The Sunday Washington Post ran a story inside the A section that made Project 2025 sound like just another White Paper, "nothing to see here." It's astonishing that they put more effort into articles with laundry tips than to dissecting the facts behind this initiative. Kudos to you and your team, Judd

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As of last week, I deleted the WaPo and NYT apps from my phone. They have lost all credibility for me.

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Hubby got a survey from NYT on their comment sections. He doesn’t read the comments. So he gave all negative responses. They made the mistake of having a “comment” space at the end. His comment was he did the read the editorial section. It is no longer worth his time.

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Both the comments (with no oversight by the paper whatsoever) and the nauseating stable of "conservative" columnists made me ditch WaPo two years ago.

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Jeff Bezos and the billionaire squad. I thought they were not a bunch of conservatives?

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Apparently, Jeff has lost interest thing this latest toy.

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Politico is an even worse waste of space than the NYT or the WaPo. Read that article, tell me how a real journalist would let McConnell's absurd comment about the Hague go without a follow up?

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WaPo went from a preeminent newspaper to bird cage liner in less than ten years.

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Maybe Jeff wants Trump to protect his billions? 😢

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

I tried to read Project 2025. After about 50 pages my blood pressure was thru the roof. Project 2025 is a terrifying manifesto of far right wing fever dreams. Fever dreams that they will impose on the majority should Trump seize power. Alongside Trump's obvious dementia and testimony in the Epstein papers that he raped two 12 year old girls, this is the under covered story of the campaign.

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I had to read it in small sections as it did indeed raise blood pressure and made me so angry. It’s long, but reading it is the only way to be fully informed about the implications of this plan, and to be able to share this information with others.

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Joyce Vance is using her Substack and legal background to break it down into (hopefully) understandable chunks that can be swallowed. I’ve known about the document for some time and have been waiting for the education process to begin. It really is a vulgar piece of Christian Nationalism. That you, Judd for your writings on this piece of garbage. But it truly is awful.

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Christian Nationalism is the epitome of wolves in sheep’s clothing. They speak of god, then suggest wicked people need to be killed (GOP NC Candidate for Governor Mark Robinson “Some folks need killing,” Lake Church-June 30th, 2024 suggesting the police and military should be used, and should “handle our business” and not quibble about killing “wicked’ people).

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Yes, Ralph Reed plowed this ground and now defends Christian Nationalism as “… a label Democrats made up to vilify good, hard-working Christian people.”

Who disagrees? Lots of Christians who believe the extremists vilify and endanger them. https://baptistnews.com/article/he-may-be-slick-but-ralph-reed-is-as-wrong-as-ever/

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The Media had better start to report on this in a more detailed manner!!

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But that would be totally contrary to their never ending quest to keep Trump in the game. Thoroughly cover Project 2025 starting with refusing to accept his framing that he knows nothing about it would bury Trump and Biden's health would no longer matter. Do I sound cynical? Or have I just arrived at a point where I know that the press will not save us and may in fact be active players in burying us.

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Peter, you sum it up perfectly: "a terrifying manifesto of far right wing fever dreams."

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In another place on their site they brag about how this project follows a similar approach during the Reagan era. 1,100 pages entitled “Mandate for Leadership.” They describe this approach as a “partnership.”

—The new president used "Mandate" to help realize his vision of a world free of communism, an economy that didn't crush people's dreams with high taxes and regulations, and an America the world could admire once again. He gave copies to every member of his Cabinet. The result: Nearly two-thirds of "Mandate's" 2,000 recommendations were adopted or attempted by the Reagan administration.—


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They are trying to link this to Reagan because they think it will give cover to a bunch of spineless elected Republicans who know they must sign on to Project 2025 or incur MAGA wrath, but need some way to rationalize it for voters back home who will be repulsed by it once they hear about the details. And let's talk Reagan - the man who, even with dementia, managed to destroy the middle class and unions, bring the religious crazies into the tent and begin the process of looting the treasury for the billionaires. Third worst president ever, only beaten out by W and Trump for the bottom spots.

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I agree. The old ‘nothing to see here’ switcheroo.

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But … Biden’s slightly older than Trump! *wrings hands* He’s gotta step aside (mere months before the election) because ya know, he’s old.

Apparently, that’s a bigger concern for some elected Dems than P25 & the end of democracy.

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Yes the Democrats are in a group think panic mode. President Biden is being treated rather shabbily. But here is a thought. Although I have been a staunch proponent of his leadership and somewhat reluctant supporter of a second term candidacy, I now think both the perception of diminished vigor and the reality of being 82 at the start of a second term are too significant to risk loosing the election. President Biden and I are only two days apart in age and I am at least as physically and mentally fit as he is BUT things don’t get better and/or easier going forward. Decline is inevitable. I can function extremely well both mentally and physically BUT I don’t think I could if I had the job of President with all the demands on his time , his emotions , and his physical self. Four years of inevitable decline is just two much. At the risk of making this comment about me , I say this as an ardent supporter of the President and an ardent supporter of the rights of older Americans to be taken seriously , not lumped in a box of decrepitude and generally someone who gets very upset with “ageism” . No matter what he thinks he can do or be for four more years , he needs to rethink the odds of continued health much less vigorously.

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He has been functioning as the president for nearly 4 years and he has been doing a fine job. The accomplishments- though little lauded- have been what America has needed. The bar against trump is extremely low as he literally did NOTHING BUT AID THE RICH & grift the White House. Still, Biden stepped up & raised the position back to one of respect & class.

If they try to replace him with anyone months before the election, it is a loss. Period. Voters will stand behind Biden & if these elected Dems would shut the fck up and support him openly in the same way the twisted right ardently supports Trump, he’ll win.

AFTER HE WINS, if things decline, that’s why we have a Vice President. We have a chain of command in the event anything happens to any potus for any reason so guess what? We don’t have to worry about his performance for another 4 years!

What we have to worry about is Trump & his lineage for rest of our days b/c we’d never have another election again if he gets back in.

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If he pulls out Trump wins. Period. Hard Stop. I don't care if he is on his "deathbed" we have to re-elect Biden.

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At this point the risk is too great that many Dems might not vote for choice #2 in the Democrat tree. I would take Joe over the Con. Afterall, the office is not run by just one person...

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Please stop spreading this narrative. It is just what Trump wants because he knows Biden is the only one who can beat him. There is no time to get a different candidate through the system and the Republicans will try to block anyone else just to delay. It’s all part of their scheme to disrupt because they know Trump can’t win on merit.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 9

Remember when the press went Ape-shit over Hillary and her faltering to get into a Limo? Painted her as old woman and aging. Oh the horror. What about Mitch McConnell when he froze twice at the podium?? He's still running that show.....

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True. McConnell, the embodiment of duplicity, power & money over people, who wanted his legacy to be about judges* is allowed to step down from leadership as he chooses. No public events in KY for years. Only meets with $ome screened constituents & group$.

He guided the KY legislature through changes before those silent episodes (which sounded a lot like communication with constituents) to be sure the GOP party execs control who replaces him or Rand Paul (🤮) if a vacancy occurred during their terms.

*Because of the Obama era he was unable have a legislative agenda. Many of his big donors were unhappy. He made the big push for Putin $$ to come to KY. It was a fiasco the KY GOP state officials got through the KY GOP legislature & invested in upfront. The NRA held a conference in KY. Ms. Butina later outed as a Russian operative attended. His former aide (related to Rand Paul by work & marriage) was indicted as a GOP operative funneling Russian $$.

Yes, he’s running the show until November & then finishing his term. Where’s the outrage?

Perhaps now that he’s made the DJT enemy list he will rethink how great his judicial & Russia choices were. Or not.


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As an 82 year old, I don't want the daily demands of the Presidency. However, Joe Biden is the Democratic candidate. I'll take "old Joe" over the convicted felon.

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Does anyone remember that Joe, when running for President said that he'd probably only run for one term? We assumed that he would select a Presidential caliber VP, but he (or Jim Clyburn) wanted that person to be a woman of color.

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Did you read what you wrote? Or do you not realize what it exposed?

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You have a short menu to choose from. Choose wisely. Your narrative is weak and negative. This does not help us at all. Remember D-Day? Things looked bad for the allies right? And what happened next? Think about it.

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"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor"?

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No because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

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That line was from Animal House. John Belushi and his greater moment....

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One of my & my husband’s favorite lines!! And then Boon(?): “Forget it; he’s rolling!”

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Biden has surrounded himself with rockstar quality people. He is not doing all of this alone. And I can't think of a better VP than a career prosecutor to handle things should the need arise. And I have been assured that if she steps in, the next VP is appointed. House Speaker is not in that line of succession. Which calls to mind the urgency to take back the House. A Speaker Jeffries would be so much better for Biden to work with than the 'seven mountains' guy.

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One correction on the “VP is appointed.”

If there is a vacancy for VP the president nominates a VP who must be confirmed by the House and Senate. Although the Speaker is not a VP s/he remains next in the line of succession. That is the state of affairs as long as there is no VP confirmed. It also means that as long as there is no VP, the president has no VP to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate.

We can look to the example of Gerald Ford who was a Republican nominated a VP after Spiro Agnew resigned. The Dem controlled House and Senate immediately confirmed his choice, Nelson Rockefeller.

I doubt Mike Johnson and his magas would do so. Chances are a nomination would stall in the House, leaving Mikey next in line of succession & the Dems without a tie-breaking vote (which matters if needed) in the Senate.

This is spelled out in Amendment 25 of the Constitution which clarified the process after JFK’s assassination. Section 2 specifies:

— Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.—

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Ok George. Decrptitude? Arthritis in the spine is a disqualifier?

Why do you think we have a VP?

How would this new candidate process work now that all the primaries are over?

Who planted the idea of him being weak, frail, demented etc all these years?

The same people who played with not letting him on the ballot in OH and AL for one reason and then in other states for retribution — while they were working on a different plan for when the Dems began the circular firing squad. Behind the scenes their planning has continued since at least February.

In February Rich Lowry wrote about the “fantasy”, 2 versions, as unrealistic. We’re seeing the 2nd — Dems who never wanted Biden (like Axelrod going back to Biden’s first campaign) waiting for their time for an opening. Now that the primaries are over, they found it. CNN and TNR have both reported on memos that show this is not a fantasy.

No discussion of how election finance laws impact a new ticket; not a word about running against a guy who doesn’t believe in elections after dumping a candidate who won the primaries. Nothing about the dirty tricksters waiting in the wings loving this. Nothing except ‘new is better’ from the pundits, millionaire$ and panicked politicians dividing Dems. Panic does not = good decision.


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The Democrats are the perfect illustration of the old adage, "We have met the enemy and they are us." How to lose an election? With thinking like this, Trump knows to be quiet while the opposition self-destructs. Do you really think Harris will fill in? Lordy me....

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and tfg isn't old, stumbling with incomplete sentences full of nonsense.???..truly the media is at fault for this Biden screed.... tfg just got slammed with the rape of a 14yo who had to pull the charges because of the death threats to her & her family... where is that article? well documented Epstein report... give me a break

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I have a few radical proposals for 2025 myself:

1. A 24-hour waiting period would be imposed before a prescription for Viagra or any like drug can be written. A sonagram of the patient's testicles would have to be done during the first appointment, which the man must look at. He will be given a briefing on safe sex, consent, and bullying of a partner. On day two, he has to demonstrate that he understands the lessons provided on day one before the prescription is issued.

2. Every male born in America must have a vasectomy at birth. Only his mother may give permission to reverse it. This could go a long way (over time) to ending unwanted pregnancies from rape or incest.

3. For those that advocate that life begins at conception, I would argue that life begins at ejaculation. I doubt that any medical professional could argue that sperm is not alive. For anyone ejaculating for any reason other than procreation, it is Murder.

Let them put that in their pipe and smoke it.

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I support your initiative as stated. Sauce for the goose and all.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Now if we could just get one legislator in every state to announce these on the same day - it would be national news.

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...enjoying the sense of humor! We need that so much.

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Make no mistake, their planned coup is still underway. We can either stand by and watch or actively seek to change the path our country is on, the choice is ours. Gather your pitchforks.

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I had to stop reading this Project 2025 investigation. It scared me that much. It was too terrifying to read. Why are they doing this to our country and why do so many people think it’s a good idea?!?

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BC racism, classism, religiocentrism, misogyny

combined w propaganda (lies)

learned hate, fear, &


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Bc white male power has been seriously threatened.

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So many people - don’t think it’s a good idea. Most people don’t know about it, the people that do think it’s a hideous idea, and together those are more people than the people writing it and supporting it. The MAGA crowd doesn’t even know what it is. They’re too ignorant to read. It’s a handful of Christian fascists that have learned how to claim their voice and bark the loudest. And of course they’re backed by big money because billionaires don’t know what to do without their money. This will guarantee that they will keep it. It’s always always been about the money. They’re immune from anything in the doctrine. They can buy their way out of everything.

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Trump tries to make like he's smarter than he actually is, so when he plays dumb, watch out.

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True words, sir.

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And, how effective can a president* be if he doesn’t know (or care about) what his underlings are saying/doing?

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As usual, Judd and Company deliver the truth succinctly and accurately. Trump’s near-total denial of association, responsibility, and accountability for MAGA’s Project 2025 are completely discredited.

These election issues stand out:

1. Trump is once again lying through his teeth and will say ANYTHING to get elected.

2. MAGA’s Project 2025 is THE operational roadmap for Trump’s anticipated next administration.

3. 70 million Americans voted MAGA in 2020.

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2020: Joe won with 81 million and the CONVICTED FELON hoodwinked 74 million. My guess is that he alienated at least 16-19 million people since then. Every Woman, Man, Independent has to want Democracy more than Chaos for this to work.

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Exactly!! Job 1 needs to be defeating Trump.

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The stakes could not be higher for this election. The villains and vandals of the GOP want to tear down government and put up a church to worship money. I recommend that you vote for Joe Biden.

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Wow! You have exposed and revealed in finetooth fashion exacty why Trump is likely to lose the next election. And Trump is clever enough to realize that. That is why he is quick to disavow connection to this 2025 Project. Your list of at least 30 important members of Trump's 2016 Presidential staff prove how much a a liar he is. And of course, even his still paid and active worker, Steven Miller, now disavows the connection to this 2025 Project.

This group and their philosophy epitomize the shallow and boring form of Catholicism that (to my knowledge) Pope Francis has been no part of. This project illustrates the emptiness of the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson.

I look forward to learning what Taraji P. Henson has helped the public realize.

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I wonder what old "Sleepy Ben" Carson has to say for himself.

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Thank you, Ms. Henson! Been reading about Project 25 for months now, but only since Ms. Henson spoke out has more of the general public started to pay attention.

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If the NYT or WAPO would simply print this article I might consider renewing my subscriptions.

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I still have Wapo but they are dangling on a slender thread. NYT and WSJ have been kicked to te curb long ago.

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WSJ is a Rupert Murdoch Democrat Hater Rag. I used to enjoy reading but the editorial are slanted way to the right. I'm not why or how the NYT went to pieces..

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Thank you. I shared this with several people. Recently, a close personal friend, an attorney, told me he hadn’t heard about Project 2025. I was shocked to hear that but he is busy with lots of work. How many other people are in the same boat? Scary to think.

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This is great reporting. I plan to save this column for future reference.

Judd, you and your team are doing us all a tremendous service with this clear information. Thank you.

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Led by Fascist Kevin Roberts, The Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” Promises Revenge, Oppression, and Autocratic Rule.

Neo-Nazi Roberts, shades of scum Adolf Hitler, promises a Christo-Fascist revolution, warns of bloodshed.

Neo-Nazi Roberts celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling; "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

The forward Neo-Nazi Roberts wrote for the “Project 2025” policy agenda perfectly captures the siege mentality, self-victimization, and grievance-driven lust for revenge that are fueling the Right’s plans. The people behind them see themselves as noble defenders of “real America” against a totalitarian “woke,” “globalist” assault. “Project 2025” is their declaration of war on multiracial pluralism. There is, in this worldview, no more room for compromise, no justification for restraint: “Time is running short. If we fail, the fight for the very idea of America may be lost.” 2024, according to Roberts, is the “last opportunity to save our republic.”

There is no doubt “Project 2025” would transform America into a much nastier, much more dangerous, much more hostile place for anyone who dares to deviate from what the Right deems the “natural” order. In a very real sense, that’s what’s on the ballot in November. The election isn’t really about Biden vs. Trump; it’s a referendum on whether the effort to finally realize the promise of a truly democratic, pluralistic, multiracial society should be continued or abolished altogether. Those are the stakes.

Neo-Nazi Roberts presents a FAKE tale of decline – the nation is on the brink as the enemies of America, “real America,” have been gaining power.

Those enemies are referred to as “the anti-American Left” or as a sinister “ruling and cultural elite.”

Neo-Nazi Roberts doesn’t define those terms anywhere in the foreword, nor is there a substantiation of what, exactly, makes someone part of the “elite” anywhere else in the report. And yet, Neo-Nazi Roberts can be certain that everyone on the Right agrees with this assessment. The “globalist,” “woke,” leftwing “elite” has quickly emerged as the new consensus enemy against which Republican politicians, rightwing activists, and reactionary intellectuals will rage incessantly. This sinister “elite” is a chimera that is entirely detached from the political and socio-economic realities of American life. Donald Trump, in this understanding, is *not* part of the “ruling class” (another prominent term in the rightwing discourse), nor is someone like Clarence Thomas – but every lefty student and activist absolutely is. Simply put, anyone who adheres to “woke,” leftist ideology is a member of this “elite” that is supposedly dominating most major institutions of American life: the media, big tech, education – and nothing less than a counter-revolution will save the nation. The focus on a “cultural elite” is also indicative of how much conservatives seek not just political rule, but also cultural domination and affirmation. It’s telling that rightwing anxieties aren’t alleviated by, for instance, the fact that a reactionary majority is dominating the Supreme Court. Conservatives realize that their vision for U.S. society has come under pressure – not just politically, but even more so culturally. And in the cultural sphere, the shift in power away from white Christian conservatives has been even more pronounced.

Neo-Nazi Roberts’ rhetoric mirrors scumbag, piece of shit Adolf Hitler’s rhetoric in the early 1930’s in Germany. Nazi Hitler declared war on Germany’s cultural elite. Over 600,000 Americans died in WW2. Those Americans (who SCUMBAG, PIECE OF SHIT TRUMP refers to as “suckers and losers”) died fighting to preserve our democratic republic.



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The Right's new "Boogeyman" is an elite? They are themselves full of elites too. Dick Uihlein (Uline Shipping), Harlan Crow, Ken Griffin (Citadel investments), The Koch Brothers (now only 1), and countless other millionaires and billionaires that want to protect their business model. Cheap labor and favorable government rules protecting their investments.

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Who’s Who in Trump’s Project 2025? Use this Visual Guide!


Why would Trump deny knowing Project 2025? Follow the money with this interactive chart:

Inside Project 2025: Billionaires’ Scheme for a Christian Dictatorship

How does Putin steer the MAGA agenda? Follow the money coming from Russia and Hungary to the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 with this interactive chart.


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At one point there was reporting on GOP candidates having been briefed by the Heritage Foundation on the plan. I cannot find a word about it now.

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Changed my query and found it. Trump, DeSantis, staff of Haley, Ramaswamy and Pence.

Heritage Foundation Makes Plans to Staff Next G.O.P. Administration

No matter the Republican, the effort has set a goal of up to 20,000 potential officials in a database akin to a right-wing LinkedIn.

NYT, April 20, 2023

— Heritage and its project partners have already briefed Mr. Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and their teams, Dr. Roberts said, as well as staff members for other current and potential candidates, including Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations; the entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy; and former Vice President Mike Pence. They plan to give private briefings to all conservative candidates.—


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