Love the coverage of CPAC and Matt Schlapp. That Schlapp dude is creepy in so many ways... fits in perfectly with the GOP.

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He reminds me of Roger Stone but without the weird sunglasses

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Creepy for sure. Both of them.

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The GOP or is it the QRP? In any case it is clear what they represent. Matt Schlapp (I'd love to give him one, a Schlapp that is) is one odious character and once again, the key for him is money. Promote policies that disenfranchise people via CPAC, make money, wash and repeat. Vilify companies by calling them woke as a pejorative, then do your level best to weaponize government against them, because they took a (possibly performative) stand for humanity? Sounds about right.

Ron DeSantis needs to go to jail. He is in bed with Matt Gaetz? Ewww! Let them share a cell. Looks like Gaetz will escape with his sex crime resume intact while his wingman goes down in flames. I am sure that the execrable Mr. Gaetz will find other avenues for his comeuppance, being the corrupted tool that he is. And DeSantis is sweating now, or at least one hopes. All types of malfeasance in this effort to stick a finger in Biden's eye using immigrants as the means. May he find his way to an appropriate punishment. Soon!

As always Judd, keep up the fine, fine work!

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It's been the GQP since the FPOTUS administration was in charge

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Ah! Agreed. The Grand Q Party. Makes sense and I will use this acronym going forward. Thank you Josephine T.

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Meidas Touch came up with GQP. I take no credit at all :)

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You are a treasure and I thank you for the suggestion then Josephine. Keep up the good word OK?

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Thank you, Judd for this excellent update breakdown on the DeSantis migrant

situation. Having worked in charter flight

the majority of my business career, I nearly fell out of my chair when I read the

astronomical cost DeSantis has paid his

"backers" at Vertol. And why am I not

surprised the slime,, Matt Gaetz, is

creeping into this. As far as Schlapp/CPAC are concerned, Humpty

Dumpy had a great fall. Keep up the

great work.

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It would seem a slam dunk case could be made that Florida's governor has violated with intent, conspiracy, collusion, premeditation and full knowledge his oath of office and should be summarily removed from office based on more than several violations of his oath of office? And it might be a lesson to other politicians if he were to be held financially responsible for his knowledgeable misuse of funds and legal expenditures for all actions in support of his future run for the presidency of the US?

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution of the state; and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of (title of office) on which I ...

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I love it when we talk about Matt Schlapp in the morning. It feels like…victory! Perfect example of the Projectionist Party - being hostile to families, cops, capitalism, unborn life and gender, while blaming others for it. I’m thrilled his career has been dirtied by his opportunist machinations. He’s such a barnacle.

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Some type of carrion eater that's what that Schlapp is. Are barnacles carrion eaters?

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Nope, but they are beings of questionable origin that clamp onto something and just will..not..let..go. You just can’t get rid of them.

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Noted. Well there you are. A noxious and nasty creature anyway. Thank you for the information Bonnie. Talk to you later. I'm going a' huntin for a troll!

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Brilliant report as always, Judd.

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Matt really can't help himself from saying the quiet parts out loud. I mean, it's his business and all. If he wants to expose himself as a repugnant bigot, so be it.

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Which one (Gaetz or Schlapp), but I only joke poorly.

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I doubt most Americans even know what CPAC is. Too bad as I believe it was at the last CPAC that the guest speaker was Viktor Orban, Hungary’s strongman leader who promotes “The Great Replacement”. Schlapp is a Trump buddy so is just another bully who should be put out of business as Trump should be.

As for DeSantis, he is a younger smarter more dangerous version of Trump: it doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to see that. Would be good to stop him sooner than later and I hope the lawsuits are effective. These are brave people for stepping up, including the migrants. I cannot imagine how brave you have to be to leave your Country. I cannot imagine how desperate things must be to feel you have to leave.

But perhaps we will see some internecine wars in the now-Trumplican Party and they will take care of that for us.

Judd, thank you for putting the truth out there and we who read Popular Information will keep informing others.

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Correct on all counts. I considered asking my friends, workmates and people that I encounter on my regular travels, if they know what CPAC is, but I'm afraid that I'll be very disappointed. I already know most of my beloved family members won't and only a few of my closet friends.

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Everyday I just want to thank you for what you do. Amazing.

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Thank you Judd for your great work!

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DeSantis broke the law? You're kidding! I don't believe it...what will happen to him? Nothing. Maybe a slap on the wrist that says "don't use those funds for your political stunts anymore". Wow. What a punishment for using people's lives as political pawns to advance your racist agenda.

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Well, there are a couple of ongoing investigations, examining his malfeasance. What an excellent early Xmas gift to see that mope carted off to the pokey.

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It's ridiculous how the right-wing simplifies everything then exaggerates it to obscene lies. Wanting racial justice in policing does not suddenly encompass all things "left wing" such as abortion.

These lies and stoking anger are the only way they can appeal to anyone. Unfortunately, some others will step in and support these sycophants.

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Judd, you do such important work! Keep it up. Continue to expose the hypocrites, liars, and radicals who are trying so hard to destroy our democracy, or what’s left of it.

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Judd, this is all good news. I love reading that Matt Schlapp has lost tons of money. That DeSantis has to fight another lawsuit is also music to my ears. Thank you for your always excellent reporting.

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Schlapp needs a good SLAP! He is a scheming, money grubbing shill for the GQP. Like TFG he's only interested in the big buck$ he can make for himself. He's no more righteous than the other schemers who funnel money into the GQP warehouse. Corruption at its finest. Judd, keep on his and other lobbyist trails - whether D or R - they are a menace to democracy.

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YES! Schlapp the Schlitt out of him!

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I got 4 words... Schlapp is a douchebag!! Hold up, make that 8 words... So is Ron DeSantis!! 😡

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I got about 50 more. Ya wana hear em?

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