Women of America, you must continue to stand up for all of our inherent rights to exist as free and equal citizens of planet earth. With a man who found himself somehow president of the United States who has never kept a promise or honored a commitment, we all know we have an unending challenge while Trump has any power. Thank you, Judd, Rebecca, and Noel for using your voices to protect us.
If the Religious Right--arguably one of the most powerful GOP constituencies--is enabled by Trump/GOP to make the "Fertilized Eggs Are Humans" legal concept actual law, ALL abortion in any form, even to save the life of the mother, will be outlawed. All pharmaceutical birth control + IUD's will be outlawed.
Every sexually active woman who has a period will become a baby-killer, a murderer.
The ongoing attack on personal liberties does not end. Every day, some new repression by the Trump administrations, backed philosophically by the likes of the Heritage Foundation and Koch’s, backed financially by big tech billionaires like Musk, Thiel, Zuch, etc. We are reliving a new Gilded Age. Will it have to get worse before Americans revolt?
"Will it have to get worse before Americans revolt?"
In a word, yes. There are far too many of us who refuse to wake and be "woke," so they sleep the sleep of false promises and complicit ignorance like blissful fools.
Too many people are afraid to step up. Adam, I carry my protest sign in my car just in case I see people out. I write emails and make calls through Scott Dworkin's watch dog site. Read his substack. I have followed him on social media for years and he followed me back and still does and so does Tristan Snell. BTW Thousands protested Sat. MSM media...crickets. The Veterans protest group at the National Monument/Lincoln Memorial was an awesome crowd, but you only see it on Social Media and YouTube. The MSM is censoring it. So much for the first amendment.
Unfortunately MSNBC lost a lot of viewership. And even worse, Fox continues to dominate. Medias Touch as a YouTube player is the number one progressive show on the Internet.
Too many people are afraid to step up? Yep. I know some, are friends with some and love some of them too. I work on them as best I can but they'll procrastinate until it's too late if we let them.
I'm on Dworkin's substack too. Cracked him up when I first joined. You see, my middle name is... Scott! Hahaha!
"We" are beginning to realize the power we do have. The Town Halls and demonstrations all over our country are impressive, and impressing many that we the people do have power.
Damn right! There are millions of us and we will have unlikely allies soon as enough folken realize that we are all in the same damn lifeboat and we need to unite against the ones who are actively sinking the ship.
A tortured metaphor to be sure but true nonetheless!
I hope everyone heard Sheldon Whitehouse's analysis of this Schumer yes-no, whether or not to vote for the Republican bill. He brilliantly explains how neither is a good choice in a way that requires extensive thinking. Common' gang, we're up to more refined thinking with the help of people like this Senator from Rhode Island.
I disagree with Whitehose. Trump is going to do everything he feared Trump would do if the government were to be shut down anyway. Standing up to him would have been a useful gesture. Playing it "safe," just made the Democrats look cowardly, useless, and will drive people to 3rd party candidates in the next election who will not be afraid to do something. The Democrats in the Senate appear to be willing to play it safe right into a full blown fascist takeover of the US government at which point the fact that they played it safe will be no protection for them whatsoever.
I don't think you heard what Senator Whitehouse had to say...he was not arguing or discussing either/or, but the ramifications of making either choice. ...subtle? complicated because of an understanding of various options that each decision brings as possibilities.
Of course it's a complicated choice, but the unintended consequences from acquiescing and doing nothing are far more severe because of the impression it amplifies in the voters that, when it counts, Democrats will do nothing. When the same results are likely to happen either way, the choice must always be to stand up for the voters even if it will not change the ultimate results. When the voters are suffering (which they will be more and more), and you have given them the impression that you're not even going to try to help them, you have (rightfully) lost their votes.
If you can see the three dots in the upper right corner of your comment, you can click on it and choose "edit" to make corrections to a post even after a few hours have gone by.
If you are using a phone you may not be able to see the three dots arranged horizontally in the upper right corner of your comment.
You would think by now that people around the world including the U.S. would know that whenever Trump is making a noise with his mouth it is invariably without any doubt whatsoever a bonafide LIE!
I agree Ted. I think you could make a cartoon of him repeatedly getting married and swearing on Bibles, then repeatedly getting inagurated and swearing on Bibles. What do those Bibles think about all this pledging and then dredging?
Trump is in control of every government agency, including the military, Congress and the Courts. I’m afraid Trump’s reign will only end with WWIII as Hitler’s did with WWII. I fear not only for our country for the entire world.
Did anyone really believe he would protect women? Did anyone really believe he had an economic plan? Did anyone really believe...anything he said? Fooled me once, shame on you; fooled me twice, shame on me.
There is absolutely nothing to trust within the corrupt musk/trump regime. This morning I turned on local news just to get the weather forecast. Kristi Noem was doing a commercial! To thank trump for protecting US borders! How much did we all pay for that piece of BS?
Far too much. Just like the reality show flights to Guantanamo. Each participant (political prisoner) cost $30K or more! They cost so much that 300 prisoners tallyed up $16M and counting! That averages out to $58K apiece. What a bizzynezzmin!
This is about the power to control and punish women, everything else is a distraction. Taking away a woman’s bodily autonomy is the first step in forcing women out of the workforce. Sadly it’s hard to get some people to care since half the eligible voters in the U.S. decide voting wasn’t for them.
As usual, you are ahead of the curve on this report, Judd (and Rebecca, and Noel). I expect our President to veer far right for the wrong reasons, as usual.
Women of America, you must continue to stand up for all of our inherent rights to exist as free and equal citizens of planet earth. With a man who found himself somehow president of the United States who has never kept a promise or honored a commitment, we all know we have an unending challenge while Trump has any power. Thank you, Judd, Rebecca, and Noel for using your voices to protect us.
If the Religious Right--arguably one of the most powerful GOP constituencies--is enabled by Trump/GOP to make the "Fertilized Eggs Are Humans" legal concept actual law, ALL abortion in any form, even to save the life of the mother, will be outlawed. All pharmaceutical birth control + IUD's will be outlawed.
Every sexually active woman who has a period will become a baby-killer, a murderer.
A national abortion ban is coming, not thru legislation, but thru regulation. This will not end well.
Every day, it just gets worse. Every day, another group to target. We will all suffer.
Nothing changed. He lied then, he lies now. Truth to Trump is like a stake in the heart of a vampire.
The ongoing attack on personal liberties does not end. Every day, some new repression by the Trump administrations, backed philosophically by the likes of the Heritage Foundation and Koch’s, backed financially by big tech billionaires like Musk, Thiel, Zuch, etc. We are reliving a new Gilded Age. Will it have to get worse before Americans revolt?
"Will it have to get worse before Americans revolt?"
In a word, yes. There are far too many of us who refuse to wake and be "woke," so they sleep the sleep of false promises and complicit ignorance like blissful fools.
Too many people are afraid to step up. Adam, I carry my protest sign in my car just in case I see people out. I write emails and make calls through Scott Dworkin's watch dog site. Read his substack. I have followed him on social media for years and he followed me back and still does and so does Tristan Snell. BTW Thousands protested Sat. MSM media...crickets. The Veterans protest group at the National Monument/Lincoln Memorial was an awesome crowd, but you only see it on Social Media and YouTube. The MSM is censoring it. So much for the first amendment.
Rachel Maddow is highlighting protests across the country every night.
Unfortunately MSNBC lost a lot of viewership. And even worse, Fox continues to dominate. Medias Touch as a YouTube player is the number one progressive show on the Internet.
Too many people are afraid to step up? Yep. I know some, are friends with some and love some of them too. I work on them as best I can but they'll procrastinate until it's too late if we let them.
I'm on Dworkin's substack too. Cracked him up when I first joined. You see, my middle name is... Scott! Hahaha!
"We" are beginning to realize the power we do have. The Town Halls and demonstrations all over our country are impressive, and impressing many that we the people do have power.
Damn right! There are millions of us and we will have unlikely allies soon as enough folken realize that we are all in the same damn lifeboat and we need to unite against the ones who are actively sinking the ship.
A tortured metaphor to be sure but true nonetheless!
Any Democrat in Congress who votes for any Trump nominee, placing any credence in what the nominee says, is an idiot.
Or corrupted through threats or bribes, as they are generally not idiots... with a few obvious exceptions we all know about.
I hope everyone heard Sheldon Whitehouse's analysis of this Schumer yes-no, whether or not to vote for the Republican bill. He brilliantly explains how neither is a good choice in a way that requires extensive thinking. Common' gang, we're up to more refined thinking with the help of people like this Senator from Rhode Island.
I disagree with Whitehose. Trump is going to do everything he feared Trump would do if the government were to be shut down anyway. Standing up to him would have been a useful gesture. Playing it "safe," just made the Democrats look cowardly, useless, and will drive people to 3rd party candidates in the next election who will not be afraid to do something. The Democrats in the Senate appear to be willing to play it safe right into a full blown fascist takeover of the US government at which point the fact that they played it safe will be no protection for them whatsoever.
My concern is that the legalized leeway they have given Trump and DOGE will serve to undermine future lawsuits as well.
I don't think you heard what Senator Whitehouse had to say...he was not arguing or discussing either/or, but the ramifications of making either choice. ...subtle? complicated because of an understanding of various options that each decision brings as possibilities.
Of course it's a complicated choice, but the unintended consequences from acquiescing and doing nothing are far more severe because of the impression it amplifies in the voters that, when it counts, Democrats will do nothing. When the same results are likely to happen either way, the choice must always be to stand up for the voters even if it will not change the ultimate results. When the voters are suffering (which they will be more and more), and you have given them the impression that you're not even going to try to help them, you have (rightfully) lost their votes.
We have 10 thus far.
Oh more than that. My US Senayors voted for some of his cabinet appointees. Kaine and Warner. I called their local offices and rattled the cage
I have a tremor. Senators.
I'm not sure they deserve to be called senators at this point.
If you can see the three dots in the upper right corner of your comment, you can click on it and choose "edit" to make corrections to a post even after a few hours have gone by.
If you are using a phone you may not be able to see the three dots arranged horizontally in the upper right corner of your comment.
You're right. I forgot to count them. We have roughly a baker's dozen then, eh Hazel?
You would think by now that people around the world including the U.S. would know that whenever Trump is making a noise with his mouth it is invariably without any doubt whatsoever a bonafide LIE!
I agree Ted. I think you could make a cartoon of him repeatedly getting married and swearing on Bibles, then repeatedly getting inagurated and swearing on Bibles. What do those Bibles think about all this pledging and then dredging?
Except that this last inauguration, he didn't touch the Bible. I think he was afraid his had would be horribly burned.
I am beginning to feel more and more like a controlled substance.
Until they have their ruling, let’s distribute far and wide.
You're right and the site claims to not retain any identifying data. That aspect will prove to be most important as this situation inevitably worsens.
This will never end.
Unless we find a way to end it...
Trump is in control of every government agency, including the military, Congress and the Courts. I’m afraid Trump’s reign will only end with WWIII as Hitler’s did with WWII. I fear not only for our country for the entire world.
The entire world fears us and some of them fear for us too.
Did anyone really believe he would protect women? Did anyone really believe he had an economic plan? Did anyone really believe...anything he said? Fooled me once, shame on you; fooled me twice, shame on me.
There is absolutely nothing to trust within the corrupt musk/trump regime. This morning I turned on local news just to get the weather forecast. Kristi Noem was doing a commercial! To thank trump for protecting US borders! How much did we all pay for that piece of BS?
Far too much. Just like the reality show flights to Guantanamo. Each participant (political prisoner) cost $30K or more! They cost so much that 300 prisoners tallyed up $16M and counting! That averages out to $58K apiece. What a bizzynezzmin!
This is about the power to control and punish women, everything else is a distraction. Taking away a woman’s bodily autonomy is the first step in forcing women out of the workforce. Sadly it’s hard to get some people to care since half the eligible voters in the U.S. decide voting wasn’t for them.
As usual, you are ahead of the curve on this report, Judd (and Rebecca, and Noel). I expect our President to veer far right for the wrong reasons, as usual.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Edit- Fool me once, shame on you. Try me twice and I'll kick yer ass!