Why are these so called democrats taking contributions from the shadow money network of libertarianism anyway? Are they "conservative democrats" that hide behind the likes of Mancin and Sinema? I am not familiar with them Judd and once again thank you for your perserverence.

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All three of these Democrats are Blue Dogs, the party's most right-wing caucus.

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That makes whatever sense one can make of this situation. Thank you John Seal.

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Thank you for all you do! I am always impressed with your work, and question why the mainstream media with all its resources does so little with regard to holding powerful people and industries accountable.

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Really great to see from those Disney employees who walked out. Not only did they dare to do so, but they don't sound satisfied with mere corporate platitudes (which they shouldn't be).

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Thank you for holding people in positions of power accountable. I am hopeful that this type of journalism will become the new mainstream.

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I love the follow up on these stories as a way to reduce media amnesia. It's telling to see 3 D congresspersons taking donations from an org that is anathema to the Dem platform. Wondering how many more there are! Of course the Rs are keeping the $$, because grift is the R platform.

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What a shock--no Republicans are cutting ties to the odious Koch family.

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"The vast majority of Koch Industries PAC donations go to Republicans but, thus far, none have indicated they will reject future donations."

Of course they haven't.

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You exemplify why we need independent journalism. Within the law, people and corporations have the right to make whatever choices they (and shareholders) deem appropriate. We have the free press to expose dishonesty, hypocrisy, double standards, grift and crimes. Unfortunately most of the so-called free press is paid by corporations. It is evident every day that you are not.

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Great work! I was surprised/not surprised about the Ds taking money from Koch, but this is the insidious poison that infects all of our politics. Thank you for holding these companies and pols up to the light and giving Democracy another platform!

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Great scoop, Judd!

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We are losing our country slowly day by day. Democracy is dying right before our eyes...

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Great work, Judd and company. Just too bad no Republican representatives gave back their donations.

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I laugh when I read why do Dems take this money in the responses. Both sides of the aisle take money. Don't kid yourselves.

Maybe Disney. An oust this guy by next Feb. You need to look at the Board of Directors. Whst are they like they monitir the CEO.

Good reporting.

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