There is something we can do. Email or call you cable provider telling them not only not to raise the fees but that you don’t want to pay for Fox lies. Jessica Craven of Chop wood, Carry Water on her daily email gave contact information for three cable companies, one of which was Comcast. Look her up. I emailed them.
As a general rule, if you have cable or streaming and get ANY news (other than broadcast --ABC, PBS, etc.-- or have Sling Orange), you are PAYING FOR FOX "NEWS." 31 million Spectrum customers have the only out: a very decent but unadvertised TV package called TV Choice that allows a la carte channel selection. More here:
Don't hold your breath. I spent 4 days last November trying to get Spectrum to stop lying about what's included in their "bundled packages" and pursued it up until they started promising to call me back (of course, they never did).
Oh, I have no illusions. I figure the way to get their attention, if for only a nanosecond, is to threaten to cancel everything and go to FIOS (no better, but the only alternative here). Even then there's not much hope they would actually dump Fox.
Wishful thinking. If you've ever had to deal with Spectrum's customer service, you'd know it's a waste of time. With Carlson gone, Fox will experience a loss of revenue. I'm going to cancel my cable service because it's a ripoff, with "bundled" channels I don't watch. I don't watch Fox or CNN or any of the religious channels or ESPN, but I'm paying for them all. Unless literally tens of millions of subscribers demand Fox be defunded, it's a waste of time. Sending emails might make people feel empowered, but that's all it does.
I don't have cable anymore. Just internet. I have a couple of streaming services and since I watch little TV, my viewing is limited to movies and a few excellent series like Southside or Pennyworth. Tulska King was great and the Periphery was awesome (big William Gibson fan here)!
My landlord used to provide free cable until last November when they made a deal with Spectrum to provide us with free WFi and streaming. I noticed that this didn't include local news channels, so I spent 4 days battling with Spectrum for the local channels they said I would have to pay for by signing up for the "bundle" that costs me $73 a month and which I hardly watch. I'm about to finally cancel it and hook up a manual antenna. I pay for 160 channels, of which I only watch 30 minutes of local news a couple of times a week. Cable is a dinosaur, it's obsolete, but watch for streaming to get very expensive, insist that you must "bundle" your channels, and pay for services designed to increase corporate profits. (I am a huge fan of Better Call Saul, Ozark and Stranger Things, and during the 2020 lockdown I endlessly watched the Great British Baking Show. I was so attention-deficit that I couldn't even read books. But for 15 years I lived without TV and didn't miss it at all).
I'm looking forward to Smartmatic winning their lawsuit and draining the blood out of Fox.
Breaking Bad and The Wire too! Better Call Saul is genius!!!
In the 80's and 90's, folken would come to visit and marvel at the fact that I did not own one TV. I actually had a visitor ask if I was "sure" that I didn't own one.
Later, I found I really did have a forgotten TV in the back/bottom of a closet, but it was B/W and didn't work anyway.
I had no TV between 1986 and 2005, when I bought one and then gave it away 3 months later because all I ever watched was the Weather Channel. When I went to live in Egypt, I had satellite TV and used it to watch news/ All I ever saw was Trump's presidential campaign, riots and bombings in Egypt, and horror movies.
There's another logical explanation-- the RNC and Murdochs have realized that the Republicans have a legitimate chance to bring large numbers of conservative Latinos over to Trump in 2024, if they shift rhetoric only slightly. Too many Tucker soundbites about Hispanics for him to stay if they change strategies to focus on Latino recruitment. We consistently underestimate how shrewd they are about race and conservatism.
You are correct. Even after the shooting and killing of children, Uvalde County, Texas went big for Abbott in the '22 election. And all of that was not due to gerrymandering.
Nope. But we know that polical ads do not have to be factual, so a lot of that RW ultra-hyper-hyperbolic BS was poured out over the airwaves from stations that cater to Spanish speaking people's, that went completely unrebutted by the democrats
"...that went completely unrebutted by the Democrats." I saw you and others mention watching horror movies on another thread. That quote from your comment is one of my scariest horrors: Democratic party inaction in the face of blatant lies.
All I can say in response is "Bravo" followed by a string of "expletive deleted's!"
Especially if the existential threat that they face is met with a "ho-hum," business as usual attitude. No real urgency. The opposition is about to disappear you. Abracadabra and poof! Your party will have been outlawed on your watch. What's up dems? Why not GAF? You just embrace apathy?
Personally, as an aware and awake human being, I am not going out like that. I will fight in whatever manner appropriate to the circumstances in which I find myself mired.
I completely hear you. It seems most Democrats are confused into thinking that voters value placid decorum over someone being passionate and ready to rumble for what is right. There is a reason that supporters and haters alike respond to AOC: to opponents she's a threat and for supporters she looks ready to go to the mats for them. Raskin's daily right-wing takedowns, while battling cancer, are similar.
I think the DNC needs to run The Untouchables on a loop at their HQ, specifically Jim Malone's definition of the Chicago Way. Politically, they better get ready to up the ante and the aggression to beat a nakedly authoritarian foe.
This seems like the prime moment for every single decent person with a cable subscription to contact their carrier and request a Fox News-free package. But what about those of us without cable? Are there similar fees for streaming services?
It's similar, but not quite the same for streaming. Fox charges the cable companies a "carriage fee" to put FoX News in their packages, and then the cable company builds that cost into the pricing of their packages. Their customers have access to it, don't have to watch it, but pay for it regardless. Similarly, Netflix signed a deal with Sony, which likely led to some of these pricing maneuvers Netflix has done. Netflix customers are either paying more or getting less to cover the costs of this deal, even if they never watch a Sony produced movie on Netflix.
If there's Fox content, you could. I don't think Fox has any deals with stand alone streaming apps but YouTube TV, Sling, Hulu Live, etc probably all have Fox News.
Why did Dominion settle? They could have gone to trial and won. Called all these people to the stand and effectively ended Fox News. I hope to god that Smartmatic goes to trial and Fox is forced to go to trial and defend themselves on all the obvious lies they spread. DON'T SETTLE!!!
Despite all the evidence, the case was never close to a slam dunk. It got very bad for them very, very fast with Abby Grossberg breaking her silence. I think Fox had a limit that was reached on what they wanted out. When a case gets into bedrock Constitutional rights, things get precarious.
But this ain't over. There is still Smartmatic and perhaps class action suits to come. Maybe. There is also the possibility that a prosecutor out there somewhere could be looking at individuals (looking at you Tucker) to charge with inciting insurrection or possibly espionage charges relating to sources/contacts in Russia.
There have been many legal scholars explain why. [That's why I enjoy watching TV--can watch and learn and listen to input from those highly educated in various fields.] Bottom line: they aren't suing on behalf of the U.S.A. or our Constitution. They are suing because of the extreme damage done to their business and their reputation. (They didn't settle.)
Everyone should contact their cable companies & ask them to drop Fox / Faux "news" . I've contacted verizon before but they just give some BS response. We need to keep up the pressure on them and advertisers to boycott Fox.
I'm getting to that point. I can purchase a series that I want to watch. I don't care if I see the ”premiers”. I was two years behind everyone with Game of Thrones but I caught up before the final season. Never watch news much any more. All reading.
I have a number of friends who haven't had TV for years--they're all big readers. Have to admit, I love watching: news, documentary footage, masterpiece theatre, Tennis Opens (US, Paris, Australia, Wimbledon), and more.
It’s amazing that they can articulate the Replacement Theory as diluting and disenfranchising the “current electorate” but can’t accept that the Electoral College actually does this.
You’re right, Judd. The actual reason he left probably doesn’t matter because, if anything, he’ll probably reincarnate himself on some even more extreme webshow or podcast & claim he was forced out because he angered people. He’ll land on those devilish hooves of his and end up with more money than he has now one way or another
Fox is Russian propaganda. Until we hold all of Fox Network responsible for Rupert and his spawns evil assault on democracy; we're funding the attack while we watch football.
“Whatever the reason Fox News cut ties with Tucker Carlson, it was not a moral stance. That ship sailed long ago.
Fox News is entering a critical time renegotiating its fees with cable companies.”
It would not surprise me if the Murdochs invite Carlson back after their negotiations are concluded, especially if they get their >$3/person/month.
For the Murdochs it’s always been about the money. I am so glad that I do not have cable. How many people who don’t watch Fox and have cable realize that they are supporting its existence?
There is so much conspiracy - real and imagined - with Fox that it’s hard to discern what’s going on. Time will tell if this is a chess match or a romance gone bad. As it plays out, I can confirm only one thing: I’m not watching Fox News no matter who they put on the air.
Just speculation. I believe Carlson can make a lot of coin overseas in countries like Russia, Hungary or any other country where right wing media moguls and autocratic governments want to "Fox News" their country's populace. Yes, I verbed a noun and I just did it again. What would be a joke is if he takes the money yet does his show here in the United States where he wouldn't have to worry about, ahem, disappearing.
I'm waiting for the cable and streaming package companies to offer different services to the left and the right. No FN and the like for left wing subscribers and no MSNBC and the like for right wing subscribers. I sure hope it never comes to this. IMHO, we need access to SENSIBLE information from both sides.
An explanation is gathering steam that Rupert made the "Logan Roy move." Tucker thought he was bigger than Fox, and Hannity and Ingraham weren't far behind. Tucker being handed his head with no warning 10 minutes before the public announcement is a "fuck you, asshole, who do you think you are?" move. Logan Roy would approve. It also keeps Rupert unpredictable - something all those guys cherish.
There is something we can do. Email or call you cable provider telling them not only not to raise the fees but that you don’t want to pay for Fox lies. Jessica Craven of Chop wood, Carry Water on her daily email gave contact information for three cable companies, one of which was Comcast. Look her up. I emailed them.
Here is another group working hard to Defund Fox.
As a general rule, if you have cable or streaming and get ANY news (other than broadcast --ABC, PBS, etc.-- or have Sling Orange), you are PAYING FOR FOX "NEWS." 31 million Spectrum customers have the only out: a very decent but unadvertised TV package called TV Choice that allows a la carte channel selection. More here:
Thank you, just copied the link, and will investigate. I'd like to send it to Comcast and ask for their input--have to figure out how to do that.
Yes. This. I just learned this. Let’s figure out how to get rid of Fox “News”!!
I emailed Spectrum yesterday about Fox. To no one's surprise, I have had no response.
Don't hold your breath. I spent 4 days last November trying to get Spectrum to stop lying about what's included in their "bundled packages" and pursued it up until they started promising to call me back (of course, they never did).
Oh, I have no illusions. I figure the way to get their attention, if for only a nanosecond, is to threaten to cancel everything and go to FIOS (no better, but the only alternative here). Even then there's not much hope they would actually dump Fox.
True. Don't just threaten to cancel. Cancel and let them know why.
Wishful thinking. If you've ever had to deal with Spectrum's customer service, you'd know it's a waste of time. With Carlson gone, Fox will experience a loss of revenue. I'm going to cancel my cable service because it's a ripoff, with "bundled" channels I don't watch. I don't watch Fox or CNN or any of the religious channels or ESPN, but I'm paying for them all. Unless literally tens of millions of subscribers demand Fox be defunded, it's a waste of time. Sending emails might make people feel empowered, but that's all it does.
I don't have cable anymore. Just internet. I have a couple of streaming services and since I watch little TV, my viewing is limited to movies and a few excellent series like Southside or Pennyworth. Tulska King was great and the Periphery was awesome (big William Gibson fan here)!
My landlord used to provide free cable until last November when they made a deal with Spectrum to provide us with free WFi and streaming. I noticed that this didn't include local news channels, so I spent 4 days battling with Spectrum for the local channels they said I would have to pay for by signing up for the "bundle" that costs me $73 a month and which I hardly watch. I'm about to finally cancel it and hook up a manual antenna. I pay for 160 channels, of which I only watch 30 minutes of local news a couple of times a week. Cable is a dinosaur, it's obsolete, but watch for streaming to get very expensive, insist that you must "bundle" your channels, and pay for services designed to increase corporate profits. (I am a huge fan of Better Call Saul, Ozark and Stranger Things, and during the 2020 lockdown I endlessly watched the Great British Baking Show. I was so attention-deficit that I couldn't even read books. But for 15 years I lived without TV and didn't miss it at all).
I'm looking forward to Smartmatic winning their lawsuit and draining the blood out of Fox.
Breaking Bad and The Wire too! Better Call Saul is genius!!!
In the 80's and 90's, folken would come to visit and marvel at the fact that I did not own one TV. I actually had a visitor ask if I was "sure" that I didn't own one.
Later, I found I really did have a forgotten TV in the back/bottom of a closet, but it was B/W and didn't work anyway.
I had no TV between 1986 and 2005, when I bought one and then gave it away 3 months later because all I ever watched was the Weather Channel. When I went to live in Egypt, I had satellite TV and used it to watch news/ All I ever saw was Trump's presidential campaign, riots and bombings in Egypt, and horror movies.
I read more horror than I watch. The riots and bombings are their own sort of horrorshow. Juxtapose them with tfg and woo Charlie!
Listening to "Thru the Looking Glass" by Mott the Hoople while reading this. Oddly apropos.
thanks Sarah, can you post a link ? i can't find that info online (probably was just in the email) thanks
There's another logical explanation-- the RNC and Murdochs have realized that the Republicans have a legitimate chance to bring large numbers of conservative Latinos over to Trump in 2024, if they shift rhetoric only slightly. Too many Tucker soundbites about Hispanics for him to stay if they change strategies to focus on Latino recruitment. We consistently underestimate how shrewd they are about race and conservatism.
You are correct. Even after the shooting and killing of children, Uvalde County, Texas went big for Abbott in the '22 election. And all of that was not due to gerrymandering.
Nope. But we know that polical ads do not have to be factual, so a lot of that RW ultra-hyper-hyperbolic BS was poured out over the airwaves from stations that cater to Spanish speaking people's, that went completely unrebutted by the democrats
"...that went completely unrebutted by the Democrats." I saw you and others mention watching horror movies on another thread. That quote from your comment is one of my scariest horrors: Democratic party inaction in the face of blatant lies.
All I can say in response is "Bravo" followed by a string of "expletive deleted's!"
Especially if the existential threat that they face is met with a "ho-hum," business as usual attitude. No real urgency. The opposition is about to disappear you. Abracadabra and poof! Your party will have been outlawed on your watch. What's up dems? Why not GAF? You just embrace apathy?
Personally, as an aware and awake human being, I am not going out like that. I will fight in whatever manner appropriate to the circumstances in which I find myself mired.
I completely hear you. It seems most Democrats are confused into thinking that voters value placid decorum over someone being passionate and ready to rumble for what is right. There is a reason that supporters and haters alike respond to AOC: to opponents she's a threat and for supporters she looks ready to go to the mats for them. Raskin's daily right-wing takedowns, while battling cancer, are similar.
I think the DNC needs to run The Untouchables on a loop at their HQ, specifically Jim Malone's definition of the Chicago Way. Politically, they better get ready to up the ante and the aggression to beat a nakedly authoritarian foe.
Hahaha. That's My kind of town. Hahaha. Are we well met there Jacobs? I'd like to think so and look forward to reading and replying to your comments.
This seems like the prime moment for every single decent person with a cable subscription to contact their carrier and request a Fox News-free package. But what about those of us without cable? Are there similar fees for streaming services?
It's similar, but not quite the same for streaming. Fox charges the cable companies a "carriage fee" to put FoX News in their packages, and then the cable company builds that cost into the pricing of their packages. Their customers have access to it, don't have to watch it, but pay for it regardless. Similarly, Netflix signed a deal with Sony, which likely led to some of these pricing maneuvers Netflix has done. Netflix customers are either paying more or getting less to cover the costs of this deal, even if they never watch a Sony produced movie on Netflix.
So it is worth contacting our streaming services and asking for a Fox-free package, then?
If there's Fox content, you could. I don't think Fox has any deals with stand alone streaming apps but YouTube TV, Sling, Hulu Live, etc probably all have Fox News.
We have FuBo, and it gets Fox News.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. One of the most punchable faces in history is off the air! At least for now.
Newsnax, OAN or some other "content provider" will likely snap him up in a minute but... his range may be limited by their reach.
In the meantime, I will follow Sarah M's excellent suggestion and contact my provider about a Fox-free package.
Why did Dominion settle? They could have gone to trial and won. Called all these people to the stand and effectively ended Fox News. I hope to god that Smartmatic goes to trial and Fox is forced to go to trial and defend themselves on all the obvious lies they spread. DON'T SETTLE!!!
Despite all the evidence, the case was never close to a slam dunk. It got very bad for them very, very fast with Abby Grossberg breaking her silence. I think Fox had a limit that was reached on what they wanted out. When a case gets into bedrock Constitutional rights, things get precarious.
But this ain't over. There is still Smartmatic and perhaps class action suits to come. Maybe. There is also the possibility that a prosecutor out there somewhere could be looking at individuals (looking at you Tucker) to charge with inciting insurrection or possibly espionage charges relating to sources/contacts in Russia.
There have been many legal scholars explain why. [That's why I enjoy watching TV--can watch and learn and listen to input from those highly educated in various fields.] Bottom line: they aren't suing on behalf of the U.S.A. or our Constitution. They are suing because of the extreme damage done to their business and their reputation. (They didn't settle.)
Dominion most certainly did settle. They got less than what they sued for and it didn't go to trial. That is settling.
Everyone should contact their cable companies & ask them to drop Fox / Faux "news" . I've contacted verizon before but they just give some BS response. We need to keep up the pressure on them and advertisers to boycott Fox.
Why bother with TV at all? I haven’t had it for many years and I don’t miss it.
I'm getting to that point. I can purchase a series that I want to watch. I don't care if I see the ”premiers”. I was two years behind everyone with Game of Thrones but I caught up before the final season. Never watch news much any more. All reading.
I haven't had TV ever in my adult life. Much better for it, methinks.
I have a number of friends who haven't had TV for years--they're all big readers. Have to admit, I love watching: news, documentary footage, masterpiece theatre, Tennis Opens (US, Paris, Australia, Wimbledon), and more.
Both the WSJ and NYTs also cited texts Carlson wrote criticizing management at Fox.
Judd knows- as always, follow the money.
It’s amazing that they can articulate the Replacement Theory as diluting and disenfranchising the “current electorate” but can’t accept that the Electoral College actually does this.
Will fearless leader Putin welcome comrade Carlson with open arms?
You’re right, Judd. The actual reason he left probably doesn’t matter because, if anything, he’ll probably reincarnate himself on some even more extreme webshow or podcast & claim he was forced out because he angered people. He’ll land on those devilish hooves of his and end up with more money than he has now one way or another
Fox is Russian propaganda. Until we hold all of Fox Network responsible for Rupert and his spawns evil assault on democracy; we're funding the attack while we watch football.
“Whatever the reason Fox News cut ties with Tucker Carlson, it was not a moral stance. That ship sailed long ago.
Fox News is entering a critical time renegotiating its fees with cable companies.”
It would not surprise me if the Murdochs invite Carlson back after their negotiations are concluded, especially if they get their >$3/person/month.
For the Murdochs it’s always been about the money. I am so glad that I do not have cable. How many people who don’t watch Fox and have cable realize that they are supporting its existence?
There is so much conspiracy - real and imagined - with Fox that it’s hard to discern what’s going on. Time will tell if this is a chess match or a romance gone bad. As it plays out, I can confirm only one thing: I’m not watching Fox News no matter who they put on the air.
Just speculation. I believe Carlson can make a lot of coin overseas in countries like Russia, Hungary or any other country where right wing media moguls and autocratic governments want to "Fox News" their country's populace. Yes, I verbed a noun and I just did it again. What would be a joke is if he takes the money yet does his show here in the United States where he wouldn't have to worry about, ahem, disappearing.
I'm waiting for the cable and streaming package companies to offer different services to the left and the right. No FN and the like for left wing subscribers and no MSNBC and the like for right wing subscribers. I sure hope it never comes to this. IMHO, we need access to SENSIBLE information from both sides.
“Verbed a noun.” 💯 Easily my new go-to phrase.
Poets make a practice of this...
An explanation is gathering steam that Rupert made the "Logan Roy move." Tucker thought he was bigger than Fox, and Hannity and Ingraham weren't far behind. Tucker being handed his head with no warning 10 minutes before the public announcement is a "fuck you, asshole, who do you think you are?" move. Logan Roy would approve. It also keeps Rupert unpredictable - something all those guys cherish.