Lie, cheat and steal is part of the GOP playbook. This situation could set a dangerous precedent. One more step toward "You'll never have to vote again," because justice is no longer blind. It is compromised by GOP toadie judges up and down the justice system, who put party first, not the rule of law.

Will we lose the right to a "free and fair election and the will of the people be damned?" Sure seems it could happen.

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Oh it has happen in Texas. There is about 60% of eligible voters in Texas that just stay away. The dilution of democrats is so complete that the rethugs (GOP) can easily win statewide races as well as district. They make sure that it is very difficult to get an ID unless you live in a well off area. It is disgusting how they work to make minority voters stay away from the polls by eliminating polling stations and the hoops to get "secure" ID.

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Seems to me the Repugs realize that their leader is a crumbling wreck of personality defects, and their Project 2025 policies are deeply unpopular, so they have two years to destroy democracy else they lose badly in the mid-terms. The clock is ticking, and they seem more aware of that fact than most of the rest of us.

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The only way Republicans can “win” any election anywhere in this country is by cheating. Period. Hard stop.

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Well, there are some hard-right districts in every state. But as more GOP-controlled states strictly gerrymander their districts, more districts are becoming "lean Republican" where voter disenfranchisement, and long lines--or no polling stations at all--in

precincts where Democrats live are normal, and guarantee Republican victories.

Wisconsin was the poster child for GOP gerrymandering, where the GOP--with roughly half of actual voters--had veto-proof 69% supermajorities in both houses of the state Congress. Other Red states, like NC, are little better. Permanent minority rule is the GOP objective; not only at the state level, but in DC as well.

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So when do we Dems say enough is enough and start playing hardball?

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Thanks for highlighting this travesty, Judd. Dems in NC are furious. Marches to Raleigh, etc. It ain’t over until ….

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Yes. Despite the struggle to rebuild post-storm damage, I hope that NC citizens find a way to block this actual attempt to "steal the election" so it doesn't become a new standard.

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Republicans figured it out a long time ago - control the courts and you control everything. IN NC they will hand a seat on the court to the loser of the election. In DC SCOTUS will bury all evidence of Trump criminality for all time. And Roberts whines about criticism of the judiciary...

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Moscow Mitch knew this decades ago and has quite successfully done it... Question is how do we undo it ?

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Lewis Powell Memo detailed it!

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Well said!

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I lived in North Carolina for almost 8 years from 2014 to 2022 and the state was slowly beginning to turn if not blue then I’m gonna say purple. There are many educated and socially aware people living and working in North Carolina. The fact that we continued to have a Democratic governor there spoke well for the future. However, the rural voters of North Carolina kept the state house and the state Senate Republican. And the posturing of these buffoons who call themselves politicians and legislators is ridiculous to say the least. I feel that some of these fights going on in North Carolina are the last dying gasps in the battle to prevent better legislation and democratic practices going forward.

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This is a blatant attempt to steal an election. Republicans only seem to accept election results when they win.

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The rethuglicans have unusual definitions for “winning” and they are spelled “thieving”.

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Heads I win, tails you lose. Right?

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If anyone was wondering what became of Allison Riggs recounted and recounted win of the vote for North Caroline Supreme Court, no need to wonder about the depths of dishonesty conjured up by Jefferson Griffin. And, he wants to be a JUDGE! He lost and lost.

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Only "honest" result is when they win, no matter how many recounts show otherwise. Look at their national leader and the recounts from 2020- verified not once, not twice, but multiple times and they still refused to accept.

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Please get ready for more and more of the big power grab and solidification of power. PLEASE SUPPORT $$$$ ALL LEGAL FIGHTERS in this epic battle going forward. This assault on the very idea of democracy is way more serious than we are willing to admit. I don’t know more than anyone else but we need to get REAL about this. Trump is just the front man. The Nazi like ideologues are smart and very well organized and very well funded. They will coordinate and effectively carry out this power grab by a small but highly effective minority. Most of us do not subscribe to fantasy conspiracy theories. This is not a fantasy. This happening in real time. Our real time . Our life time. Not the future. And the insidious support of the billionaire class for their own gain is so corrupt as to make one wonder if there is any morality left. Where is organized religion ? Morality is not only about sex! Greed is not good. Not in the religious teachings I was exposed to as a child. Big oil corporations label attempts to protect life as “disgraceful”. Reduce Medicare and eliminate Medicaid and reduce Social Security. AGAIN , where are the morality finger wagers of organized religion in all this. And BTW I am not picking on organized religion per se but I am calling out those who put themselves out as guardians of public morality. It is not transgendered people we have to worry about destroying our way of life and not immigrants ! It is the greedy ( individuals and corporations) who support ANY politician who will help them get richer.

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This is one of the most frightening episodes of GOP tactics to-date. If they prevail, it makes clear that there is no legal protection for us in the fight to save our right to vote.

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Until democrats start calling out these actions as autocratic and name these folks as enemies of the people, this will continue. CONservatives have played one game (no rules) while liberals continue to try to take the high road without using their upper hand because the CONservative would cry "foul, witch hunt, unfair" . Time for democrats to get very, very aggressive. They need to find the way forward to make the CONservatives the nail and find the hammer solutions and start hammering!

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Seems like the Dems agree with the GOP- what the he’ll is happening?

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Griffin seems like a playground bully who can't stand losing to a girl!

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This should once again sound the loudest alarm bells nationwide and be the lead story for anyone interested in preserving our democracy.

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And...this is based on the supposition that we still have a democracy to preserve? Musk is the shadow president... no one voted for.

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North Carolina has been suffering under a severe Republican gerrymandered voting system for years now. The super majority in the legislature has run rough shod over the state and the Governor for years and laughs openly about it. The Federal government needed to step in and end the corruption. Now that Trump has control...that will never happen.

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The Roberts court ruled on gerrymandering, that it's a states issue--including for federal House seat districts! Before that GOP Scotus decision, Red states would only gerrymander state rep seats, not Congressional ones. But their new SCOTUS supermajority has made the GOP shamelessly bold.

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Is there a secret ballot? How can the actual voting preference of 60,000 voters be voided by a court ruling? If the courts rule that the 60,000 registrants are invalid and must be voided, not knowing how any of these actually voted, then the entire election would need to be voided and conducted again.

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Good question. Although it is possible to know what party voters are selected or if they are unaffiliated. It was reported that Riggs parents are among the voters swept up in this. It is not the first time the rightwing has tried it. For various reasons it has failed in the past. Seems more like a Hail Mary to create doubt in elections.

NC had a ‘do over election’ several years ago when a bi-partisan election committee refused to certify the results of GOP primary for a House seat. People paid to engage in the fraud testified as witnesses. The center of the storm sat out the do-over but has returned to Congress. Preacher Mark Harris now claims the Democrats stole the seat from him. The felon who acted on his behalf died.


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That would be an option, although, illegal as the recount captured the first voting certification option, as options go. It is now a done deal...It never should have been blocked by the NC court. Period. But the court can do whatever it wants apparently.

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"The Courts will save us."

With what's happening in North Carolina, following SCOTUS decisions, who can believe that sentiment anymore?

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GOP captured the judiciary a while ago

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Trust in the reality that is before you...and act accordingly.

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Lewis Powell Memo - control the courts.

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Suspect GOP will win their cases- they persist & keep defeating the Dems while Dems roll over.

An aside- & I don’t even know what happened to my Dem Senator - Fetterman- who was always a progressive Dem-

Judd- hope PI does a deep dive into what the hell happened to Fetterman to make him behave like a republican? I wrote to him twice via email no response not to confirm any of T’s nominations - publicly he said he supports some of them- WTAF?

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