Your work gives folks the information we need to speak truth to power. TRUTH is the key here. Without it we would be another angry group making unverifiable arguments.

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Great work, Judd. Keep exposing those miscreants!

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It is so therapeutic to see some of the wrongs made right. Honest information. Wow. Powerful.

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Judd strikes again. Our hero!

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You rock while other MSM roll over. Thank you for all you do.

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LOVE it. I am so happy that you are having success doing what you do.

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Excellent! You got on this pretty early and it seems like other mainstream media followed. That alone is a big accomplishment. TBH, it shouldn't take one person with sources and a good instinct for what matters to press the large media people to investigate the biggest stories of today. But that's where we are and I appreciate so much everything you do, Judd. Know you're working v hard and really appreciate it

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Agreed 100%. But sometimes the lone voice is the one thing that gets heard in all the noise. If life were like Hollywood - I'm thinking about the roles that Jimmy Stewart would have played - it can take just one person with fortitude and moral courage to right a wrong. Then, the goodness begins to spread. Contagion isn't always a negative force. (OK, been spending a lot of time inside my own head.)

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While they’ve announced they’re returning the money & Mnuchin said “ there would be “severe consequences” for companies that did not return the money by May 7” You’ll forgive me if I don’t celebrate until that money is safely in the hands of ACTUAL small businesses. And I know we can trust you, Judd, to watch & confirm when it actually happens. Great reporting!

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...and 3 publicly traded hotel chains are refusing to return the money: https://twitter.com/liberalfenix/status/1254530565476438022?s=21

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F-yeah! Nicely done. Your reporting is so critical. It sometimes makes me sick to my stomach because of what it reveals, but wins like these give me a small glimmer of hope.

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Thanks for your part in forcing them to do the right thing!

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You're our hero! Texas has been at the mercy of "bidness as usual" banditry for so long, we hardly recognize it when it slaps us in the face. Hoping you have started something that keeps going viral -- a GOOD virus to be fully appreciated!

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Keep following this story to see if Mnuchin follows through. This administration loves the grand pronouncement -- especially when their cronies are caught red-handed.

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"...we identified 32 companies that pay their CEOs at least $1 million annually but obtained a forgivable loan under the Paycheck Protection Program. One company that received a large loan, Veritone, paid its CEO $18.7 million."

So if there hadn't been exposure, this would have been just fine? This shows perfectly what is wrong with the US.

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This is exactly why we need dedicated journalist like yourself. Am so glad I decided to sign up. Thank you!

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