So sick of reading these 'dire' warnings and not just about this but about most stories and then the 'real' story never gets the full media coverage again. So people are stuck thinking about how dreadful this was! And my last straw is today - the hand wringing about Joe's pardon of Hunter!! And not one word about the appalling picks and pardons that orange turd has given in the past and will do so after Jan 20! Where's the pushback? Not even among Dems! I don't know where to get my news now - certainly not the so-called mainstream!

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MeidasTouch, amplified by Heather Cox Richardson, pointed out a key reason for the pardon: the real possibility that Kash Patel, who's obsessed with Hunter Biden, may become head of the FBI. This, they believe, is why the pardon covers the period from January 1, 2014, to December 1, 2024. For details, see HCR's column: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/december-2-2024

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She should be required reading every day. Along with PI of course.

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I wrote almost exactly the same thing as you did in your first two sentences. As for Robert Reich: I can't BELIEVE that he is one of the Democrats -- wait for it: equating Biden's pardon of his son from years of political persecution with trump's pardons, such as Bannon. What is WRONG with Democrats??

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I dropped a comment on that piece expressing my strong disagreement. I'm so disappointed because I really respect R. Reich.

The knee jerk "we can't do 'x' because Republicans will blame us for 'y' " thinking is why Democrats are constantly paralyzed and backed into corners. Republicans repeatedly stretch, abuse and sometimes ignore legal precedent to get their way. Then they howl all day in front of every microphone and camera about invented wrongs by Democrats, just to cow them into refusing to use legal, available and deserving relief. As I said in that comment, Democratic legislators will soon stop bathing for fear they'll be accused by Republicans for causing water shortages.

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I also commented on his site. Like you, I have always respected Reich. Your statement re repugnicants actions toward Democrats couldn't be more perfect:

"just to cow them into refusing to use legal, available and deserving relief." Touche'.

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I am "so shocked" that big corporate lobbyists would LIE! Thank you for sharing the truth.

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Fast food and retail jobs simply do not pay a living wage, and force employees--even if they work two jobs--to seek public assistance in the form of Food Stamps, Medicaid, etc. In other words, the low-wage industrial sector 100% depends upon taxpayer subsidies to make a profit. Something our GOP and Blue Dog Dem friends don't want generally known.

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"depend upon taxpayer subsidies to make a profit". And if that ain't sick, I don't know what is.

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A form of corporate welfare.

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Pat, shocker! Isn’t it…the people profiting the most scream loudest! 🙄

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Gullibility and a lack of critical thinking has become a national crisis. People need to step up and realize they are being intentionally LIED to on a regular basis. Don't buy into the Bullshit! Use that mass between your ears to do factual analysis and Find the Truth. It's out there.

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This is hard to do if you listen to Fox 24/7.

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Well, there's the problem. Voluntarily listening to / watching FOX 'News' all day and choosing to believe the bullshit is NOT engaging in critical thinking.

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You'll notice I don't add the "News"...but thank you for the parentheses!

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Many of my fellow Americans and nothing but beef fat behind their eyes.

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Have, not and; jeez.

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Important story! Not that there’s a chance Trump and Republicans will move to increase the minimum wage, but maybe some blue states will. This canard about the supposed negative effects of raising the minimum wage has been used by Republicans for years.

Reminds me of big retailers (Target, Walgreen’s, etc.) distorting the actual statistics re shoplifting to justify closing “non-performing” stores.

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Happens all the time. You try to improve the lot of entry level workers and the bosses complain. Someone needs to take a proverbial mallet to the nails sticking up (people crying foul because they don't like the hit to their pockets) because they don't fit what's really needed. I wish we were more like Sweden. Democracy and fairness.

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What the “F” is wrong with these corporations that they would lie to avoid paying a modest wage increase. What the “F” is wrong with these media outlets that they use accurate information to sell news and what the “F” is wring with all of us who would get a hamburger for 15 cents less than to begin to pay workers a living wage ? I say unionize every worker possible and show some empathy for everyone we take for granted so that we have cheap stuff. We are complicit. Just like we are complicit in supporting X or any other media or corporations that are beyond hope of ever acting in a moral and human way.

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What the "F" is wrong with these corporations? Capitalism run amok, and the fact that too many USians are totally ignorant about our unelected fourth branch of government: Big Money.

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"What's wrong with them", you ask? One word... GREED

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Two words, Citizens United.

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I can remember these dire warnings of doom when laws would go into effect eliminating smoking inside restaurants and bars. “ Bars will close down! Restaurants will be out of business!” We never learn from all the previous lies.

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If anything, restaurants attracted more patrons, the ones who stayed home in the past to avoid breathing cigarette smoke while dining

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Yep, just commented on this... (Sorry, didn't mean to repeat what you said).

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The greatest threat to our country has long been the super-wealthy. Does anyone else remember "eat the rich" from protests in the mid-60's? This issue has been increasingly dangerous and now will see where a government led by billionaires takes us. We are no longer a nation based on the rule of law; only the rule of dollars.

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I have an old "Eat the Rich" bumper sticker from the 1970's!

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Awesome...wish I'd saved mine! Never been more relevant than it is today.

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Great article! Was it supposed to have a graph of BLS employment data?

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lots of charts on their site, not sure which one he intended to use


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With the incease to $20 per hour for fast food workers our In Home Supoort Workers that care for the elderly and disabked were able to obtain a wage increase up to $20 per hour to match fast food workers. IHSS union had been trying to get a wage increase for several years prior but with the obvious concern of losing caregivers who need a living wage they negotiated a raise.

We are all better off when workers win!!

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Big business doesn't want competition of any kind. Could be consumer choice competition or labor competition.

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Having a living wage for the poorest workers is not a sin.

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Gavin Newsome for President 2028

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Terrific report, Judd. I wish it were the lead story of every news outlet in the country!

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This is another really important story. How do you prevail upon GMA and others to update and correct their reporting?

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A saying one of my sociology professors was fond of using when I was in grad school is "there's lies, damned lies, and statistics." Then there's statistics that are damned lies! "Anticipatory layoffs" my behind.

Then there's that project manager who instead of paying 15 cents more for a burger, is going to go to a sit down restaurant in protest. Another genius.

Funny how few people stop and think: maybe these corporations could just make a slightly lower profit margin. Some people would still have $3 as a minimum wage to "prevent" inflation. Meanwhile, they've gotten cost of living salary increases, Social Security gets adjusted....just the decades old minimum wage is supposed to remain static to prevent "inflation."

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The guy who "refused" to pay more for a burger most likely returned to his fast food favorites shortly after whining to the media.

(Oh, and fast food prices, in my town at least, have been going up without a corresponding wage increase for the workers. I just don't understand it. s/c)

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These folks love to whine. And apparently only shop for food at the priciest places, griping about paying $7 for a dozen eggs that everyone who comparison shops is getting for $3.

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And going to movies that cost $18 a ticket or more. Hmmm.

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Reminds me of the the CA smoking ban for restaurants, bars, casinos and nightclubs that went into effect in the mid 90's. Some folks, (guess who) lost their minds believing this would be the end of their rights and livelihoods. The new law couldn't be enforced they said and it was a new form of Prohibition being shoved down their throats. Well, look how things turned out...

Chicken Little anyone?

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