I hope one day Tucker will get his comeuppance in the form of FOX News turning on him or his reckless rhetoric putting him in actual legal trouble. At that point, I'm sure he'll use the defense that he is just "playing a character" like Alex Jones.

Ultimately, though, it doesn't matter what he believes. He still peddles bigotry and conspiracy theories to his amenable followers. His final day on the air will be a net gain for society.

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He's already won in a court case with the judge determining that no one could take him seriously, or words to that effect. Here's the story in Business Insider:


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I don't think he or fox would win this time. We're beyond "reasonable" people now. We have text messages proving he, and fox have lied, for years about trump. Behind closed doors saying 1 thing and on-air saying quite another. We're not talking defamation here. Think about it. He needs to be silenced and he needs to say hes lied for years to his viewers. Fox needs their license revoked.

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Methinks I likes that thought a yourn. The story I referred to took place a long time ago, too.

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Well, a large part of the GOP is a death cult, and they usually just love apostates...

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The really sad part is even if fox news loses and it costs them a ton ... the average white nationalist Tucker follower will have more reasons to hate the truth... I'm sure if they are capable of reading they believe these tweets and emails that are coming out are fake .... there really isn't anyway to reach the trumpsters.

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Precisely what makes them incapable of learning from history or any but their "trusted" sources which have been repeatedly proven to be untrustworthy.

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The thing is, Fox News viewers won't hear or read any of this. Literally, not a word.

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So when FOX loses this lawsuit, when will be the time that they have to make a statement on air owning that they have been lying in order to maximize their profits and frankly, that they despise their own viewers? When will my family members learn that FOX considers them ignorant rubes?

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They won't listen I'm afraid. There will be a NEW conspiracy theory explaining how "the left" took Fox from us.

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And yet because of this corrupt exposure maybe one card will fall away from the base of the House of Cards. And then another, and then another. And then...

All fall down.

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Fox may lose some viewers, but not much. Your assumption about conspiracies is correct IMHO though, but for demeaning, not eliminating. Nothing riles up the viewers like an "us vs them" story.

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Yep. Us vs Them is a viewer magnet, hence a ratings enhancer. Ratings mean viewers. Viewers mean money. Viewers RATE everything in an us vs them kind of way- or good vs bad for products and services. All this further augments the media’s ratings. None of this presents a real picture of what’s going on. Moreover it directs our attention AWAY from what is going on.

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For years, I have been telling my fellow liberals to stop explaining things to Republicans. They don’t lack information, they lack integrity.

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For years I have been telling my fellow conservatives to stop explaining thing to liberals because they lack critical thinking skills and clutch their politics like a godless and immoral religion.

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Got to say that it's hard to say who is more deluded - the steadfast GOP base that routinely votes against their best interests, or the steadfast Dem base that also votes against their best interests.

Anyone who thinks that Trump, a bloated trust fund failson who thinks gold-plating the crapper is the height of class is going to rescue the working people is an idiot.

But anyone who thinks that Clinton (who passed all the policies that GWHB couldn't) Obama (who himself said he governed to the right of Reagan) or Biden (whose repeated bailouts to his own useless failson are in direct opposition to the tough talk about getting hard on (poor people's) crime) does anything but serve corporate interests is equally fact resistant.

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Trump is the only anti-establishment candidate in that pile. And anyone that gets all wee weed up over his golden crapper and ignores his 25 year history of talking about stopping the export of working class economic opportunity and importing other country's poverty.

I don't give a flying crap about his golden crapper. I care about ideas, people that put them out there honestly and then go to work to do what they say they will. And the Uniparty establishment needs to be deconstructed and rebuilt. We need a President that is NOT part of that cabal. I would vote for a Democrat that fits that... but the Democrats ARE the primary Uniparty establishment today.

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I appreciate this position, but it ignores the reality of his actual presidency.

Trump basically says whatever he thinks people want to hear. In the beginning of his campaign, he talked about giving everyone universal healthcare.

Trump was consumed by the DC consensus just as quickly as AOC was.

You're right- the ruling class needs to be deposed. But it's going to take someone who isn't a dummy, which means neither Biden or Trump are it.

I like to say I'm an Eisenhower Republican - deeply suspicious of the military industrial complex, strongly pro-union, and think a return to Eisenhower tax rates (where rich people actually paid taxes) is exactly the direction we should be going in.

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Trump does chase stupid rainbows and is undisciplined in speaking, but I think he is more centered in his principles and ideas than most can stomach giving him credit for. Look up the interview on Oprah from 25 years ago. He was talking most of the same talk back then. Trump is honest and committed to making the US and economic power again but one where we make more of the products we consume. This flies against the Wall Street corpiratist cabal that the political uniparty establishment supports and feeds from. Liz Cheney had a net worth of $6 million when was elected and $46 million when she was defeated 7 years later. Our system is corrupted with self-dealing looting charlatans. Trump lost millions if not billions being President. He is anti establishment and it is why they are so committed to take him out.

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Again, you don't need to tell me that the leadership of both parties are hopelessly corrupt. I wholeheartedly agree with just about all the negatives you have laid out.

Where I do disagree with the positives. Which most likely says something about me, personally - but doesn't mean I'm automatically wrong.

I don't see your faith in Trump as something any more reasonable than people's faith in Biden.

Trump didn't do anything in DC other than let the Blob make every decision for him, while he gave rallies.

I give him credit for the COVID checks - it was amazing to see American money going to Americans, rather than some theocracy or allied authoritarian regime.

But he bent the knee to all the usual masters. The Blob made money. Wall Street made money.

We lost money.

Just want to point out that while I disagree with you on a lot, I do appreciate the lack of ignorant sanctimony I get from the libs around here.

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“…explaining thing to liberals…” You don’t have to do that, Frank. Just suggest they watch a few episodes of the Addams Family.

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Ha! You like the execrable FL are a clown. You even write like a clown. When you launched your "newsletter" 9 months ago, did you forget to add content? Or are you a FL sock puppet?

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Your comment, Adam, is mysterious. I was simply dissing Frank for writing the word “thing“ instead of what he meant to write, “things”. The Addams Family reference was to the Thing character. I’ve been writing a blog, not a “newsletter“, for the better part of 15 years, not nine months. I’m not sure where you got that information. As for the overall content, lack of correct grammar and “sock puppet” reference in your post, it’s pretty clear that you are in over your head. Most PI commenters are far more erudite and polite. Look up any words with which you are unfamiliar in my reply.

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Not in over my head though mister:

Coming soon

This is 13th Clown, a newsletter about Tripping Over the truth in silly shoes.


MAY 26, 2022

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The Triad

The Triad

13th Clown

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I see you have not replied to my posting of your empty of content blog. Typical.

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Adam--My blog is anything but empty. Over a 160 posts. www.13thclown.com

Perhaps we should not continue this useless dance of call and response.

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It’s their fragile egos that can not be wrong. They refuse, like their Master to be wrong. They’d die before they’d be wrong.

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"I hate him passionately" That was my first reaction to Tucker (heir to the Swanson Food Empire of Sodium). I have not budged one iota since. But his viewers? What of them? Poor, deluded, dangerously crazed souls who believe in a man who doesn't himself believe what he says?

What will they do when they realize that REALITY does not contain ANY of their supposed "TRUTHS?"

To be informed is to be armed!

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Aye lad. One correction is that actually those crazed souls believe in a man who doesn’t exist. His body may exist. But the invisible part of him doesn’t.

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You mean his...?

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He made himself up. No ground of reality. He thinks if he decides to believe something, anything, it is true. He thinks reality is up for grabs. And yes, I mean his tweaked mind that destroys all it touches. And not on purpose. He cant help it--because he’s not there. If he has a soul it was sold and is now owned by...

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...I haven’t figured that out yet.

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...not for sure anyway.

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Heh heh heh. You no want to know.

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Excellent analysis of how Tucker is a 2 faced demagogue willing to say whatever he thinks 🤔 will sell his bogus points of view 🙄 😒 the sad part is all the wrong doing he has done doesn't even phase him.

He's just like the radical insurrectionists in Congress whose mantra is fake it until you make it 😉 like they all think they can rewrite reality and history if they all just persist in their seditious activities.

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Sad to say it is working out fine for both so far.

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How different would the political and social landscape be today if, in fact, Trump had been treated like a defeated autocrat sentenced to exile? Imagine life without him in the press every day. Without him exhorting his MAGA horde. Hawking MAGA merch. And above all, controlling both Fox "news" and the House of MAGAsentatives. What a wonderful world it would be.

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He continues on, recklessly showing video from Jan 6 that Kevin "the traitor" McCarthy handed over to muddy the waters to free Trump (if the DOJ ever gets off its butt to do anything.) Murdoch is a pal of Putin. Dominion deserves a win. They won't crush Fox. A paltry fine. Maybe a big civil settlement against Fox that ol' Rupert will put off paying like the rich always do.

Tucker Carlson, like Trump, could shoot someone on 5th Ave and get away with it.

Our next 2 years will be fraught with chaos from the GOP House and Fox and Tucker will still be telling lies to the stupid, the white supremacists and very angry white men and women of America and make big bucks hand over fist doing our country continued damage.

Remember when Fox first started the motto was they delivered, "fair and balanced" news. A crock from the beginning.

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A crock of SHITE!!!

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Does that Michigan legislature have anything to say about MTG’s bare arms.🤔

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Forget the arms dude! What about her spork feet?

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These revelations are shocking only if you believe that Fox and Tucker are in the news business. As entertainers they give their audience what they want to hear. That entertainers lie and pretend as a matter of course doesn't matter.

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It ain't NEWS anymore. It's a "product" to be packaged and sold like any other.

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Yes, and this non news reports on any vying factions. There will be an as yet unknown winner and loser. Blood sport. Lions and Christians. Ratings of all kinds serve to select and guide these new packaged contests. All day, every day. Ordinary sensible and logical comments that discuss what might be done to make things better for the people are pushed to the side. They are not the money makers.

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...or maybe it’s just gone ballistic?

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Oh hell no! News is for suckers! Losers! Drama untold! That's what sell those views. Gotta click those ads and make those dollars MULTIPLY!!!!!!!

Capitalism at it's...

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...most cannibalistic?

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Indeed. Parliament/Funkadelic had an album entitled "America Eats her Young." That was in the 70's.

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America has a very big problem! The truth is that hate, anger, outrage sells and Fox knows it and Tucker Carlson knows it. And Fox makes millions and millions because of it - and that is why they do it and are successful (the most watched network) doing it! I suggest you read "Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention and How to Think Deeply Again" by Johann Hari, especially the chapters on the rise of technology that can track and manipulate you. "If it's more enraging, it's more engaging"

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Indeed. And these criminals would incite the unhinged to burn the whole country down in the name of their great god "Profit!"

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But can someone copy all this to Parler or Telegraph or Trump Twitter or wherever Tucker’s 3.5mil viewers hang out now? Replace all the 3+ syllable words so THEY understand this is not a drill. The ONLY people who need to understand they’re being royally hoodwinked are his loyal audience. The rest of us have only been waiting for the slip that reveals he (and his cohorts) lie, lied and keep lying every day. Chumps to Rupert. Doormats to Bush. Co-conspirators to Trump. Like we’ve been saying!

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They would ALL be like: TLDR!

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Hey we are the well educated. We can condense!

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It’s a strong reflection on a significant cross section of America. Just sad.

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The number one talent of truly talented grifters is the ability to figure out what their "mark" most desperately wants to hear, or most desperately wants to be true, telling them they're right to think/believe that, everyone else is lying or wrong, and their "mark" is truly bright, talented, and discerning to have figured it all out.

Once you have them believing that you're with them and that they're right about everything, you can lead them down whatever "garden path" you want, right up to and including their own deaths.

Weasel news has (unconsciously?) discovered (or borrowed from "conservative" faith expressions and demagogues everywhere) another factor: a glitch in the way our human psychological systems function, that causes us to be addicted to the adrenaline "high" we get from constantly being led to be angry and outraged over whatever (false B.S., dishonest, disingenuous) "news" they're feeding us, followed by the endorphin "high" of being told how brilliant we are for being smarter than everyone else, agreeing with them and rejecting everything else.

It's almost as good as an orgasm, especially for those who aren't successful at being, or who are no longer physically able to be sexually active since it activates the same internal chemical reinforcement systems. This is especially true for those who rigidly avoid solo sexual expression because they've been raised to believe that it's a terrible sin, mostly by churches seeking to keep the pews full of children.

People watch Weasel news because it consistently gets them off, with tucktuck as their principal disinformation porn star, but day-by-day, week-be-week, they're swallowing things that are going to get them (and the rest of us, and our Democracy) killed.

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Wow you hit that right on the head, no pun intended. How twisted they truly are. I’ve always said (and indeed on another Substack post, multiple Twitter posts) that sexual repression, thanks to religion and/or childhood trauma (arguably redundant, yes) is more responsible for all this chaos since that’s where it silently resides. Until the Weasel appears with the gift of release. Well said!

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I’ve thought about this very sad sexual repression angle at length and it’s inevitable outgrowths.

Children are shamed and punished and even hit for touching those ‘bad places’.

Shaming is extremely powerful. It’s a large part of how the negative side of Christianity got so hateful and judgmental. It’s why God supposedly hates LBGTQ population.

Usually the first exploration into ‘the down there’ is with the same sex. When caught in the act of learning how things work, and then deeply shamed for it, and at the same time seeing hate looking at them out of their parents eyes, the wheels have been set in motion for that child to cringe and hate certain people and be disgusted by gay and trans people later on. Some rare ones snap out of it thank goodness.

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To add, these poor people also hate whomever turns them on later in life. Misogyny? Maybe.

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I knew a man who was addicted to rage and righteous indignation. This is a real thing. I observed that on those low self-esteem days this man would become grumpy and agitated. He would look around for something to rail against. If he couldn’t find it his inner anxiety/ sadness/weakness (withdrawal symptoms) would lead him to pick a fight with me. Usually though, he could find a mark. It was the gardener, the plumber, the news. Blame had to be part of this equation.

SO: Bad feeling inside> looks around for who is doing it to him> finds the culprit and projects the bad feeling onto them> becomes infuriated like a monster pounding through the house, screaming a diatribe, and blames the mark for why he feels so bad.

This hate/rage/blame rush makes him feel strong and good.

Then he must repeat repeat repeat. It’s a real addiction.

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Wow Greg. You have my admiration mister. Your comment was extremely well stated, obviously from the heart and as laser beam focused as any I've seen.

Not to mention entirely true.

To be informed is to be well armed!

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Good that you call out that Lindell is Carlson's biggest advertiser. Fox News is not advertising dependent -- if you have cable, you are inescapably paying for it. But the petty greed that motivates the likes of Carlson is pathetic and dangerous.

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