Greed Over People... Same as it ever was.

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I’ve been talking about how harmful the Kochs are to the US since I read Dark Money. Hard book to get through, chilling when you think that unbalanced people like the Kochs are so powerful in this Country. They are unbalanced in the way Putin is: they live in a bubble and surround themselves with yes men. They own many Congressmen, notably Mitch McConnell. They sponsor ALEC. “ALEC exposed” is a good we site to check to find out more about what it does (think guns and privatization of schools via a DeVos scheme).The Federalist Society which chose Trump’s 3 Supreme Court picks and with whom Alito, Roberts and Thomas have ties is one of their entities. And the Kochs were behind Citizens United.

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wow koch no love for democracy no love for education, those two things seem to go hand in hand.

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Love seeing you quoted on news and in papers,

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https://twitter.com/liberalfenix/status/1504435475720908805?s=21 Koch product list, I’m sure there are more than this but it’s a good start

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Yes, and Dana Milbank wrote a thorough piece for Wa Po

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Koch gives money to universities but insists he approve syllabuses and they have a grip on public programs. We must stop the monopoly over airwaves. This exposure by Judd Legum is like having some of those airwaves back. Journalism at is finest. And gives us something harder and harder to obtain, the truth.

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Your reporting makes a difference every day, and in this case you’ve shown Koch is a brick wall. They’re telling the truth, they’re doing nothing illegal by staying there, it would be difficult for consumers and companies to disentangle from their tentacles, and they are one of the wealthiest private conglomerates in the world. Simply put, they don’t have to do anything they don’t want to do, haven’t had to for a long time, are willing & able to pay the price if they’re found liable for their actions, and have no plans or reasons to change. Ethics, morals, compassion and human decency aren’t factors.

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The Koch family of businesses cares about dollars. That's it. Nothing else has ever mattered.

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We need to find out which companies buy from Koch companies and stop buying their products.

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You and your team are worth your weight in gold. Thank you for your work and articles on the Koch brothers' conglomerate. For these and other American oligarchs, It is truly all about the money.

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Believe me, we are all deeply gratified that your work and writing are being acknowledged and spread by major news sources!

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Is there a comprehensive list of all the brands Koch owns? Seems like there's potential for a boycott on Koch products - if people know what they are. Dare I say world-wide boycott?

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I know for sure they own the Matador cattle ranches in Texas, Kansas and Montana. They do not appear to manufacture many boycottable products, but components such as meat, ethanol, agriculture chemicals, etc.

Koch Industries does own Georgia-Pacific, which manufactures lumber, and paper products.



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Sadly, it will be forgotten (unless pressure is maintained and broadened).

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Great work!

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I want to believe that this won't be forgotten but it will. The right will continue to take Koch's money and pass terrible legislation that benefits corporations over people. Koch is a horrible human being and it's always been $$$ over everything for him. Jane is right on the money.

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PBS, and I believe NPR, receive a fairly large endowment from Koch. That may have changed recently, but I remember NOVA was one of the programs the Koch's supported.

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