As part of the Trump administration's frenzied push to end remote work arrangements for federal government workers, the Veterans Administration (VA) is forcing therapists to provide mental health counseling in open cubicles.
Our veterans are asked to serve us without regard for their safety or privacy and are even asked to kill "enemies." Of course, many will need therapy to be able to function sanely in society after their service. Humane practices in their treatment can go a long way as part of their therapeutic healing.
I am grateful that my father who volunteered to serve in the Air Force seemed able to function at a high level after two tours of duty, one as one of our first pilots in WW1 and one as an officer overseeing pilots in WW2. He not only survived, he was able to help many as a lawyer in between and after his service. At the end of his life he volunteered to help soldiers sign up for college programs through the Veterans Administration!
Can you imagine if your dad was working at the VA today? The service he put in versus the disrespect he would receive? That's making it personal because all of us agree, even those without a military family, the men and women who serve DO NOT DESERVE to be treated like subhumans scrambling for their benefits, such as a private therapy session.(My dad was an officer in the AF, and was a test pilot in the 1950s and 60s. I bet our dads crossed paths.)
Appalling... and disgusting. This will definitely provoke many lawsuits brought on behalf of veterans needing services; many of whom are suffering from PTSD and other trauma.
One cannot speak openly emotionally and heal in an open arena . With this White House which has totally abrogated its responsibility to the people this is just one more dehumanizing effort forced upon the most critically impacted in our country. Surveillance a signature of fascist states is everywhere in this and will cause uncountable deaths. It seems that is what this administration wants. Judd you continue to provide timely and impressive reporting often on issues we would hardly hear about. Thank you so much and keep up the excellence we need so badly!
"One cannot speak openly emotionally and heal in an open arena."
Exactly! Precisely! That was my first thought. I am a former Marine and my ex is a therapist so this issue really hits home for me although I am not surprised that the occupier in chief will renege on the obligation of this country to care for those "suckers and losers!"
As usual, the country with an obscenely bloated defense budget isn't doing right by its veterans. I suffer from depression, and I feel for anyone thrust into such a negligent environment, let alone people who have served our country and might be dealing with trauma. Awful.
This is so wrong in every way imaginable This fascist administration has no ethics in their whole being. With Judd’s great reporting…continue to tell everyone…
Pass it on! Truth will kill fascist far quicker than anything else. Every day, every minute…never give in, never give up and always stand tall with the truth spoken with hard facts. True Americans will get it. This fight is just beginning.
Judd’s article belongs in the Stars and Stripes newsletter. Who can make that happen? That would really rattle these fascist . Judd continue the great work and thank you!
This is DISGRACEFUL. That therapists are forced to work with patients on the most private issues in their lives IN THE OPEN is ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL! If the VA can't protect their patients at the VA centers, then the therapists must be allowed to work remotely until this sickening situation is resolved. Fire Doug Collins! He's a lawyer. HE knows the HIPPA law. (I'm a retired psychiatrist and can't even imagine the stress the therapists are experiencing, and the feelings of the patients who probably feel naked emotionally in the situation.)
As a NYC high school teacher, I , too, know the importance of privacy for a person in emotional and mental stress. Most of us do not share our trauma easily but when others are listening in? Clams and turtles.
Agree. He either knows HIPAA and doesn't care or doesn't know and doesn't care that he doesn't know. Either way, I see a class action brewing. Those of us in healthcare understand that a repeated violation will get you sued faster than anything. Although, in this case, it would have to be a private suit since the DOJ will not be enforcing anything that doesn't support the fascist regime.
donOLD treats veterans like he treated contractor, once the work is done don't pay them what they are owed. Cheating veterans out of what is owed them is "the art of the deal"
“Thank you for your service.” - But, don’t expect basic care & support services from the government agency charged with providing these services. Don’t expect to receive privacy in your mental health settings or a ride to an appointment if you’re no longer capable of driving… And certainly don’t fix the problems that cause 22 Veterans a day to kill themselves, because those Veterans who die won’t need any more resources - so ALL THAT DEATH SAVES YOU MONEY. Pathetic! - I couldn’t even get my glasses fixed. “Thank you for your service…” forget you when you get back home.
Exactly. Red counties are happy to name a highway for "GWOT veterans" etc, but will they actually support them with money or services? Not So much. Hypocrisy knows no specific political party, but there sure are a lot of conservative/MAGA hypocrites.
I agree with a number of commenters who say this admin couldn't care less about the veterans' needs or the legality of the situation. That's because they don't think there will be any repercussions for them. Personally, I'm traveling from PA to DC on 3/14 to participate in the veterans' march. As a former Navy wife and the daughter of a USAF vet, I'm morally obligated to take a stand.
But what is their reasoning for stopping remote work? Do they think they need to make sure they’re really working? That is of course obvious from all their computers. I am a veteran that receives counseling online. This makes no sense to me. But then none of this is about common sense, let alone good sense. And certainly not about improving conditions for the employees or the veterans. It is a petty, hateful move by people with small minds.
The objective is oversight, control, and annoying folks so they resign. A friend's kid worked remotely for Amazon for years as an IT specialist; a couple years ago they required all IT folks to return to the office. Amazon didn't supply a desk, so he sets up his laptop in the break room. Objective? Make him so miserable he resigns.
Oh yes, those Republicans in Congress and their "unwavering support" for veterans, are making sure that they are taken care of. Bullshit. This is all wispy smoke and broken mirrors. Nothing is being done in secret because those unwavering Republicans are NOT DOING THEIR JOBS. They are pussy wimps who cannot ...okay as an example of malfeasance what about Joni Ernst of the corncob state who seems to not be able to keep her hands off of a man with a uniform bearing a star or two. My god, woman, I'm all for a healthy sex life but let's stop with jumping into bed with those who have business before the government. Optics are bad on this, Joni. Or, maybe that's what the Rs mean by unwavering support.
Manchurian candidates Russian agents historically shameful & depraved...The Kremlin patted Trump on the head for betraying our democratic ally & aligning the U.S. with dictators & kleptocrats. #VladsPoodle
Trump tariffs: a $2,000/yr tax hike on the average American household.
And yet, veterans overwhelmingly continue to support Republicans over Democrats. What part of this is due to their own unwavering, misplaced loyalty to Republicans? How could any of us expect anything different after witnessing Trump’s disrespect for veterans at Arlington national Cemetery BEFORE the election?
This also violates several laws and ethics-what this regime is known for-as a psychologist and human I am horrified with every day bringing a new level of cruelty and destruction
Judd please stop quoting him-instead just report that he lied about (fill in blank) and explain why it’s a lie-helps inoculate from the lie to not begin by repeating it
Our veterans are asked to serve us without regard for their safety or privacy and are even asked to kill "enemies." Of course, many will need therapy to be able to function sanely in society after their service. Humane practices in their treatment can go a long way as part of their therapeutic healing.
I am grateful that my father who volunteered to serve in the Air Force seemed able to function at a high level after two tours of duty, one as one of our first pilots in WW1 and one as an officer overseeing pilots in WW2. He not only survived, he was able to help many as a lawyer in between and after his service. At the end of his life he volunteered to help soldiers sign up for college programs through the Veterans Administration!
Can you imagine if your dad was working at the VA today? The service he put in versus the disrespect he would receive? That's making it personal because all of us agree, even those without a military family, the men and women who serve DO NOT DESERVE to be treated like subhumans scrambling for their benefits, such as a private therapy session.(My dad was an officer in the AF, and was a test pilot in the 1950s and 60s. I bet our dads crossed paths.)
That would be cool if they crossed paths. Their love of flying would be a bond.
Appalling... and disgusting. This will definitely provoke many lawsuits brought on behalf of veterans needing services; many of whom are suffering from PTSD and other trauma.
Got news for you/// Trump and associates can say what they want... but the reality is they could care less.
One cannot speak openly emotionally and heal in an open arena . With this White House which has totally abrogated its responsibility to the people this is just one more dehumanizing effort forced upon the most critically impacted in our country. Surveillance a signature of fascist states is everywhere in this and will cause uncountable deaths. It seems that is what this administration wants. Judd you continue to provide timely and impressive reporting often on issues we would hardly hear about. Thank you so much and keep up the excellence we need so badly!
"One cannot speak openly emotionally and heal in an open arena."
Exactly! Precisely! That was my first thought. I am a former Marine and my ex is a therapist so this issue really hits home for me although I am not surprised that the occupier in chief will renege on the obligation of this country to care for those "suckers and losers!"
As usual, the country with an obscenely bloated defense budget isn't doing right by its veterans. I suffer from depression, and I feel for anyone thrust into such a negligent environment, let alone people who have served our country and might be dealing with trauma. Awful.
This is so wrong in every way imaginable This fascist administration has no ethics in their whole being. With Judd’s great reporting…continue to tell everyone…
Pass it on! Truth will kill fascist far quicker than anything else. Every day, every minute…never give in, never give up and always stand tall with the truth spoken with hard facts. True Americans will get it. This fight is just beginning.
Judd’s article belongs in the Stars and Stripes newsletter. Who can make that happen? That would really rattle these fascist . Judd continue the great work and thank you!
This is DISGRACEFUL. That therapists are forced to work with patients on the most private issues in their lives IN THE OPEN is ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL! If the VA can't protect their patients at the VA centers, then the therapists must be allowed to work remotely until this sickening situation is resolved. Fire Doug Collins! He's a lawyer. HE knows the HIPPA law. (I'm a retired psychiatrist and can't even imagine the stress the therapists are experiencing, and the feelings of the patients who probably feel naked emotionally in the situation.)
As a NYC high school teacher, I , too, know the importance of privacy for a person in emotional and mental stress. Most of us do not share our trauma easily but when others are listening in? Clams and turtles.
Agree. He either knows HIPAA and doesn't care or doesn't know and doesn't care that he doesn't know. Either way, I see a class action brewing. Those of us in healthcare understand that a repeated violation will get you sued faster than anything. Although, in this case, it would have to be a private suit since the DOJ will not be enforcing anything that doesn't support the fascist regime.
Incredible, isn't it. People working at the VA having to sue the VA, because the DOJ won't enforce its own laws.
Rod Serling and George Orwell TOGETHER couldn't have come up with this crap.
They're turning lives into Hell.
donOLD treats veterans like he treated contractor, once the work is done don't pay them what they are owed. Cheating veterans out of what is owed them is "the art of the deal"
I am not surprised that the occupier-in-chief would renege on the obligation of this country to care for those "suckers and losers!"
signed: A former Marine
“Thank you for your service.” - But, don’t expect basic care & support services from the government agency charged with providing these services. Don’t expect to receive privacy in your mental health settings or a ride to an appointment if you’re no longer capable of driving… And certainly don’t fix the problems that cause 22 Veterans a day to kill themselves, because those Veterans who die won’t need any more resources - so ALL THAT DEATH SAVES YOU MONEY. Pathetic! - I couldn’t even get my glasses fixed. “Thank you for your service…” forget you when you get back home.
Exactly. Red counties are happy to name a highway for "GWOT veterans" etc, but will they actually support them with money or services? Not So much. Hypocrisy knows no specific political party, but there sure are a lot of conservative/MAGA hypocrites.
I agree with a number of commenters who say this admin couldn't care less about the veterans' needs or the legality of the situation. That's because they don't think there will be any repercussions for them. Personally, I'm traveling from PA to DC on 3/14 to participate in the veterans' march. As a former Navy wife and the daughter of a USAF vet, I'm morally obligated to take a stand.
But what is their reasoning for stopping remote work? Do they think they need to make sure they’re really working? That is of course obvious from all their computers. I am a veteran that receives counseling online. This makes no sense to me. But then none of this is about common sense, let alone good sense. And certainly not about improving conditions for the employees or the veterans. It is a petty, hateful move by people with small minds.
The objective is oversight, control, and annoying folks so they resign. A friend's kid worked remotely for Amazon for years as an IT specialist; a couple years ago they required all IT folks to return to the office. Amazon didn't supply a desk, so he sets up his laptop in the break room. Objective? Make him so miserable he resigns.
This is how you treat "suckers and losers" as no doubt ordered by the never served cowards trump and musk.
Oh yes, those Republicans in Congress and their "unwavering support" for veterans, are making sure that they are taken care of. Bullshit. This is all wispy smoke and broken mirrors. Nothing is being done in secret because those unwavering Republicans are NOT DOING THEIR JOBS. They are pussy wimps who cannot ...okay as an example of malfeasance what about Joni Ernst of the corncob state who seems to not be able to keep her hands off of a man with a uniform bearing a star or two. My god, woman, I'm all for a healthy sex life but let's stop with jumping into bed with those who have business before the government. Optics are bad on this, Joni. Or, maybe that's what the Rs mean by unwavering support.
Manchurian candidates Russian agents historically shameful & depraved...The Kremlin patted Trump on the head for betraying our democratic ally & aligning the U.S. with dictators & kleptocrats. #VladsPoodle
Trump tariffs: a $2,000/yr tax hike on the average American household.
WSJ 10/3//24: "The Next President Inherits a Remarkable Economy" then envy of the world.
Dem admins created 98% of jobs since 1989 while GOP lost jobs & ballooned the deficit.
And yet, veterans overwhelmingly continue to support Republicans over Democrats. What part of this is due to their own unwavering, misplaced loyalty to Republicans? How could any of us expect anything different after witnessing Trump’s disrespect for veterans at Arlington national Cemetery BEFORE the election?
Right! I keep thinking, "When people show you who they are, believe them!"
This also violates several laws and ethics-what this regime is known for-as a psychologist and human I am horrified with every day bringing a new level of cruelty and destruction
Judd please stop quoting him-instead just report that he lied about (fill in blank) and explain why it’s a lie-helps inoculate from the lie to not begin by repeating it