There's a difference between news and journalism. Proud to support your work.

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I came here to say the same thing. Proud to support Public Information -- only wish I could do more.

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I feel the same way! Go Judd!

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Yep, Mike Wallace would be proud. "Gotcha journalism" at its finest.

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Stories like this are why I subscribe. Keep up the great work!

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This is directly out of the radical right playbook- enact a law that appears to be unconstitutional, put the law into affect by giving vague directives to those who are to carry out the law, threaten those same people if they don’t carry out the vague and confusing directives, refuse to clarify the law when contacted by investigative groups, once the public catches on and voices their opposition, change the rules quietly and, directly or indirectly, accuse the media of misinformation.

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Thank you for following up on this Florida library purge of LBGTQ+ characters...you know, some of our fellow humans who feel marginalized. This fascistic move can be the beginning of the destruction of all of our freedoms, so it's important to stay vigilant when actual laws are being passed. Exposing all of the details is the only way for the larger public to discover and show that they care about our country's freedoms. [By the way, I record Morning Joe and discovered they were talking about this issue yesterday.]

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I still place primary blame with the people who authored and signed these restrictions into law. But dang if the school district's compliance isn't disappointing in its own right.

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Thank you for your reporting. Keep it up!

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History will not be kind to these poor examples of humanity.

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Thank you for keeping the heat on Florida.

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I’ve spread the word about Popular Information for more than a year, probably much longer. As a qualitative researcher and writer for the public rather than academics, I know that well-written information about sex, race, race history, LGTBQ+, divorce, bullying, etc. all need to be available to elementary students and their teachers and parents because that is when children are open and ready to learn. Piles of research, for example, show us that early sex education that includes birth control, as well as practical information about the dangers of unprotected sex, menstruation, etc. before children are teenagers, that is in many cases no later than grade 4, and lowers teen pregnancy rates, elective abortions, etc. I taught the sex Ed part of my 6th grade level classes back in the 70s and many of my students thought that it was normal to start having sex by the time they were 12. They had no clue as to the repercussions for themselves personally. Whew! Keep fighting the good fight, Judd and his readers!

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Well Judd, there’s your problem. You ask for honest answers from people whose only real talent is bafflegab.

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"BaffleGab?" Never heard of it and what an apt description. BaffleGaff has now been officially added to my personal lexicon thanks to you Mark H. Jones!!!

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I was surprised to see Kite Runner on the list. I've read it and it's a wonderful book. It tells the story of a young Afghan boy who comes of age in war-torn and revolutionary Afghanistan. I would call it heartbreaking. Older students should have access to it to know what life can be like in a war-torn country full of ethnic and religious hatred, something unfortunately some in the US seem to want.

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You are hugely correct that Kite Runner is an outstanding true story about life in Afghanistan. The Right is trying to reduce our libraries to nothing but drivel. I'm sure they think the Bible is suitable; but it has more sex than Kite Runner.

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Thank you for keeping us updated on this very important topic. I feel sad for the real people being used as pawns in this destructive culture war.

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Thank you!!

To paraphrase Rita Moreno in West Side Story:

“Florida, my hearts devotion,

Let it slip into the ocean”

Figuratively anyway.

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Excellent work...thank you!!!

We need to prepare sanctuary cities for Floridian teachers and other non-fascist Floridians.

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I hope that their feet are burning as you hold them to the fire

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So they lied? What a surprise! /s

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You are top dog in my freedom calendar, Judd. Give them the hell of persistence and negative publicity, and call out their lies.

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