On Monday, Tennessee Representative Justin Jones (D) distributed a letter to his colleagues in the Tennessee House announcing his intention to call a vote of no confidence in House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R).
I was in the House gallery Monday and one of the two hundred citizens forced to leave by the Speaker’s order. I was there for the so-called gun safety special session and witnessed the silencing of Representative Jones but had no idea of the darker reasoning for his silencing. Thank you for informing us.
You would have been proud to see the citizens shut down, dismissed, and removed from the gallery. Largely moms of school-aged children who have had enough of NRA-sponsored business as usual.
This isn’t over. We’ll be back at the regular session in January getting into good trouble.
Proud of you who stand up. Corrupt elected assembly dismissing the people from their House. Contact the ACLU. File a federal lawsuit between now and then. Far as I can tell your constitutional right to free assembly was violated. Ask the lawyers.
Cathy b - I wrote above that this chills me to the bone. This is out of control Fascism. Yet the onus is placed on the person PROTECTING people to fight off these audacious attacks and silencing.
If it works in one state it will spread. I didn’t find a section listing the powers of the speaker or the House & Senate to discipline their members. However it seems Rep. Jones was “dissenting”.
Article 2 Section 27 of the TN Constitution states:
Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.
I don’t find a similar guarantee in my state Constitution. Only that the votes and business conducted have to be recorded in the journal.
Thank you for being a witness. I'm curious how many of the Covenant Moms will continue to vote Republican after this session. Did you hear any discussion around this issue? I'm thinking in particular of the video of the mom who praised Rep Jones by saying "I'm a Republican, but..."
A good question. Many moms come from affluent and conservative parts of Tennessee. Perhaps they would prefer more moderate Republicans. One of the most extreme GOP legislator comes from Brentwood, a very wealthy community, if not the wealthiest in Tennessee. For me, I think we need to get back in better balance with Dems and Republicans. The current supermajority fears nothing.
My thinking too. They should repeatedly and publicly force the vote question. With every act of silencing, with every expulsion, the Republicans expose themselves as petulant children and their rules of decorum as a pretext for white supremacy. SUNLIGHT IS THE BEST DISINFECTANT.
I'm thinking that it may be a due to a requirement that a 'letter of intent', like Rep. Jones submitted, needs to be distributed before the meeting commences. If that is so, walking out was the only action left to them. Perhaps a better strategy would now be to have every opposition member submit a similar 'letter of intent' (with minor textual differences in each), before the next session commences.
Judd, do you know if such a requirement, to submit a 'letter of intent' before the meeting, not after it has already commenced, exists?
Republicans play dirty and Democrats play the high road, so the Democrats continue to lose strategically, and only win when they have massive help from the voters.
I don’t think they got to the “Unfinished Business” part of the session before it was shut down. This is where the call for a vote would have occurred.
It’s disheartening to read your comments, but I understand your disbelief that this could be happening in America. The South has always been complicated. I am a fifth generation Tennessean, but I lived away from Nashville most of my life, returning to raise my kids. I’ve heard about state corruption for decades, but not until the Covenant School shooting did I wake up and pay attention. The mess here is a wake-up call to everyone, and Judd’s reporting as well as the NYT and CNN have helped to shine a spotlight on the cowards in our state government. Keep it up. We are good people. We are not idiots. But because of gerrymandering, we feel helpless. My US Rep used to be Jim Cooper but his district was redrawn to include counties South of Nashville that are way more conservative, so Andy Ogles represents the very blue district of Nashville. It’s what’s happening in the shadows that is frightening. It’s Smith & Wesson leaving the NE and settling into East TN to manufacture their semi-automatic rifles that frightens me. And it’s the great divide present everywhere and the lack of compassion toward grieving mothers and lack of listening to grieving Black mothers who have lost children to gun violence for decades and decades. That’s all for now.
Seems like it's time for a local DA or the DoJ to look into the Speaker, his residency, his racism and his continuous violation of the civil rights of Justin Jones.
You know what else is off-topic? My rear end. Cameron Sexton can go ahead and kiss it. The man is a liar and a thief and he doesn't deserve to represent his or any other district. He deserves no rest while he continues to hold and abuse his position.
He sounds like another Ken Paxton, an authoritarian in a government position that abuses his privilege and takes what he wants, believing he's entitled to whatever the coffers hold.
Yes, This is nothing new. They become so accustomed to their good ol boy network calling the shots. It’s a rude awakening and intrusion on their arrogance when some “little pip-squeak” reminds them why they’re there. Guys like Sexton forgot how democracy works. When reminded they become outraged and want to kill the messenger. Sexton’s days are numbered.
Spot on. Trump showed them that criming in broad daylight is not only acceptable its admirable as long as you all hate the same people. He also modeled for them them that pathological lying is an advantage. We've had eight years of Trump shoved down our throats, and the worst among us have chosen to emulate him, get into politics, push an authoritarian agenda, and profit off the taxpayers. All of these criminals need to be held accountable.
All true, Melody Annie. In fact crime-ing in broad daylight was a technique perfected by DJT. Nobody could believe it at first. People needed time to adjust.
During that adjustment period he bought lots of time, time to get away with murder. Time to create personal access to greenbacks for himself and his family. Time to take credit for things others created. Time to fire the experienced and hire loyalists and yes men and women.
Now he wants to buy time to postpone his court dates but he has run out of techniques with which to hoodwink people.
But in the end, Sexton is stealing from everyone....affecting everyone. How anyone (due to race/ racism), could champion a man like this, continuing in the seat of power is beyond my understanding.
We don't understand them because we're not motivated by fear and hate! I think people often underestimate the truly frightening damage done by Fox News and it's ilk (Newsmax, Breitbart, etc.) When people believe the very worst about their fellow citizens, and believe the lies told by authoritarians, they will vote for that authoritarian telling the lies because they believe he's their only hope to get rid of what they're fearful of, when in fact they're voting for the one person that will actually implement what they're most fearful of. And none of them can see it, nor will they believe it when confronted with facts and proof. The mental illness in this country, and in the world, has been amplified by Robert Murdoch. He truly is evil personified and, he will face karma one day. And... let's just say I am I hope I'm still alive to see it when it happens.
You are completely right. And when their only policy is to "own the libs" that is all their base cares about. All they see is that Sexton sure did shut them up. They are too short-sighted to see the problem with this behavior.
I appreciate all of the information that Judd has brought into greater public awareness. However, there's more going on in the Tennessee State House than I think any of us can keep up with. I just looked up the local news as reported by newspaper, The Tennessean. I heard Rep. Pearson on Joy Reid's show (Mon. night?), and saw film footage of the law enforcement preventing people from gathering in the upper rotunda--reporters were told they could not gather. More action by the two Justin's and more blocking moves by Cameron Sexton seem to dominate. The Republicans have a firm majority. If this balance changes it would be as a result of the courage and intelligence of these two Justin's, Pearson and Jones.
Thanks for that background info..disturbing as it is. It reflects just how deep corruption lies. Someone like their press, needs to sue respect to upholding 1st amendment rights for the press. Tennesseans need to take back their state & recognize how deep the corruption is in their republican party. The early 1900's are dead & buried. Equality is meant to rule the day, though many don't appear to accept that yet. Wonder how many back room deals/ business is conducted by good ole boys in Tennessee.
Tennesseeans voted for Cameron and they also vote for the likes of Marsha Blackburn. As long as they all hate the same people, they will continue to vote that way.
Speaker Sexton, and his enablers, all need to be expelled. It’s amazing how they can just vote to shut a Representative down who’s trying to abide by the actual rule of law.
Folks need to pay attention to Tennessee. This is how a Dictatorship works! People who follow the law, the Constitution, and try to keep our Democracy in tact, are silenced!
Expel Sexton and his followers. They are not fit for office!
I can’t find a provision like this in my state constitution. Surely it was devised to blunt some of the power at the top:
TN Constitution Article 2, Section 27 — Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.
This is exactly what TN Republican Majority Legislators are changing. They want it where anyone that descents, shows objections, erects signs, will be removed from the chambers. These Democrats showed decent, they were voted to be removed from the Senate floor. Visitors had signs of decent to the Senate rulings, they were removed from the gallery by law enforcement.
This is how TN got this way. They gerrymandered the voting districts exactly as Florida did. This gave them the Super Majority in the Senate, with a Republican governor. Now, the Republicans are doing everything they desire in the state, and if any Democrat Senator disapproves, they vote to have him removed from the Senate floor. Just exactly like Florida!
Question is…how many more states will we allow to take control like thus and move this country closer to Anarchy and Dictatorship?
That’s all this is. The more states that move that way, the more this country will be under the control of Trump, and his enablers!
I could be wrong but it looks to me like legislators have protection for their right to dissent in the TN constitution. To make a change in the constitution the TN Sec of State says an amendment goes on the ballot in a gubernatorial election. To pass it needs a majority of all votes cast.
I wonder if the new rules could be struck down in Court. Or if there is some other provision like “the House and Senate determine discipline for disorderly behavior” that complicates the question.
Ann, you are very correct, I do believe. BUT, I’m going to admit right here that I’m no legal scholar by any means of the word. Maybe, hopefully, one of these esteemed lawyers on here will see this and give us both a legal reply.
I will say, though, with the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the governor all stacked with Republicans, the governor has no problem getting anything through the legislature that he needs put into law, the legislature has had pretty much carte blanche doing as they wish, and the Tennessee Supreme Court has pretty much worked with both the governor and the state legislature amending whatever they needed done.
Look at the Tennessee gun laws. They are pretty much as they were in the early 1800s now. Non-existent.
I hear you … A Davidson County (Nashville) Judge gave protestors and emergency injunction allowing them to have the small paper signs saying that banning all speech (even signs) violated the federal Constitution’s right to free speech. The TN AG filed to overturn it saying the Court had stepped into the jurisdiction of the Legislature to regulate what happens in the Capitol.
The judge dismissed their filing & stuck to her ruling. So we’ll see.
By the way, the Governor called the special session. He/his wife had friends killed at the school. They did not pass the main bill he wanted.
It looks like the crazed & the power hungry are having trouble getting along.
What chance does TN have when folks like these are in charge?.
It would be a pleasant surprise to see some of the established legal protections enforced for the citizens of Tennessee. Most of their politicians have been getting away with everything over many decades at their citizens expense. Healthcare, financial inequality, civil rights, injustice, economic opportunity, education inequities. There are specific reasons for all of these and at the heart lies their corrupt politicians...which by the way relates to most states in this country whose citizens are struggling to survive. Greed and the hunger for power and control are incredibly socially damaging behaviors.
“There are specific reasons for all of these and at the heart lies their corrupt politicians...which by the way relates to most states in this country whose citizens are struggling to survive. Greed and the hunger for power and control are incredibly socially damaging behaviors.”
I thought Miami, Miami-Dade County, and the state of Florida were at the apex of corrupt government, but you set me straight.
Take a close look at Ohio. Arguably the most corrupt state in the Union, but at least north of the Mason-Dixon Line. And my point is, it is at the STATE level we need to be most concerned. It is at the STATE level we need to vote ALL Repubs out of office, send a clear and LOUD message that "We are mad as HELL, and we're NOT gonna take it anymore!!"
Just watching it catch up to most all the politicians...dems', repubs', and others. When too many sell out to big business and go out trick or treating on a repetitive basis... eventually they will get caught under the heavy feet of the industrial complex...
Another bizarre development...
I just can't believe the quality level of the candidates the Republicans are putting forth...has this country tipped to the point of no return?
I've been looking at various stories in statehouses around the country in different ways since the RICO charges in Atlanta. It seems to me that Republicans have been running their states like organized crime syndicates. I think the public is starting to realize this. I also believe this way of doing business has the support of a lot of people, pretty much Republicans.
Former Governor Pete Ricketts of Nebraska ruled with an iron fist and believes his power is absolute. In the last election, he ran for Senate in the seat vacated by Ben Sasse (who's an extreme Christian conservative, but at least he publicly disavowed Trump at every opportunity) and won. Trust me, we all will be seeing some of Rickett's shenanigans on display in Washington in the next few years. He is a diehard Trumper and not used to being told no.
Good article. Tennessee is a prime example of how the road to minority rule is being paved. Gerrymandering has contributed to this and 42 other state legislatures being GOP controlled. Youngkin is using a war chest of bucks in VA to gain full control of the General Assembly in Nov. so we will become # 44. The Democratic Party here still has it's head in the sand, which my Daddy said leaves your butt up in the air for a good A$$ kickin' after the McAullife travesty. Did that happen in TN?
Have to wonder though when you have a Marsha Blackburn in the US Senate that in a general statewide election it's the will of the Tennessee people. The voter, like in Texas and Florida, is the problem? Actually it is compounded by those who don't vote. The real travesty.
Ditto. And re Marsha Blackburn - it’s a mix of young people not voting plus aged Southern good ole frat boys plus gerrymandering. What will be telling is the influx of newcomers to the greater Nashville area plus talk that Rep Gloria Johnson of the Knoxville area may run against her next go around and is well loved by young voters and women. And smart men.
I was in the House gallery Monday and one of the two hundred citizens forced to leave by the Speaker’s order. I was there for the so-called gun safety special session and witnessed the silencing of Representative Jones but had no idea of the darker reasoning for his silencing. Thank you for informing us.
You would have been proud to see the citizens shut down, dismissed, and removed from the gallery. Largely moms of school-aged children who have had enough of NRA-sponsored business as usual.
This isn’t over. We’ll be back at the regular session in January getting into good trouble.
Proud of you who stand up. Corrupt elected assembly dismissing the people from their House. Contact the ACLU. File a federal lawsuit between now and then. Far as I can tell your constitutional right to free assembly was violated. Ask the lawyers.
Cathy b - I wrote above that this chills me to the bone. This is out of control Fascism. Yet the onus is placed on the person PROTECTING people to fight off these audacious attacks and silencing.
If it works in one state it will spread. I didn’t find a section listing the powers of the speaker or the House & Senate to discipline their members. However it seems Rep. Jones was “dissenting”.
Article 2 Section 27 of the TN Constitution states:
Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.
I don’t find a similar guarantee in my state Constitution. Only that the votes and business conducted have to be recorded in the journal.
Thank you for being a witness. I'm curious how many of the Covenant Moms will continue to vote Republican after this session. Did you hear any discussion around this issue? I'm thinking in particular of the video of the mom who praised Rep Jones by saying "I'm a Republican, but..."
A good question. Many moms come from affluent and conservative parts of Tennessee. Perhaps they would prefer more moderate Republicans. One of the most extreme GOP legislator comes from Brentwood, a very wealthy community, if not the wealthiest in Tennessee. For me, I think we need to get back in better balance with Dems and Republicans. The current supermajority fears nothing.
Well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Robert Gray- GO! GO! GO! And thank you for making me smile and clap my hands this morning! We ALL must do this.
Why didn't one of the other Democrats bring up the no confidence vote, rather than walk out? They should have in my opinion.
My thinking too. They should repeatedly and publicly force the vote question. With every act of silencing, with every expulsion, the Republicans expose themselves as petulant children and their rules of decorum as a pretext for white supremacy. SUNLIGHT IS THE BEST DISINFECTANT.
I'm thinking that it may be a due to a requirement that a 'letter of intent', like Rep. Jones submitted, needs to be distributed before the meeting commences. If that is so, walking out was the only action left to them. Perhaps a better strategy would now be to have every opposition member submit a similar 'letter of intent' (with minor textual differences in each), before the next session commences.
Judd, do you know if such a requirement, to submit a 'letter of intent' before the meeting, not after it has already commenced, exists?
Republicans play dirty and Democrats play the high road, so the Democrats continue to lose strategically, and only win when they have massive help from the voters.
I don’t think they got to the “Unfinished Business” part of the session before it was shut down. This is where the call for a vote would have occurred.
Wouldn't it be nice to see Speaker Sexton silenced for once and for all?
Adam, In prison? ;) Isn't collecting money you're not entitled to called malfeasance? I could be wrong.....but..
Doesn't go far enough, imo
It’s disheartening to read your comments, but I understand your disbelief that this could be happening in America. The South has always been complicated. I am a fifth generation Tennessean, but I lived away from Nashville most of my life, returning to raise my kids. I’ve heard about state corruption for decades, but not until the Covenant School shooting did I wake up and pay attention. The mess here is a wake-up call to everyone, and Judd’s reporting as well as the NYT and CNN have helped to shine a spotlight on the cowards in our state government. Keep it up. We are good people. We are not idiots. But because of gerrymandering, we feel helpless. My US Rep used to be Jim Cooper but his district was redrawn to include counties South of Nashville that are way more conservative, so Andy Ogles represents the very blue district of Nashville. It’s what’s happening in the shadows that is frightening. It’s Smith & Wesson leaving the NE and settling into East TN to manufacture their semi-automatic rifles that frightens me. And it’s the great divide present everywhere and the lack of compassion toward grieving mothers and lack of listening to grieving Black mothers who have lost children to gun violence for decades and decades. That’s all for now.
Thank you Anne, for shining a spotlight on the gerrymandering issue. It shocked me that Nashville had a GOP representative but now I understand why.
Anne Byrn We have watched these forms of cheating in silence for too long. I’m hopeful good people in these states will make a new direction happen.
Seems like it's time for a local DA or the DoJ to look into the Speaker, his residency, his racism and his continuous violation of the civil rights of Justin Jones.
You know what else is off-topic? My rear end. Cameron Sexton can go ahead and kiss it. The man is a liar and a thief and he doesn't deserve to represent his or any other district. He deserves no rest while he continues to hold and abuse his position.
He sounds like another Ken Paxton, an authoritarian in a government position that abuses his privilege and takes what he wants, believing he's entitled to whatever the coffers hold.
Yes, This is nothing new. They become so accustomed to their good ol boy network calling the shots. It’s a rude awakening and intrusion on their arrogance when some “little pip-squeak” reminds them why they’re there. Guys like Sexton forgot how democracy works. When reminded they become outraged and want to kill the messenger. Sexton’s days are numbered.
Spot on. Trump showed them that criming in broad daylight is not only acceptable its admirable as long as you all hate the same people. He also modeled for them them that pathological lying is an advantage. We've had eight years of Trump shoved down our throats, and the worst among us have chosen to emulate him, get into politics, push an authoritarian agenda, and profit off the taxpayers. All of these criminals need to be held accountable.
All true, Melody Annie. In fact crime-ing in broad daylight was a technique perfected by DJT. Nobody could believe it at first. People needed time to adjust.
During that adjustment period he bought lots of time, time to get away with murder. Time to create personal access to greenbacks for himself and his family. Time to take credit for things others created. Time to fire the experienced and hire loyalists and yes men and women.
Now he wants to buy time to postpone his court dates but he has run out of techniques with which to hoodwink people.
Well said!
Thank you to Judd Legum.
A liar and a thief is unfortunately exactly what republican voters want in a representative.
But in the end, Sexton is stealing from everyone....affecting everyone. How anyone (due to race/ racism), could champion a man like this, continuing in the seat of power is beyond my understanding.
We don't understand them because we're not motivated by fear and hate! I think people often underestimate the truly frightening damage done by Fox News and it's ilk (Newsmax, Breitbart, etc.) When people believe the very worst about their fellow citizens, and believe the lies told by authoritarians, they will vote for that authoritarian telling the lies because they believe he's their only hope to get rid of what they're fearful of, when in fact they're voting for the one person that will actually implement what they're most fearful of. And none of them can see it, nor will they believe it when confronted with facts and proof. The mental illness in this country, and in the world, has been amplified by Robert Murdoch. He truly is evil personified and, he will face karma one day. And... let's just say I am I hope I'm still alive to see it when it happens.
You are completely right. And when their only policy is to "own the libs" that is all their base cares about. All they see is that Sexton sure did shut them up. They are too short-sighted to see the problem with this behavior.
Thanks ☺️
I appreciate all of the information that Judd has brought into greater public awareness. However, there's more going on in the Tennessee State House than I think any of us can keep up with. I just looked up the local news as reported by newspaper, The Tennessean. I heard Rep. Pearson on Joy Reid's show (Mon. night?), and saw film footage of the law enforcement preventing people from gathering in the upper rotunda--reporters were told they could not gather. More action by the two Justin's and more blocking moves by Cameron Sexton seem to dominate. The Republicans have a firm majority. If this balance changes it would be as a result of the courage and intelligence of these two Justin's, Pearson and Jones.
That is correct. They are brave. Rules are being rewritten because of the super majority. Gerrymandering has taken the power away from the people.
Thanks for that background info..disturbing as it is. It reflects just how deep corruption lies. Someone like their press, needs to sue respect to upholding 1st amendment rights for the press. Tennesseans need to take back their state & recognize how deep the corruption is in their republican party. The early 1900's are dead & buried. Equality is meant to rule the day, though many don't appear to accept that yet. Wonder how many back room deals/ business is conducted by good ole boys in Tennessee.
Tennesseeans voted for Cameron and they also vote for the likes of Marsha Blackburn. As long as they all hate the same people, they will continue to vote that way.
Welcome to 1938 Germany.
Or 1925 Tennessee
Ain't that the truth! And I thought the 60's were bad. Augh..............
This is outrageous!! Thanks for your reporting and helping to fight the good fight.
Speaker Sexton, and his enablers, all need to be expelled. It’s amazing how they can just vote to shut a Representative down who’s trying to abide by the actual rule of law.
Folks need to pay attention to Tennessee. This is how a Dictatorship works! People who follow the law, the Constitution, and try to keep our Democracy in tact, are silenced!
Expel Sexton and his followers. They are not fit for office!
I can’t find a provision like this in my state constitution. Surely it was devised to blunt some of the power at the top:
TN Constitution Article 2, Section 27 — Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.
This is exactly what TN Republican Majority Legislators are changing. They want it where anyone that descents, shows objections, erects signs, will be removed from the chambers. These Democrats showed decent, they were voted to be removed from the Senate floor. Visitors had signs of decent to the Senate rulings, they were removed from the gallery by law enforcement.
This is how TN got this way. They gerrymandered the voting districts exactly as Florida did. This gave them the Super Majority in the Senate, with a Republican governor. Now, the Republicans are doing everything they desire in the state, and if any Democrat Senator disapproves, they vote to have him removed from the Senate floor. Just exactly like Florida!
Question is…how many more states will we allow to take control like thus and move this country closer to Anarchy and Dictatorship?
That’s all this is. The more states that move that way, the more this country will be under the control of Trump, and his enablers!
I could be wrong but it looks to me like legislators have protection for their right to dissent in the TN constitution. To make a change in the constitution the TN Sec of State says an amendment goes on the ballot in a gubernatorial election. To pass it needs a majority of all votes cast.
I wonder if the new rules could be struck down in Court. Or if there is some other provision like “the House and Senate determine discipline for disorderly behavior” that complicates the question.
Ann, you are very correct, I do believe. BUT, I’m going to admit right here that I’m no legal scholar by any means of the word. Maybe, hopefully, one of these esteemed lawyers on here will see this and give us both a legal reply.
I will say, though, with the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the governor all stacked with Republicans, the governor has no problem getting anything through the legislature that he needs put into law, the legislature has had pretty much carte blanche doing as they wish, and the Tennessee Supreme Court has pretty much worked with both the governor and the state legislature amending whatever they needed done.
Look at the Tennessee gun laws. They are pretty much as they were in the early 1800s now. Non-existent.
And that’s just one comparison.
I hear you … A Davidson County (Nashville) Judge gave protestors and emergency injunction allowing them to have the small paper signs saying that banning all speech (even signs) violated the federal Constitution’s right to free speech. The TN AG filed to overturn it saying the Court had stepped into the jurisdiction of the Legislature to regulate what happens in the Capitol.
The judge dismissed their filing & stuck to her ruling. So we’ll see.
By the way, the Governor called the special session. He/his wife had friends killed at the school. They did not pass the main bill he wanted.
It looks like the crazed & the power hungry are having trouble getting along.
What chance does TN have when folks like these are in charge?.
From the Senate — https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/1/11/2146655/--Have-some-integrity-Tennessee-Republican-confronted-over-lies-about-litter-boxes-in-schools
Thank you, Ann, for sharing this. I greatly appreciate it! Excellent points, too!
It would be a pleasant surprise to see some of the established legal protections enforced for the citizens of Tennessee. Most of their politicians have been getting away with everything over many decades at their citizens expense. Healthcare, financial inequality, civil rights, injustice, economic opportunity, education inequities. There are specific reasons for all of these and at the heart lies their corrupt politicians...which by the way relates to most states in this country whose citizens are struggling to survive. Greed and the hunger for power and control are incredibly socially damaging behaviors.
“There are specific reasons for all of these and at the heart lies their corrupt politicians...which by the way relates to most states in this country whose citizens are struggling to survive. Greed and the hunger for power and control are incredibly socially damaging behaviors.”
I thought Miami, Miami-Dade County, and the state of Florida were at the apex of corrupt government, but you set me straight.
Take a close look at Ohio. Arguably the most corrupt state in the Union, but at least north of the Mason-Dixon Line. And my point is, it is at the STATE level we need to be most concerned. It is at the STATE level we need to vote ALL Repubs out of office, send a clear and LOUD message that "We are mad as HELL, and we're NOT gonna take it anymore!!"
Just watching it catch up to most all the politicians...dems', repubs', and others. When too many sell out to big business and go out trick or treating on a repetitive basis... eventually they will get caught under the heavy feet of the industrial complex...
Another bizarre development...
I just can't believe the quality level of the candidates the Republicans are putting forth...has this country tipped to the point of no return?
As always, an electrifying report, Judd. Tennessee's predicament is something that should concern us all.
I've been looking at various stories in statehouses around the country in different ways since the RICO charges in Atlanta. It seems to me that Republicans have been running their states like organized crime syndicates. I think the public is starting to realize this. I also believe this way of doing business has the support of a lot of people, pretty much Republicans.
Former Governor Pete Ricketts of Nebraska ruled with an iron fist and believes his power is absolute. In the last election, he ran for Senate in the seat vacated by Ben Sasse (who's an extreme Christian conservative, but at least he publicly disavowed Trump at every opportunity) and won. Trust me, we all will be seeing some of Rickett's shenanigans on display in Washington in the next few years. He is a diehard Trumper and not used to being told no.
Ugh! Makes me sick to my stomach.
Me too. Nebraska is committed to sending its' worst to represent our state.
Let’s hope that “lots of people” isn’t the majority. Gotta GOTV!
Sexton must think he’s the King of the Tennessee legislature.
Just like authoritarian King De Santis in Florida.
Who do these people help? No one.
They are so very fond of their own power and their total ignorance and disrespect towards the people, they cannot allow dissent.
Their racism is clear.
Once again the Republicans have outdone themselves in foolish adherence to ignorance and hate.
I wouldn’t even visit Tennessee and will encourage others to avoid pursuing their interest in any tourism in that State.
This is a tragedy when a few change the laws to cover their own illegal actions.
But i must remember, they are Republican lemmings.
Good article. Tennessee is a prime example of how the road to minority rule is being paved. Gerrymandering has contributed to this and 42 other state legislatures being GOP controlled. Youngkin is using a war chest of bucks in VA to gain full control of the General Assembly in Nov. so we will become # 44. The Democratic Party here still has it's head in the sand, which my Daddy said leaves your butt up in the air for a good A$$ kickin' after the McAullife travesty. Did that happen in TN?
Have to wonder though when you have a Marsha Blackburn in the US Senate that in a general statewide election it's the will of the Tennessee people. The voter, like in Texas and Florida, is the problem? Actually it is compounded by those who don't vote. The real travesty.
Ditto. And re Marsha Blackburn - it’s a mix of young people not voting plus aged Southern good ole frat boys plus gerrymandering. What will be telling is the influx of newcomers to the greater Nashville area plus talk that Rep Gloria Johnson of the Knoxville area may run against her next go around and is well loved by young voters and women. And smart men.
I truly love your daddy's saying, and I'm gonna steal that one 😂😂
Me, too. A great visual!😂
Outrageous autocratic behavior by the speaker. Not to mention racist and vile. De facto Jim Crow is still Jim Crow.