Legitimately insane to me how many Republicans believe the election was "stolen" from Trump. They're so attuned to the notion of fraud and can't see the fraud (Trump) right in front of their face.

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Have any state legislators in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, or Pennsylvania gone on the record about the below paragraph? I have to imagine any attempt to change electors would be met with a lawsuit immediately. Also, why hasn't the Biden campaign filed any lawsuits yet on the transition funds?

> It goes unstated, but the theory is if the Trump campaign can prevent certification "state legislatures in Republican states could simply appoint a Republican slate of electors for Trump." This theory is also false. While the "Constitution does give state legislatures the right to set the manner for choosing presidential electors" states have "already set the manner: the use of popular election to assign Electoral College votes on a winner-take-all basis in every state but Nebraska and Maine."

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“.. the "Constitution does give state legislatures the right to set the manner for choosing presidential electors states have "already set the manner: the use of popular election to assign Electoral College votes on a winner-take-all basis in every state but Nebraska and Maine."

This part is bothering me “states have "already set the manner: the use of popular election to assign Electoral College votes on a winner-take-all basis in every state but Nebraska and Maine."

If you are saying precedent will prevent Republicans from flipping their EC reps to vote for Trump over Biden, I’m not convinced. If the last four years has taught us anything it’s that tradition and precedent mean nothing to Trump.

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I'm certain President* Trump and all who continue to support him, including Republican Senators, will say his election in 2016 was legitimate and NOT the result of widespread fraud.

What they're saying then is that during the four years when Donald Trump was the Chief Executive of the Executive branch with a massive budget for protecting and continuing American instututions, our American Election process, which has served as an example for the world to emulate for 244 years, has become riddled with fraud and rife with corruption - specifically during the four years when he was in charge.

Seems a good reason to elect somebody else.

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I can only add a couple of things to this frightening scenario.

Call/email your Congressmen and Senators, your Governors. Send email to the big Main Stream Media to make it known that you know about this and why aren't they reporting it, mention Judd, the bunch of Labradoodles know him and his journalism. What they should be doing is up to the tasks he takes on daily!

Send a donation via Act Blue to the 2GA Democrats in the Senate run off

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Years ago, I heard Trump on a show bragging about being good at finding loopholes in our tax system. I'm sure he and his cohorts are looking for any loopholes in our voting system, too.

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I can’t read the comments on my phone so I’m sorry if I am repeating something someone else said. My husband’s concern is that, for example, in Michigan, the state board of elections is half Republicans and half Democrats. Is the Republic as simply refuse to certify to the election results, the legislature (Republican) can send Whatever electors they want to Washington - presumably Republican ones. There’s this idea that the states need a court to decide if the election is invalid but can’t the states simply ignore the results? I know they decided before the election how they would count their votes (electors vs. popular vote). They still have the power to legally ignore the results based on whatever they please, even by saying the results were “unclear,” right?

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