"Please, won't someone think of the corporations?"

Even in jest, I feel dirty for writing that.

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This sounds like another great way to kill off minimum wage workers, minorities and poor people ie the working poor. Why don’t we insist all the politicians, company owners, CEOs and shareholders be forced to work alongside these people...I mean, if people are being forced to put their lives at risk for a paycheck shouldn’t everyone be put in the same boat?

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As you stated it’s already incredibly difficult to win when suing a business for negligence in a tort action. Workers, desperate for money to feed their families and pay their mounting bills feel compelled to put themselves in danger for those reasons alone. Give businesses “ultimate immunity” and even those with the means and/or strength to say no to working in precarious circumstances will be effectively sent off to slaughter. In the eyes of Republicans like Mitch McConnell we’re no different than cattle or any other such animal used for labor with little regard for our mental or physical well-being. They use us then replace us with someone more desperate and willing to work for less money. The disposable worker is the ultimate prize for a Republican economy.

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Ever really wondered why the Bolsheviks revolted?

This Trump totalitarian administration and Senate plus the GOP have set the Barr so high to protect the wealthy.

Capitalism first, the test of us be damned.

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