I would think the fraudulent charges for travel would be of more interest to the voters of Tennessee has it was solid intent to defraud the voters of thousands of dollars for charging for mileage not traveled.

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I clicked comment to make this exact point. To request reimbursement for 'miles driven' one must drive those miles for a legitimate business reason. Looks like Sexton is guilt of theft of state funds through fraudulent expense vouchers. Hmmm. Waiting to see what action is taken by the Attorney General of Tennessee.

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And...If a tax deduction was taken on his federal tax filings...which I would say is a likely scenario...Federal tax fraud, with intent and if joint filing or done in complicity with other legislators, (birds of a feather), conspiracy to commit tax fraud on state and federal level?

Obvious reason for why many Republican and some Democrats are so hell bent against adding more tax dept personnel designated to chase wealthy tax cheats?

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You are an excellent researcher-- if only all the grifters could be yanked out of positions of control-- there amounts he charged for travel were obnoxious also!

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It is worth repeating (repeatedly) that he has received a large amount of money based on the per diem rates for (allegedly) living in Crossville.

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Speaker Sexton is living up to the republican creed of "Lie, Cheat, Steal, Make a show of Defiance, then Sorrowfully Repent."

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

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Repent? Clarence Thomas escapade another example of "I'll do what I want". Blip you.

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True. You tempt me to update my comment William.

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So great Judd exposes this stuff.

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You left off “… Repeat.”

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I thought my original phrasing was sufficient: "Repeat ad infinitum."

Isn't that better than to merely "repeat?"

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I think it speaks more about what they actually do, plus adds a lot of humor for us 😁 to say rinse and repeat, ad infinitum (or ad nauseum). But it's your post...hahaa

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Hey there. I didn't fully understand what you meant. Thanks to Terry's intercession, I have updated the post in the manner you suggested and now agree that it is much improved humor-wise.

Thank you and feel free to suggest whatever at anytime. I may not agree but you can be sure that I will give any reasonable suggestion objective consideration.

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Isn't that the truth!

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A real faithful fundy!

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“In total, Sexton may have overcharged Tennessee taxpayers as much as $78,756 since 2020.”

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In a just world that would constitute fraud and result in prosecution. But as we know, TN is not a just world.

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Sexton and his ilk have a very experienced teacher: their grifter leader.

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TN Republicans have been up to no good for decades. Their Orange Grift King might have learned more from them than they did from him. They also benefit from the reality that in much of Tennessee it's still 1849. It's a place where I was denied service in a restaurant because I was with an African American colleague. It's also a state where someone in a business meeting told me that I'd better not piss the locals off because no one would ever find the body. It's too bad that all of the good and gracious people of the state have to be ruled by these racist assholes.

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When was this? Your experience was horrible! We lived there briefly. I was told daily, 2003-2004, to go home Yankee! Quite a few times, after they'd get rather heated with me, I'd mouth off....we WON the war, get over it already. It always shut them up. It was annoying, yet funny to me. They also told me that southern women knew their place...as if I was supposed to keep my mouth shut. Not happening any time soon...lol

Beautiful state, but southern hospitality is a lie.

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It was about the same time. Our corporate bosses told us not to be confrontational, especially with our colleagues in the factory. As for the restaurant, it was in a well known hotel chain's location in Memphis. We got the chain removed from the company's approved list. Employees across not just our company, but across the conglomerate that owned us, were barred from staying at any location in the chain if they wanted expense reimbursement. Probably cost the chain $10M in annual revenue. Oh, and the guy I was with was given the ownership of any decision to allow them back. The hotel tried many versions of apology, sometimes he answered politely, sometimes he just told them to f'k off.

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Good ol TN. I think I'd get on famously with the guy you were with. Fantastic of your company too!

Told not to be confrontational. That would be the day for me or my husband's boss. My husband's factory up and moved to Chattanooga, July of 2003. We were only a handful from the company that moved down. My husband was a boss, so he was looked up to. He didn't have any of the experiences I had. Again, I think, he Man, me Woman. My husband's boss came down later, when bankruptcy was imminent. People thought I was mouthy...lol

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The depth of their hatred and racism has no limits.

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That seems actionable by the court system

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Is 't this news interesting? Here is a man, representative, sworn to follow the law in Tenn and yet he is breaking election laws in the State!

And the excuse is " Well there have been other speakers and other representatives in Tenn that have had the same illegal circumstances and they were not punished !!

I liked what the election law attorney said " But those speakers did not expel two young reps who did NOT violate election laws"!

This information must now be Investigated completely with proper legal actions taken now by the lower house!

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Thank you for exposing and explaining this despicable (and criminal) behavior. The lack of integrity and lying/cheating among these people is mind blowing.

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Thank you for the reporting. As you correctly pointed out, the problem is that he is receiving mileage and other monetary benefits that he is not entitled to by virtue of the fact that he lives in Nashville. The legislature should investigate those payments rather than where he lives.

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I think another issue, according to yesterday's column, is that where he actually lives is a Dem-leaning district. He might not even be a member of the legislature if he told the truth. He wants the benefits of living in the Nashville metro and the conservative voters of Crossville.

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So the real story is another Republican scoundrel gets away with cheating, lying and stealing. Will these charges stick on a Fundy?

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According to Judd Legum’s post yesterday, Sexton received $35,369 in 2022; short session in 2021, $42,617; so far in 2023, $14,085

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No wonder they want to get rid of the IRS because they would be audited ! I wonder if all the monies that the repugnants stole would pay off the debt ceiling that dumpster accrued !! Wouldn't surprise me in the least !!

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Great job, Judd!! We have to keep applying public pressure! We are behind you!!

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Simply Brilliant, Judd. One wonders how widespread this issue is, and if not only in state leglislatures.

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Take Josh Hawley, for example.....

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Yes, please take him. Away.

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You took my comment! LOL

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Maybe he could have used the extra money he was charging the state to pay his property tax! I say he should repay those travel funds. Pathetic people and hopefully his constituents take note around election time.

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You would think the grifter would at least try to be circumspect.

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Fantastic report, Judd. What is wrong with these people? They have no moral fibre, or at least no sense that they have to follow rules. No wonder we are in such a mess.

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So what is going to come of this uncovered information? Will someone need to officially ask that it be acted on and brought up as a reason for. Removal?

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He should resign or be EXPELLED for this and mostly for taking almost 80k in tax payer money “Travel per diem” ...but his good old frat boys won’t do that to him after all they kept in a molester..

He should ESPECIALLY not be able to run again.. will his district care though out there ? I’d imagine the money he’s taken is more than what the average person makes yearly out in the county ... but he’s got their back right ... minimum wage still at $7 and servers at $2

How can they serve him food without that in mind.. but give em weapons of war and keep everyone except white out and that will make them feel like he’s doing a good job ... what has this guy done that is good? Let’s list it all out ... please oust all of these people I’m sure they are mostly taking advantage of the system in one way or another... how much blood money has he received from the NRA?

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Well, here we are again in that familiar place where rules and regulations are honorable, but there is no mechanism to enforce them. Sounds good until someone wants to hold people accountable. Works for Congress and the Supreme Court, why not the Tennessee legislature?

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Works for the supreme court?

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A little snarky, I admit. We seem to have very few restraints anywhere.

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