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De Santis is a real tough guy. He s threatening to withdraw all AP classes. And who does that hurt?

The College Board ?

He certainly doesn’t care a scrap if it hurts college bound students.

As it stands Floridas kids will have a pitiful education , based on his , De Santis rules box.

They can’t learn anything

Thats offensive to De Santis.

And anything of value is . He wants to create ignorant little robots that learn little and feel nothing, while their parents hover over them.

I once heard an important and true statement.

“Our job , as parent’s , is to

prepare our children for living and coping in the ‘real world’ . “

Tell me how De Santis gets even close to that .

He does not .

This privileged Yale graduate lives in a fantasy world . His own.

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You wonder if a lot of people in Florida are enraged by DeSantis’ actions. Seems awful quiet in Florida considering the Fascist actions by their Governor.

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Awfully too quiet. Saddens me that family in Florida agree with him/gop

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That occurs to me every day.

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I was just down visiting friends in St. Pete. Talked to a first grade teacher. She says teachers are not feeling the heat in her area, but “down in Manatee it’s bad.” I wonder (and worry) about people working hard, head down, no time to read much news, certainly not on Twitter, much less Substack, Mastadon, or Post.News. I was head down for many years as a single mom trying to get educated, escape an abusive past, and earn enough to support us. I didn’t start paying attention to politics until 2016.

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Who does that? A dick-tater!

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