It boggles the mind how these repressive republican a-holes who profess to believe in "small government" want to reach into lives and bedrooms with their medieval control issues.

The same folks who think guns everywhere for everyone without limit are fine. Who think corruption in government by way of Citizen's United in A-OK.

Those dishonorable folk who claim elections were stolen while all indications indicate that the accusers and the guilty are one and the same.

My sincere desire is for thinking citizens to vote like our lives depend upon it because in my opinion, they do. No vanity candidates please. Remember Jill Stein?

What a Trojan Horse she was. Hey, is she still in Russia?

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Yes, it is definitely Jill Stein's fault Obama, the Democratic Senate supermajority, and the Democratically controlled House didn't codify Roe in 2009, 8 years before before Jill Stein ran for President.

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That wasn't the point I was making and you know i! Don't try to be cute there Twobrix.

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Yes, your point was that it was Jill Stein's fault that HRC lost an election that every single poll for months showed her losing to Trump.

I was pointing out what a stupid point that was. Because the Democrats have had ample opportunity to codify Roe V Wade before the election and didn't.

HRC lost because she was HRC, hired the dumbest people on Earth to run her campaign, and made no bones about her utter contempt for the middle and working classes (Every blue collar voter they lose, they'll pick up two Republicans in the suburbs, amirite? THAT WORKED OUT SUPER WELL).

She didn't even bother campaigning in the Rust Belt states she lost.

PS: this is a democracy, bub, and if the Democrats wanted to be popular, they should try doing something to improve people's lives, rather than coopting other, better people's talking points, and then not fulfilling their promises.

Is it Jill Stein's fault Biden's approval ratings are deservedly in the crapper?

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The overall point was not about HRC or whatever it is that has got a bee up your bonnet. Talk about laser sharp focus on the wrong thing! If you insist upon missing a point that 25 other people seemed to grasp, I can't help you and I wonder if you're nothing more than another troll trolling. Good day sir!

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"No vanity candidates please. Remember Jill Stein? What a Trojan Horse she was. Hey, is she still in Russia?"

This must have been some other election you were talking about, then.

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I don't want to argue with you. We should be on the same side. If my statement fails to meet your rigid standards, so be it. I do not excuse HRC. The part you seem to have missed is Stein apparently disappeared after demanding an investigation and... showed up having dinner with Putin. Ergo my calling her a Trojan Horse. My point is and has been be aware of who you are voting for. Now I'm done with this Stanley. Have a good evening.

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PS: I might have phrased it better but hey, like I said, others grasped the point I was making. You on the other had seem to be spoiling for a fight. This is supposed to be a forum of like minded people. Perhaps you ought to keep that in mind.

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Welcome to Gilead.

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This will spread like a bad infection. Not unlike those that some women suffer after miscarriages without the proper aftercare, whether by D&C's or medications which are/were standard procedure. Women who unfortunately suffer repeated miscarriages (this happens...) will be highly suspect. For God's sake.

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Every single action is about getting and keeping power and money.

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So glad that Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the Democratic establishment chose not to codify Roe in 2009 when they had a supermajority in the Senate and a majority in the House. The GOP would have been unable to stop them.

Meanwhile, Pelosi and Pharma Jim Clyburn spent the week after the SCOTUS leak campaigning for anti-choice DINO Cuellar so he wouldn't get beat by Cisneros, someone who actually supports the policies that Biden pretends to support.

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I know! It is so frustrating!!!

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It seems to me that the point of the Democrfatic leadership is not to govern, but to prevent the progressives from governing. So long as they do, the donors will shower them with money.

The Democrats are basically just 2000s-era Republicans.

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It pisses me off because the dnc fundraise off of protecting Roe but then do nothing or worse undermine the women like me they fundraise from. It will be up to women to fight for their rights by pressuring the national democrats and corporations because they will do nothing left to their own devices

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I have heard a lot of people say that's why the Dems don't codify it when they have the chance - to keep using it as a hot button issue for fundraising.

Personally, I think that assumes too much organization and intelligence on behalf of the party leadership. My unsubstantiated feeling is that they are venal, lazy cowards that do little but suck up to the rich and powerful in order to bring in donations while they are in office as well as finding comfy sinecures working in "thinktanks" and lobbyist groups bafter they leave office.

After all, that's where the real money is. Look at Obama, how after giving the banks zero interest loans and shielding them from well deserved prosecution, he was able to go on his money tour after he left office, hoovering up $400K/hour speaking fees from those same banks. A comprehensive list of people who went to work for the people and industries they were supposed to be regulating is nearly endless.

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I try not to use the word 'hate' but I absolutely HATE these evil republican politicians who are trying to ban abortion no matter what. I'd argue that it's far worse to force these women to have these babies when they don't have the means to support a family. Then these same republicans who claim to be pro-life will vote against every bill brought to the floor to help these struggling single mothers. Then that child grows up in an unstable home with a struggling mother and they see nothing wrong with that. These people are incredibly evil and I don't know why every democratic politician doesn't call this out DAILY. They are not pro-life, they are pro-birth and then their commitment to that child ends immediately. Republicans are the worst people in America.

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I agree! Unfortunately the democrats acceded the moral high ground to the republicans years ago and have yet to reclaim it. I am pro life and for abortion rights.

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I just made a comment about recommending listening the the late comedian, George Carlin's brilliant riff on this issue. You should be able to find it on YouTube.

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I think it was the book ‘Freakonomics’ in which the author related the drop in crime rates after 1991 to Roe in 1971. I’m sure that could be picked apart but food for thought.

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I’d think it would be illegal for a pharmacists to refuse to fill a doctors prescription! They may not believe the woman but this is info coming from a medical professional about a diagnosed condition that requires medication.

Why tf is the Walgreens pharmacist being allowed to disregard a doctors official diagnosis & request? Why are they trying to judge whether the woman is lying when it’s a legal prescription?

Republicans are hellbent on controlling & punishing women.

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Thanks for your great reporting, Judd and Popular Information. Shared.

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The [lunatic] was ultimately told by [the government] that they had “talked to [voters] and the [victims], and have decided not to [allow you to buy a gun]” since they could not prove that [the lunatic] “isn’t using [the death dealing device] for [a mass shooting].”

See how easy?

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“They’re [Corporations] not the gate-keepers of healthcare.” But, sadly, they think they are and because the corporations control the purse strings, this is only going to get worse. I’m so glad that my adult daughter is no longer living in Texas.

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The real life stories with detailed examples have power to reach people who need more genuine information. Have you all heard Senator Gary Peter's address to the Senate (several years ago) in which he describes how his former wife was in danger of dying [her water had broken in the 5th month, and the fetus was no longer viable]? Out of religious "beliefs" her doctor wouldn't perform the necessary (abortion inducing) D&C to save her life! He called another doctor who was a friend who arranged for her to get the lifesaving treatment at his hospital. That was in 1980 or therabouts. On another level, or from another perspective, George Carlin brilliantly excoriates this preference for "the unborn" over the living. We need humor to have perspective about our Human Condition.

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I’m a little disappointed in the reporting here, using anecdotal information from a twitter feed or other publications’ use of anecdotal info. The law is obviously onerous, and I’m curious how enforcement will play out. Pharmacies and pharmacists must perform due diligence, but with a diagnosis from a physician confirmed, their duty is done. I expect the corporate overlords will ultimately reach that conclusion, and perhaps this publication and others cited will give a push in that direction. Any liability I think ultimately lies with the physician prescriber, and it’s another hoop for them to jump through on top of the many that insurance providers subject them to.

That said, I agree with many comments that this law is another overstep into the privacy of women’s healthcare from a Republican legislature that purports to want less government regulation, especially with regard to guns. So, another instance where pro-life really means pro-childbirth. The lives of mothers and living children aren’t as important.

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