the funding for the NIH grant that she has. Money is dispersed as she spends it but is limited to a certain amount per year. She reports her expenses to university which then goes to NIH for the money. Her post docs could lose funding and therefore their jobs. She'll still have to pay her grad students even if it means she has no income. Without the indirect expenses being paid by the grant, it would come out of her limited start up money, the money to get her lab off the ground. Professors could lose their jobs and never he able to get another one.
There is also going to be a trickle-down effect with nonprofits outside of universities. When federal funding dries up, universities will turn to individual wealthy donors and foundations to try and plug the gap. Small and mid-sized nonprofits who appeal to the same donors and apply to the same foundations will have even more competition for what funding there is, leaving many out in the cold. Hundreds, possibly thousands of nonprofits will shut their doors, laying off thousands of people. It's already happening with nonprofits that serve refugees. Also need to note that by law, foundations only need to pay out 5% yearly, even those that are sitting on billions. A lot of that money is hoarded in DAFs (donor-advised funds) that pay out even less. If the foundations sitting on billions don't understand that Yes, the house really *is* on fire & start paying out more than the standard 5%, university research will cease and nonprofits will close by the hundreds. But many are reluctant to pay out more...makes you wonder what side they are truly on.
The brain drain has already started. And young scientists from other countries aren't going to come to the US. Why should they when other countries will be so much better for them?
This is all part of "Make America Sick Again." By ending NIH funding and healthcare, a few can line their pockets as folks die younger, shortening the leech years where folks depend on Social Security and Medicare. Wait for the mandate requiring minorities to chain smoke, killing off additional leeches while bailing out big tobacco.
Lock these guys up. Really, when are the U.S. Marshals going to start knocking on doors of Vought, Musk, Vance, Trump, et al?
My theory, or perhaps my imagination, has it that right now, former military, cops and concerned citizens are mobilizing, in their own militias, without the white supremacy underpinning, to fight this coup that is happening right before our eyes
The leaders of the resistance will not be Chuck, Nancy, Jeffries, or any congressperson or judge. It will not be a current military personnel either but I believe that those in the military who are on the side of Democracy will join the resistance. Trump will attract some, but most will fight for the people not the billionaires. Those who will lead the fight are trained, those who follow them will be like the farmers who picked up their muskets in 1776, to fight tyranny. Those farmers are us.
Did you study Civics? The Courts do not have their own police forces. Do you want Clarence Thomas in charge of a police force enforcing his orders?
“ The Marshals Service serves as the enforcement and security arm of the U.S. federal judiciary, and 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗨.𝗦. 𝗗𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗨.𝗦. 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹.”
I'm inclined to think that current military leaders are watching this attack on all they swore to defend and are quietly gathering consensus and force for a sudden countercoup. If not, then the country really will go over the edge into chaos, making 2020 look like playtime. When the dust settles and the blood is washed off the streets, I can't say which side will declare victory, but the country will never be the same.
Even if that is true (which I doubt) & the military makes a move, then what do we have? The country is gone, folks. Trump, Putin, Xi & whatever other authoritarians they choose to let into the club will be divvying up the global spoils.
Sadly, I think that's your imagination. Any resistance militia could not compete with the National Guard or other armed forces unleashed upon us. If we have fighting in the streets, we will all lose.
once again the Orange Antichrist RUMP, the Supreme MAGGAT M0R0N, violates the law, the Constitution, Ethics and all laws of Common Sense. WHO is going to hold this Tangerine Fascist accountable ?? Doubtful the Corrupt RepuKKKeliKKKan Congress or Corrupt SCOTUS will. It's the beginning of the end for America, unless the people rise up and revolt against that Clementine Caligula and remove him from Office #RESIST
How many DoJ lawyers will need to be sanctioned, jailed or disbarred before Emperor Musk and his stooge Trump understand that the judiciary ain’t playin here? Or will it require Musk and the muskrats to be arrested and jailed? These assholes are not working only in DC where the corrupt acting US attorney can protect them, they are in MD and VA where state power can be brought to bear to support the courts.
Trump will pardon them. Playing by what used to be the rules will no longer work. Everything is going to end up at the feet of SCOTUS. Even if they should rule against Trump & his squad -which is no guarantee - they have no enforcement capability.
There are also serious ethical implications to stopping or even just pausing human subjects clinical research. Statistical significance of the research is imperiled when data collection points are missed, which could render the research meaningless. In losing the possible benefits of clinical research, the risks imposed on participants are no longer ethical. Also, if research is paused or stopped, research participants could miss critical interventions and monitoring, which is also unethical. Not that Musk and his teams are concerned about ethics (see their Neuralink research, for example).
From what I've read, this is significantly disproportionately harmful to red states i.e., his base. As are so many of his unlawful, antidemocratic actions. But he shows no signs of caring. While there may be a small cadre of maga's that are willing to suffer, maybe even die for him, I'm thinking the majority are not.
Fox will tell them that whatever is happening to them if Biden's fault and they will believe it. Think about it - they were denying Covid as they were dying from it.
I just made my daily call to my MAGA representative. Today's issue was the NIH funding cut off. I am an NIH volunteer study subject, so I've had my body poked, prodded, cut and examined for a number of studies. I'm also the daughter of a mom who died of early onset Alzheimer's, a fate no one would wish on anyone. I'm so angry. My voice shakes in my calls. But dammit, I'm going to keep calling every day, screaming about this Felon's destruction.
The voicemail boxes of Virginia and Maryland Senators are full. Friend and I have been trying for days. Keep plugging at your MAGA Congress critters. They're the ones that need to hear from angry constituents to maybe supply the backbone they lost somewhere
I've gotten through to both Warner and Kaine's VM. But it's Ben Cline who's the MAGA wet spaghetti coward. His staffers always pick right up. Guess his base hasn't figured out yet that they're getting screwed.
This post is like when someone asks "Do you have the time?" and the other person answers "Yes."
What we all want to know is what comes next. What are enforcement options that aren't mere statements or fines, and what do countries do if they don't materialize?
My question exactly. So the Trump regime/administration is in contempt. What is the result? Who is brought to the courtroom for sentencing?
The enforcement that the courts have is the US Marshall system, only Trump is their boss so to speak. So, Lucian Truscott explains the tension here.
Thank you Linda...this was eye opening!
thanks for sharing, I guess we'll start hearing about the US Marshalls soon, and Gady Serralta
I think that what was discussed by Lucian Truscott this morning might apply here.
They need to start to arrest the white collar people who don’t follow the court orders.. hopefully that would get their attention that the lawsuits are serious.
elon should be first in line
Exactly. Actually Musk should be deported to South Africa after having been locked up at Gitmo.
I have made up a moniker for myself when writing to politicians and they ask for organization, or I just throw it in. It is Moms Against Musk (MAM). I will be requesting this of all of my elected politicians.
But arrested by whom? Any federal law enforcement agency with jurisdiction is compromised by being a part of the very same executive branch that is breaking the law. This is one of the scariest parts of the Constitutional crisis we're in.
Exactly. And the Courts have no police force. This is why I point out the Trail of Tears happened because Andrew Jackson (the Orange Felon’s favorite past president) ignored the Court which ruled for the Cherokee tribe.
Vance was promoting this in 2021. The statement is in other places. This is one without a paywall.
“ During the interview, Vance offered advice for prospective presidential candidate Donald Trump:
“I think Trump is going to run again in 2024,” he said. “I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”
“And when the courts stop you,” he went on, “stand before the country, and say—” he quoted Andrew Jackson, giving a challenge to the entire constitutional order—“the chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.” . . .
That is the issue. Who will bring this criminal cabal to heel?
Trump has immunity due to July 2024 ruling by SCOTUS.
Now you know why.
You know by now that Trump's promise to be a disrupter is a declaration to bring our whole democratic system to ruination. His reasoning declares a war on women, on black and brown people, and anyone who ever criticized him. In his unclear mind, he states:
"The purpose of the spending freeze was to ensure compliance with President Trump's Executive Orders prohibiting funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion, or 'DEI,' and 'woke gender ideology.'"
May these wise and alert Federal Judges continue to impact Trump's defiance, and bring him face to face with Justice!
They have no enforcement power. Can we finally all acknowledge that the Constitutional crisis is in progress now? If the rulings of the court are not honored, then we have no rule of law and no country. What are our obligations now as citizens of a country that effectively has been disbanded?
Yes, brilliant lawyers are discussing this problem. Last night Rachel Maddow presented videos of groups (hundreds) of American citizens who are confronting the specific lies fed by their Senators and Reps back to them by email and then by organized groups that overflow the venues supposed to seat hundreds (like 450) into other larger rooms and out into streets. Take heart--the people are acting and speaking--and being seen and heard!
So far, they aren’t having much impact at all.
Will Trump be held to account for ignoring the courts?
Doubtful if he ends up at The Supreme Court. Even if he loses, the delay would accomplish his mission.
His basic operation has always been no surprise there... he will beat us down until we are exhausted ...just like he has done since the '70's and I am sure his father did before that..
How would SCOTUS enforce an order? Does it have police force. No.
There is a prior history of states ignoring rulings. Desegregation is one. Before that the Trail of Tears resulted from Andrew Jackson ignoring a ruling signed by Justice John Marshall.
Trump has never been held accountable; with SCOTUS in his pocket, that’s not going to start now.
By ignoring court orders, the Trump administration is announcing to the nation (& the world) that they have succeeded in their effort to establish an authoritarian regime. Unless there is a serious move by the courts to stop them, we will have been conquered. If there then is a massive citizen uprising, Trump likely will call upon the military to put it down.
Exactly what should the Court do?
Please consider how courts in your area enforce their orders? (Hint: They rely on prosecutors and police.) At the federal level where the Orange Felon is in charge —
“ The Marshals Service serves as the enforcement and security arm of the U.S. federal judiciary, and it is an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice and operates under the direction of the U.S. Attorney General”
Thank you, Ann. Yes, that is true. Given the apparent lack of independence of the DOJ under Bondi, it seems likely that the US Marshals would be called off.
This is from the personal side. It doesn't even address the lack of research that will be done.
This reduction in funds hits my family personally. My daughter is an assistant professor at a prestigious university and she and her colleagues are petrified of not getting the funding for the NIH grant that she has. Money is dispersed as she spends it but is limited to a certain amount per year. She reports her expenses to university which then goes to NIH for the money. Her post docs could lose funding and therefore their jobs. She'll still have to pay her grad students even if it means she has no income. Without the indirect expenses being paid by the grant, it would come out of her limited start up money, the money to get her lab off the ground. Professors could lose their jobs and never he able to get another one.
There is also going to be a trickle-down effect with nonprofits outside of universities. When federal funding dries up, universities will turn to individual wealthy donors and foundations to try and plug the gap. Small and mid-sized nonprofits who appeal to the same donors and apply to the same foundations will have even more competition for what funding there is, leaving many out in the cold. Hundreds, possibly thousands of nonprofits will shut their doors, laying off thousands of people. It's already happening with nonprofits that serve refugees. Also need to note that by law, foundations only need to pay out 5% yearly, even those that are sitting on billions. A lot of that money is hoarded in DAFs (donor-advised funds) that pay out even less. If the foundations sitting on billions don't understand that Yes, the house really *is* on fire & start paying out more than the standard 5%, university research will cease and nonprofits will close by the hundreds. But many are reluctant to pay out more...makes you wonder what side they are truly on.
The brain drain has already started. And young scientists from other countries aren't going to come to the US. Why should they when other countries will be so much better for them?
This is all part of "Make America Sick Again." By ending NIH funding and healthcare, a few can line their pockets as folks die younger, shortening the leech years where folks depend on Social Security and Medicare. Wait for the mandate requiring minorities to chain smoke, killing off additional leeches while bailing out big tobacco.
Lock these guys up. Really, when are the U.S. Marshals going to start knocking on doors of Vought, Musk, Vance, Trump, et al?
My theory, or perhaps my imagination, has it that right now, former military, cops and concerned citizens are mobilizing, in their own militias, without the white supremacy underpinning, to fight this coup that is happening right before our eyes
The leaders of the resistance will not be Chuck, Nancy, Jeffries, or any congressperson or judge. It will not be a current military personnel either but I believe that those in the military who are on the side of Democracy will join the resistance. Trump will attract some, but most will fight for the people not the billionaires. Those who will lead the fight are trained, those who follow them will be like the farmers who picked up their muskets in 1776, to fight tyranny. Those farmers are us.
Did you study Civics? The Courts do not have their own police forces. Do you want Clarence Thomas in charge of a police force enforcing his orders?
“ The Marshals Service serves as the enforcement and security arm of the U.S. federal judiciary, and 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗰𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗨.𝗦. 𝗗𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗨.𝗦. 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹.”
I'm inclined to think that current military leaders are watching this attack on all they swore to defend and are quietly gathering consensus and force for a sudden countercoup. If not, then the country really will go over the edge into chaos, making 2020 look like playtime. When the dust settles and the blood is washed off the streets, I can't say which side will declare victory, but the country will never be the same.
Even if that is true (which I doubt) & the military makes a move, then what do we have? The country is gone, folks. Trump, Putin, Xi & whatever other authoritarians they choose to let into the club will be divvying up the global spoils.
Sadly, I think that's your imagination. Any resistance militia could not compete with the National Guard or other armed forces unleashed upon us. If we have fighting in the streets, we will all lose.
Good idea though.
So damn hard getting up every day to read things are getting worse
And apparently nothing can be done about it.
once again the Orange Antichrist RUMP, the Supreme MAGGAT M0R0N, violates the law, the Constitution, Ethics and all laws of Common Sense. WHO is going to hold this Tangerine Fascist accountable ?? Doubtful the Corrupt RepuKKKeliKKKan Congress or Corrupt SCOTUS will. It's the beginning of the end for America, unless the people rise up and revolt against that Clementine Caligula and remove him from Office #RESIST
we are not surprised... what has to happen are his lemmings need to get surprised they have been asked to jump off the cliff before they jump
Cutting off their SS payments, Medicare, and Medicaid would do it. 🤔
And what will they do?
How many DoJ lawyers will need to be sanctioned, jailed or disbarred before Emperor Musk and his stooge Trump understand that the judiciary ain’t playin here? Or will it require Musk and the muskrats to be arrested and jailed? These assholes are not working only in DC where the corrupt acting US attorney can protect them, they are in MD and VA where state power can be brought to bear to support the courts.
As well as any other state we need to prove that we are 3 EQUAL branches of 1 government
Trump will pardon them. Playing by what used to be the rules will no longer work. Everything is going to end up at the feet of SCOTUS. Even if they should rule against Trump & his squad -which is no guarantee - they have no enforcement capability.
There are also serious ethical implications to stopping or even just pausing human subjects clinical research. Statistical significance of the research is imperiled when data collection points are missed, which could render the research meaningless. In losing the possible benefits of clinical research, the risks imposed on participants are no longer ethical. Also, if research is paused or stopped, research participants could miss critical interventions and monitoring, which is also unethical. Not that Musk and his teams are concerned about ethics (see their Neuralink research, for example).
They don't care. The cruelty is the point.
So we're at an impasse? The courts say restore the funding, at least fully fund the grants already in process, the Trump Administration says, nah.
What now?
Not an impasse. Trump/Musk just steamrolls ahead, crushing everything it encounters.
Apparently dear leader doesn’t have to follow no stinkin rules or judicial orders. He’s dear leader and can do no wrong.
Who is going to rein him in? Congress… courts….. voters?
So far nothing seems to affect him.
We are doomed.
He said “dictator on day 1”.
From what I've read, this is significantly disproportionately harmful to red states i.e., his base. As are so many of his unlawful, antidemocratic actions. But he shows no signs of caring. While there may be a small cadre of maga's that are willing to suffer, maybe even die for him, I'm thinking the majority are not.
Yeah, well someone should tell him they own most of the firearms by a wide margin and are the most often caught building explosive devices.
The real trick is to get them to connect the dots and break out of the “Unless the Orange Felon says it we don’t believe it.”
Fox will tell them that whatever is happening to them if Biden's fault and they will believe it. Think about it - they were denying Covid as they were dying from it.
Good point.
I just made my daily call to my MAGA representative. Today's issue was the NIH funding cut off. I am an NIH volunteer study subject, so I've had my body poked, prodded, cut and examined for a number of studies. I'm also the daughter of a mom who died of early onset Alzheimer's, a fate no one would wish on anyone. I'm so angry. My voice shakes in my calls. But dammit, I'm going to keep calling every day, screaming about this Felon's destruction.
The voicemail boxes of Virginia and Maryland Senators are full. Friend and I have been trying for days. Keep plugging at your MAGA Congress critters. They're the ones that need to hear from angry constituents to maybe supply the backbone they lost somewhere
You can email and keep trying to call. They only are interested in contact from constituents. The email forms ask for your address.
The other day they said the switchboards are getting 1500 calls an hour. Way above ‘normal’ switchboard activity.
I got that response from Angus King office. I am not a Mainer, so he can't address my concerns.
I've gotten through to both Warner and Kaine's VM. But it's Ben Cline who's the MAGA wet spaghetti coward. His staffers always pick right up. Guess his base hasn't figured out yet that they're getting screwed.