This won't end when the amendment passes. Like the amendments giving felons the right to vote after they complete their sentences and prior amendments against gerrymandering, DeSantis and his lackeys in the legislature will find a way to keep their six week abortion ban in place, if not in law than in fact. Look for a raft of restrictions, all of which will be illegal if this amendment passes, that will stay in place until they are litigated thru various trial courts and appeals. The only solution for true restoration of abortion rights in Florida is to either pass a national law, or to throw Republicans out of the legislature en masse and replace them with people who actually give a shit about the people of Florida.

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I believe as we all learn about what is going on in the states most thorough in implementing Project 2025s objectives, and hopefully find out who is funding these actions, because I suspect it is not Florida taxpayers alone, we will start to insist on legislation to prevent this, and we will hopefully have a senate who addresses the Supreme Court and other rogue justices in our system so that these fascists don't believe they can get a win. Right now, they are just bleeding those who support democracy of money with lawsuits.

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Floridians who care about our Constitution (the U.S. Constitution) should pressure the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute Florida officials who abuse their powers in ways that Congress made criminal. This seems to be the perfect place to start putting to good use the experience gained in prosecuting Trump.

SCOTUS's decision (unconstitutionally usurping the power to give Trump immunity for his abuse of official power) underscored an important point. SCOTUS emphasized that the president is unique (for reasons related to national security and foreign relations). So Trump's prosecution for particular federal offenses (esp. 18 U.S.C. 241) underscores the principle that state officials can (and should) be prosecuted under that same statute (and under 18 U.S.C. 242).

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The rest of the country is hoping for the return of your freedom, Florida

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In the last two weeks of the election, in my opinion, the abortion issue is the issue.

The overturning of Roe. The extreme language that prevents women from getting life saving treatment for bleeding out or sepsis to “protect”an already dead fetus is very flawed thinking. The increasing number of babies born dead in U.S. due to the insistence women carry to term babies with lethal/horrific birth defects.

The right to choose is actually none of the state’s damn business.

I don’t mince words. Justice Alito, Kevin Roberts, DeSantis & of course lying hypocrite Trump are actually cruel&stupid. There’s nothing pro life about these measures.

If you’re a woman or love a woman DON’T VOTE REPUBLICAN

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I was reading you post and was thinking the same thing. I honestly don’t believe these republicans really care about the babies the mothers or anyone for that matter. I have come to believe it is nothing more than a male power trip.

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MAGAts come in all genders.

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That they do, but the agenda is patriarchal.

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I am sorry I will get this quote not quite correct: Republicans look at an issue&think this hasn’t happened to me, so I don’t care. Democrats look at a problem and don’t want it to happen to anyone.

I know absolutely conservative women have reproductive issues, they consider themselves an exception so they should get help, no one of many women in the same boat.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Imho, I've been following republican former (and current ) legislators, pundits & talking heads. The word's been out for some time that by 2045 or so, the U.S. white majority will change & we will be more mixed racially. Old white men in power have made their thoughts clear over the last 10 years, by word or deed. They fear a white minority, fearing the balance of power will change. Some have even given a "nod" to Viktor Orban ( prime minister of Hungary) & his nod to racial purity under the heading of " traditional values, nationalism & Christianity." He's also warned specifically about " race mixing." & certain leaning towards "nazi type " speechs. I think he may have visited trump. That's all I need to know. Not on my list of good leadership. And, if he's a friend of trump, he's no friend of mine or women in general.

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It’s clear to me for DeSantis, et al. this is about WINNING and not in any way about women’s health. In fact, their misogyny is abundantly clear.

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Amendment 4 genuinely promotes the First amendment. No one worthy of any public office should be allowed to squash these basic American rights. How did DeSantis become popular with anyone? He became Governor running against a Black man who was revealed to behave in a degenerate style just before the election. Is his popularity based on his "purity" as a white family man who is against pregnancy out of wedlock? Florida?

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What struck me about this story, yet another from the administration of Ron DeSantis? Finally, a hero emerges. John Wilson. In sharp contrast to the seemingly endless number of DeSantis minions eager to do his bidding.

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Wilson's resignation also underscores an important point. It underscores the knowledge of at least some of the people responsible for his resignation that they are violating rights secured by our Constitution. Their knowledge would support criminal prosecutions by the U.S. Department of Justice for such abuse of power (as Trump has found out). Any two or more officials who "conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person" under U.S. jurisdiction “in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to” them “by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of” their “having so exercised” any such “right or privilege” commit a crime. 18 U.S.C. 241. 18 U.S.C. 242 covers similar criminal conduct by any person acting alone.

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You are absolutely right! Mr. Wilson is not the first dedicated and honest state employee that has been forced out for telling the truth!

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An ongoing example how to acuse another of a crime by commiting the very same crime yourself. And get away with it. This has probably been an effective strategy forever, but certainly has been very clear within our political and legal systems since the Nixon administration.

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A Canadian friend recently wrote that they have abortion rights, gun control, and universal healthcare.

“What we don’t have are Republicans!“

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Except in parts of Alberta!

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Actually, my sister-in-law in British Columbia says they're starting to infiltrate there too. This is very scary.

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Lots of the trucks that descended on Ottawa a while back were from Alberta

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You might also look at adds the FL Dept. Children and Families funded. These adds are lightly veiled anti-abortion clips that are funded with public money purporting to provide 'all of the options' for unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is not mentioned and by inference is not an 'option'. I believe this qualifies as a 'paid political add' by the desantis administration.

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Corrupt gop and maga cultists will do everything possible legal or not to give the white house to demented trump! The will screw voters' rights first. Exactly what is happening. And dems do not fight back strongly enough. Shame

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Republicans know they can't win fairly, so they cheat. At day's end, a win is a win.

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Want to know what authoritarianism looks like in the USA? Just look at what is currently happening in Florida and Texas. Those two states are the MAGApublican models for authoritarian rule.

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A convicted fraudster/rapist wants to use the military against "the enemy within" & fantasizes about Arnold Palmer's junk…& yet MSM won’t call out the cognitive decline of a fascist to the core. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPKtKJBpmbU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BbtglLsudk

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Thank You,Judd and Rebecca, for your outstanding reporting this morning ☕. Another example of Corporate Media dropping the ball on Top News stories. We appreciate You and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇲💙🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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DeSantis is clumsy but very dangerous.

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The problem as I understand it with DeSantis is the following. I read this article some time ago about him. There were a few comments from roommates of his and friends from college. One person suggested that DeSantis was relatively intelligent, but always thought he was the most intelligent guy in the room. And he was very arrogant about it. Intelligent, crafty & arrogant too. That's only a "winnable" combination, good for a dictatorship; which it appears he aspires to be, in the state of Florida.

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Florida state government now takes the lead in modeling fascism in America. It isn't even subtle. They are arrogant because they believe ultimately the extreme SCOTUS will validate their actions.

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They have some stiff competition from my state of Ohio. It's just quieter up here. But ever bit as fascist.

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It is time for arrests. As soon as we get Harris/Walz in office & we should get a Blue Congress, action must begin immediately. But there is no excuse not to begin prosecutions for these serious constitutional violations by politicians.

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