His audience is large in FB. Some one should ask Zuckerberg if he could be considered an accessory to fraud. Bet that would get his boxers in a bunch. He has admitted he doesn't police lies. Does he police fraud in ads?

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We should actually be exhilarated by this confirmation that the man who seized presidential power in 2016, contrary to the majority’s choice, is a selfish, self-regarding, incompetent, unethical, flim-flam clown. I’ll shamelessly rework Voltaire’s reference to Locke, “He is a tarnish to his nation, subtracting from its eloquence with his every word; an embarrassing rot to his countrymen, soiling the noble land that nourished him.”

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Hear, hear!!

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Next to the fiasco in Turkey, this may seem like small potatoes. But that Trump and his cronies would go to such lengths to obscure the magnitude of their fraud is a visible and salient example of their modus operandi. What crooks.

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Wait a minute? The Liar-in-Chief lies about these contests as well?! SHOCKING!!!!

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Fantastic investigative reporting, Judd. I wonder if the campaign has broken any laws vis a vis contests in any of the states? It seems to depend on the fine print, but could be an interesting avenue... https://www.thompsoncoburn.com/insights/blogs/sweepstakes-law/post/2013-06-11/do-sweepstakes-and-contests-sponsors-have-to-award-all-prizes-

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Do any of these state laws require the participants to press charges or are the states legally obligated to pursue charges in light of the evidence?

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It seems that a complaint to the FTC would be the first step, as well as to the relevant state gambling commissions. I assume they gather information before determining if the law was violated and assessing any penalties.

I believe these ads promoted a sweepstakes? Or were they contests, in which “the best” entrant was chosen? They’re regulated differently. But regulated they are, and the state laws that I’ve looked at just now seem pretty clear that not providing the advertised prize is illegal.

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Al Capone was finally taken down by taxes, perhaps for Trump it’ll be fraudulent sweepstakes....🤞

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It is the infamous Trump shooting someone on 5th Ave scenario in a different situation.

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I imagined be a lawsuit can be filed by those bilked. Unfortunately, they are likely too stupid

to do it or will not be angry since they are Trumpets.

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