Trump has his money issues as noted well here. Thanks Judd!

Remember: We still don’t know who paid off Kavanaugh’s debts and losses either; then we have Clarence Thomas etc. A lot to learn!

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Yes thanks and I hope you continue to dog these stories.

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Trump is a “billionaire” with a GOFUNDME page. Trump is broke. The RNC, PAC’s, and his campaign organization pay his bills. Trump is a national security risk. His supporters don’t get it.

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His supporters don't care. It's the shooting on 5th Ave scenario he bragged about years ago.

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Oh his supporters "get it" alright. And you know where!

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I guess he’s not rich after all.

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If she's up to it, I think Ms. Carroll should sue the orange traitor again. It's clear no amount of money will shut him up, so I say, take it all. Every last cent. She intends to use it for the benefit of others, so if she can stand it, I hope she takes him to the cleaners and throws him in a drier. Make his life as miserable as she can until he dies. Just as he does to others.

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And take his name off of his buildings, a traitor and rapist should not have his name on buildings!

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I had a dream that djt had been sucked into some other dimension never to be seen or heard from again.

Such a nice dream.

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I am 74 yrs old, and trump is the worst thing to happen to this country in my lifetime. Impeachment, Insurrection, trial appeals, trumpy Judges. His damn stain just will not be removed.

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His DAMN stain just will not be removed.

Emphasis added for emphasis!

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Did he implode in your dream, when he was sucked into the other dimension? I am trying to imagine, a world without "the donald."

And I'd think to myself.." what a wonderful world. "

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There was this YUGE sucking sound as though air were escaping from the world's largest a*s, er, I meant balloon, at a rapid rate and then he vanished into the depths of the Orange Crevasse, never to be seen again!

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God "bless" that dream. ;)) The "orange Crevasse." Apt word..perfect!

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It's WHOLE nother world in there. The Orange Crevasse.

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My mind, it reels to think of orange hell! Especially after all the BIG MACS!

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I am so disheartened it's difficult to write, but have to say Thank You to Mr. Legum for continuing to keep us informed. I just finished reading a small news item that the Pope is encouraging Ukraine to surrender to Russia. Putin is winning; here and in Ukraine because Trump has succeeded in keeping us all distracted from the fact that his winning the election will mean that Putin wins our country as well. Ukraine was fighting the good fight and we all but abandoned them...and we will all pay a hefty price. Losing hope is counter-productive, but news is damning.

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Apparently the story is true: Here is a link to a trustworthy source: https://www.democracynow.org/2024/3/11/headlines/pope_francis_urges_ukraine_to_negotiate_and_have_courage_of_the_white_flag

The Pope is wrong on this one, if for no other reason than for negotiations to take place it is necessary that both sides be willing to negotiate. Putin has repeatedly said that the aim of the war is the elimination of the Ukraine. How on earth does one negotaite under those conditions. BTW the Quisling Trump is reported to have told fellow asshole Orban that if he is elected, "Not a penny for Ukraine".

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But it makes sense that a CATHOLIC Pope would come down in favor of authoritarianism. That’s the structure of the Catholic Church. I know it all. I am infallible. I have a direct line to god. I speak for god. When I (a pedophile) do it, it’s not a crime.

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The Catholic Church has a darkly stained history. Roe vs Wade overturn was applauded by them. They did nothing against the Axis powers in WWII. And within their own ranks supported pedophiles in the priesthood and caused havoc among indigenous peoples.

The irony is President Biden is a good Catholic.

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Oh, I don't know; as an atheist it feels a little weird to be defending the Pope, but basically I think he's a nice guy. Recognizes the need for action on climate change, for instance, something that the US evangelicals are loath to do. And not supportive of Islamist terrorism, juxtaposed against the stance of the mullahs in Tehran; not to mention championing the rights of the Palestinians, vice the actions of some rabbis in the "settlements" and the US.

In my view each and every religion has its authoritarians and appeal to authoritarianism. It's part of what you get when you set your tribe apart from and above the Others.

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Stephen, This is like saying Trump is a good family man. The pope is a man. The end. He sits atop billions in property, riches and jewels. He still leads one of the most corrupt organizations out there, the Catholic church. He’s been better than some but irrelevant to me and many others.

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Ah, yes, the man thing. As one of those, I find it interesting that ascribing malevolent characteristics to my gender is considered not to be sexist, while similar generalizations about the other are. And I never alluded to Trump being a good family man. Does a good family man lust after his own daughter? (Now that I think of it, yes, there is a parallel between Trump and many clergymen.)

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This ^^^

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I saw a headline from that conspiracy theorist Luke Rudendowski (I think that's right)

"The Pope becomomes Unwoke!"

That must have been what he was referring to. He rates very low on my trusted sources of info.

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Let's not overcomplicate this. Trump is in hock to the tune of $91M to a foreign owned company. In spite of the fact that the Chubb is based in the UK, an ally (for now), this is a massive national security risk. And given the shady history Trump has with Chubb, the bond should be rejected out of hand. Especially if it gives Chubb 90 days to fuck around with E. Jean's money after Trump loses the appeal and refuses to pay.

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And let's loook forward to the even bigger fish Donnie has to fry.

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Yes, how will the Saudis or Putin hide their involvement in the $500M bond he has to put up next week?

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Prezactly. We know djt has money on paper but no paper money. Someone else will own another piece of that fat...

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Maybe Jared loaned some of the Saudi bankroll to his father-in-law

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Too many moons to count ago, I started my post college career in the Surety Bonding industry. I moved on after a few years, but the basics are still the same.

Unlike insurance and bank loans, surety assumes zero losses. Any claims are paid with collateral or cash provided by the bonded. Then it is up to the surety to complete the project or make the payment depending on the type of bond.

In reality, the industry will take risks and take less or no collateral depending on the type of client, history with the client and the amount of the bond. Considering Trump's relationship with Chubb's CEO, I'm guessing that the collateral Trump is providing is far less than the value of the bond. As Judd stated, the State doesn't care whether the money comes from Trump or somewhere else as long as the judgements are paid.

Since Chubb is a public company, shareholders might want to know if they are taking one for the team.

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He is probably banking on paying it back with presidential fodder, another reason to vote BLUE. Put nothing past that traitor.

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I really doubt it isn't sufficient collateral, and I think it is probably cash. Greenberg isn't going to subject his company or his shareholders to such a big loss simply as a favor.

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Keep in mind that if Chubb has full cash collateral, the shareholders will not be hurt.

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Didn't one of his kids say they get all the money they need from the Russians? Follow this money and I'm sure that's where it will lead you to..

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Maybe Jared is lending it to his FIL?

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Thank you so much for this extremely well researched journalism. I had no idea that Chubb was also involved earlier with the Trump Tower appraisal. Unbelievable! If you have insurance through Chubb get rid of it now. Whether it’s via Russian connections or not, what a dirty company

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If 91.1 million dollars can’t get him so show some restraint, what will? Unless, of course, he is not capable of restraint.

More than any gaffes about people or places, this behaviors shows that he is unfit to be president. Whether the underlying cause is a personality flaw, psychological disorder or early(?) dementia, he shouldn’t be president.

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". .Unless, of course, he is not capable of restraint". There: You answered your own question.

Seven or eight years ago, I formed my mental image of TFG as a 10 year old school yard bully, a slightly dim boy from abusive parents, big for his age. It has yet to fail me.

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Biff, from Back to the Future

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Thank you, Judd, for continuing to examine the most uncomfortable secrets of how the powerful in our country handle their money. Andrew Weissman posed the smoking gun question of "who was the co-signer?" We wondered if Elon Musk was tapped for that favor. Or, was it the usual Russian connection? No wonder Trump is against Ukraine. [Have to go read Elizabth Carlson's link to Seth Abramson's discoveries....]

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I suspect it was a lender providing full cash, not a cosigner. A cosigner is simply in the position of being sued if the bond has to pay. A surety would much prefer cash in hand they can keep. One of the things the underwriters look at is the likelihood of success on appeal. The less likely, the more they want cash. This appeal doesn't seem to have much in the way of legs.

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Hope the answers to this mystery come to light very soon. Thank you for your knowledge. My intuition tells me that it's Russia with Putin finding a way that doesn't overtly implicate him.

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And mine is that it is an American billionaire wanting to keep tax breaks in place. If it were Russia, it would all come out when it tries to collect on its loan.

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Interesting. I don't know the tax rules and regs, so you are probably close to the truth. But, Putin apparently has so much disposable wealth that he wouldn't need to collect...maybe just manipulate some way to have the needed funds appear.

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File another suit.

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Tя☭mp won’t stop until she owns Mar-A-Lago.

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Hey Donny, Who's your Daddy? Who exacty?!

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It's worth noting that Chubb, while NYSE listed, is headquartered in Zurich, CH. If, and it's a big one...IF trump has any significant money, it's either in the Caribbean or in Switzerland and more likely the latter. The Chubb connection is probably deeper than reported. (As usual excellent work by Judd and team).

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