Thank you for demonstrating that investigative reporting isn’t dead. Excellent work.

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Hell yeah. Inject this right into my veins. Excellent reporting!

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Public shaming is the best way to call these miscreants out. Oh yeah, they have no shame. Thank you for this reporting. Let's see how long it takes for the main stream media to pick up on this.

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Apr 13, 2023
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That should be phase two.

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Oh, one might reasonably assume the pertinent law enforcement officer is similarly compromised. Mud sticks to everyone. Good to check though.

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Let’s see what excuse the Speaker will come up with next. I hardly think using a loophole in Tennessee law will cover living out of District AND charging taxpayers for a commute you don’t do. Let’s see if there is such a thing as “The Rule of Law” in Tennessee.

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There is no rule of law for powerful white men. Period. The end.

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Unless they are from the Democratic Party, black, brown or a pregnant woman!

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Then they wouldn't be "powerful white men" now would they? I don't think the point you appear to be trying to make is either pertinent or appropriate.

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I get what she's says, but man. The wording is messed up. Should be something like this....

The rules only apply if you're a Democrat, POC, woman, Latino, aww heck. Just pick anyone except the Powerful White Man.


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If that's what she meant fine! That isn't what that statement suggests though. She had an opportunity to correct the issue. And I made sure to phrase my statement as "the point you appear to be trying to make" as an invitation for correction if one was forthcoming.

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Yes, you sure did. Maybe I'm wrong and she meant something else. Saying she didn't care was on the rude side, imho. Let's pretend she said what I said because it makes a helluva lot easier more sense. 😁

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Thank you, but I don’t care what you think!

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You are most welcome.

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This just shows you who the thief is. Collecting per diem for travel he actually hadn’t taken, plus collecting money for motel rooms he hadn’t stayed in. The taxpayers of Tennessee are paying for this thief’s home, and he is in violation of the law by living out if his district. By all rights, he should be removed as Speaker of the House, and expelled from office.

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Are there any politicians that aren't thieves or corrupt?? Is it only Republicans being idiots ? Do they even feel any type of guilt for basically stealing from their constituents over and over again! Will anything be done

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To TRY to answer your queries, here goes nothing:

“ Are there any politicians that aren't thieves or corrupt??”

Honestly, I don’t think so, but according to what has been reported in the well investigated article, the Republican Tennessee Speaker of the House has gone ‘under the table’ yo do everything he can to hide the fact that he no longer lives in his district he was elected to represent. He hadn’t lived there for several years. He, and his family, live in Nashville. He has been charging his tax paying constituents mileage yo drive back and forth, for lavish motel rooms (that he’s never set foot in or even used, and everything else he can soak the money for. Almost $100,000. This compared to the Democrat Senator frim the Nashville district that has only charged just over $10,000 per diem for the last two years. A $90,000 difference!!!

“ Is it only Republicans being idiots?”

I have no answer truthfully for this, at this time. BUT, if you look at the direction the GOP has home this past 6 years, it’s quite evident that they all are doing everything they can to break the American people down into submission to fall into their way of thinking. And, in my opinion, the Republicans are following the lead of TFG. Since before his indictment, when it was known he was being indicted, he has collected over $8M from all his ‘sheep’!

“Do they even feel any type of guilt for basically stealing from their constituents over and over again!”

Short answer…..”HELL NO!!!” Not the first one feels any guilt about any of the crooked things they have done. Look at the Republicans that are married, and have children. They are pushing to abolish abortions across the nation. They want it illegal fir a woman to get an abortion in ANY circumstance. They are pushing fir voting laws to be changed, refuse to discuss reasonable gun laws to try to curb the gun violence in our nation.

All they are doing is investigating the Democrats for frivolous bulls**t that doesn’t amount to ANYTHING, running to the aid of the TFG, Boeing to bud every be in and call, and letting him tell them what they need to do. All the while they are charging their constituents, taxpayers, for all their lavish vacations, trips, hotels, and everything else. The Tennessee Speaker of the House is just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure there’s others that are doing the same thing, if not worse.

“Will anything be done?”

Im not sure this can be answered. Here we have a white Republican Speaker of the House in a State Senate that’s clearly racist. That’s already been proven. He’s the leader of a majority Srnste that I doubt will expel him, remove him from his Speajer position, or even censure him.

What NEEDS to happen is he needs to be expelled, immediately. Period! Just like Justice Clarence Thomas. He should he removed frim tje Supreme Court immediately. Every politician that has wrongdoing uncovered by investigation, such as these cases I’ve mentioned should be acted on. I don’t care which party they belong to. If ghetto violate their rules if ethical conduct, or the rules of decorum, they need to be gone.

No discussion. No debate. Nothing. Just pack your s**t and remove your nameplate from your desk and office door, and hit the road. You are out of here!

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Culture flows from the top.

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Now how many other Tennessee representatives also live in Nashville?

Thank you so much for this story -- especially the per diem fraud.

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THIS is why investigative journalism is so integral to democracy. I'm sharing this and hoping to gain more subscribers to this site.

Also, today being "throat-punch-Thursday", I have a number of names on my list of Who Do I Want to Throat-Punch, and I've just added Cameron Sexton to my list.

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Is it a weekly thing? Or just this week? I can get behind either. Louisville has many throats lacking punching.

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Can I join? Is there a membership fee? I got a whole lot of folks to submit for consideration.

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More fantastic work. Thank you.

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Remarkable reporting here. The elaborate steps to conceal the property purchase and the exorbitant amounts claimed for commuting are striking, as are the residency requirements for office holders.

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Oh heck yes! I hit the SUBSCRIBE button so fast after reading this. Classically great watchdog reporting, thank you.

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Wow. This on-the-ground work is exactly why I am a supporter. Nicely dug up, nicely presented.

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Keep calling em out I’m sure there is a lot of corruption in TN and all of the red Supermajority’s legislation especially in the south

Good ol’ frat boys protecting each other...

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Just another good ole GOP frat boy circle jerk.

Fantastic reporting, so grateful here!

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Sexton clearly lies about his residence, going to great pains to hide where his primary residence is. Lying to constituents isn't illegal, but signing a pledge/oath affirming that he is eligible to represent a community based on his residence most likely is illegal. Your investigation to uncover Sexton's lies is great. Let's spread the news and hope that at least some of the voters who claim to want their Christian values reflected in their government really mean it. At least TN can get rid of their lying representative.

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I've been waiting for someone to report out the per diems, since I am not actually an investigative reporter. Thank you Judd :)

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I cannot believe how greedy he is! And how stupid to think he could get away with it.

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If not forJudd, he would have gotten away w it. Let’s hope it gets other media attention, leads to a public shaming, and he loses his seat. Even then, he’ll just use his connections to come up w another grift--lobbying, using his position atOne Bank to keep working for the R party, something slimy. Gotta say though, this was outstanding investigative work. Keep it up Judd. Out the corruption wherever it my lie.

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Nice work. Another substack I've now subscibed to.

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