All Trump did with this announcement is piss off the evangelical absolutists that are demanding a national ban, now they think they can't trust him (as if these assholes ever should have). As Judd notes, he didn't say a damn thing about vetoing national bans, pulling mifepristone from the market, IVF, contraception and all the rest. Democrats need to continue to run ads day and night, in all 50 states, simply showing Trump bragging about packing SCOTUS with RWRNJs and killing Roe. It will get him zero votes that he isn't already gonna get, and it will help galvanize women and other sentient beings against him.

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Same for all the others. I’m more worried that he signaled its is OK to attack women who are going public about the effect on their lives or revert to the ‘old days’ when they were attacking clinics. AZ Supreme Court ruled today to uphold the 1864 law and said it put doctors “on notice.”. The AG has said she will not enforce it against doctors and women who obtain an abortion. Already Kari Lake has hidden behind a lot of verbal applesauce and seems to forget all the stuff she said on video about abortion. And then there was this from AZ State Senator Burch. She spoke for less than 2 minutes. https://www.azcentral.com/videos/news/politics/arizona/2024/04/09/arizona-state-senator-eva-burch-responds-to-abortion-ruling/73264882007/

Ted Cruz has left a trail like this as he goes silent on abortion: https://www.cruz.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sen-cruz-sends-letter-to-washington-dc-officials-to-preserve-evidence-of-potentially-illegal-abortion-procedures-for-future-congressional-oversight

Which one will move voters?

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All this talk about what Trump did or did not say is accurate (thank you as always for your excellent reporting) but we are still treating him like a “regular candidate” and not as someone who lied over 30000 times during his presidency. “Known liar says …” could be the headline for all these stories.

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The MSM had a headline about Trump putting politics over principles, as if he actually had any. What a total and utter failure by the Fourth Estate

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There is no issue that Trump can be relied upon to think and judge clearly--what a befuddled mess he remains. Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation demonstrate a morality with no wisdom whatsoever. To have a sane and just society we need this work of JUDD LEGUM, REBECCA CROSBY AND TESNIM ZEKERIA. Our media needs these voices. Your work delineating Trump's irrational positions on WOMEN should be a pivotal factor in defeating him. He has no idea how much he despises the well-being of women. The women in this country must become aware of where he's coming from.

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None of them know what to do with this issue. They are all either hiding or saying the dumbest things — and TFG has said this before. This time he tried to put out some bait for “both sides” and you know what always happens when you tried that. What infuriates me - he is using their language of incitement. There will be a new barrage of threats (hopefully only threats) especially toward women who are speaking out.

If he wanted to do stupid he could have said this:


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I don’t think he’s so much unaware as too busy not caring. Everything in his path must serve his purpose. He tried to play both sides and no one buys it. Kari Lake has the same problem as does Ted Cruz and others. None of them know what to do. Here is probably the dumbest comment.

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Best synopsis of the Trump abortion video I've seen. So everything is OK? Liberal abortion policy in California and draconian 'Handmaid' Tale' policy in Texas, Florida and other states? Left wing democrats euthanizing babies after 9 months? Pro-Abortion people livid. No one is happy.

What a mess. Idiocracy at it's finest! The silver lining is that we can vote these people out!

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Excellent Judd!

This is about ‘winning elections’ and nothing else. The problem is MSM won’t call this out.

Women aren’t stupid and this won’t work.

Remember: TFG wants to punish women for abortion as he told Chris Matthews. The statement is one of self-expedience for him. If he’s elected= national ban signed.

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Actually I saw a clip from his video on “MSM” early this morning. I’m watching MSNBC now as they discuss his statement etc. in light of the AZ Supreme Ct just upheld the AZ ban. I believe it takes effect in 2 weeks.

Women are definitely not this stupid. I saw not long ago that Allred is running neck and neck with Ted Cruz. Gee, I wonder why Teddie is so quiet about abortion these days?

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All this aside, the only reason Trump is running for POTUS is to stay out of jail.

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1. Women are dying and suffering needlessly.

2. We are surviving political insanity. 3. His brain is useless mush.

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See how Project 2025 spells out how Trump could enforce a national abortion ban with this interactive guide.


Here is a transcription of Trump's video and how to search it for by keyword.


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So the CDC will be mandated to track who's had abortions in any state but the ATF can't track gun ownership. Makes perfect sense.

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Add more lies to his total. Donald trump has no personal beliefs about abortion. He wants to win his election, so he can stay out of jail. I guarantee you that if trump got one of those cleavaged, Mar a Lago women who hang around him pregnant, she'd be flying to a state that allows abortion in a NY minute.

And just a note about the presentation of his edict. The talking mouth and tone were not convincing. He's like a bad AI creation.

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Not even his lies about Dems or a new one. Not even as creative as his fellow liar:


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If my love for humanity is an ocean, I fill a tarnished tin cup with the hatred I have for Donald Trump. And after he is aborted and executed after birth, I shall continue to hate him and feel nothing but contempt for his children. All that is spilled on the ground is the disdain I feel for anyone with an IQ above 88 that voted for him. Let's clean up this mess.

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Oh gawd, when Judd was going to talk about Trump’s lies, my mind flew to the 30,963 lies during Trump’s “presidency” and I wondered if this column would be like the Christmas Eve edition of the NY Times! When Trump opens his mouth in that little square his lips become, you can place a winning bet there will be LIES, LIES, LIES!

Seriously, thank you for this excellent and in-depth summary of a serious concern in this country!

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Trump is incapable of “thinking” for himself. If you want to know what will happen if he’s elected, ask the Steves (Miller and Brannon). He is nothing more than their puppet.

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He doesn’t care about doing anything himself. He only cares about getting the WH where he can fill his pockets again & staying out of jail. That’s why there is Project 2025 to provide a framework and willing accomplices for the things he tried to do but couldn’t figure out how until it was too late.

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At this point, the people who believe Trump want to believe him. He is a compulsive liar and lies about everything. This was done by Trump via video, as opposed to live because there is no way Trump can keep his thoughts coherent without the heavy editing of video. His people are close to crossing a line: propping up a man losing his mind to try to get Trump over the finish line so they can take over the country. That so many people are okay with it, or simply unaware, is a stain on America.

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It is telling that states like Texas and Oklahoma prosecute doctors or others who help a woman get an abortion but not the woman seeking the abortion. If they honestly believe it to be murder (it isn’t and they don’t), then they are effectively letting the person most responsible for the abortion off the hook. It is logically and legally inconsistent not to prosecute the pregnant woman.

Of course, few of them honestly believe it to be murder which is why they allow the politics of the issue to prevent them from prosecuting the mothers.

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Today the AZ Supreme Court upheld the 1864 law (passed before AZ was a state) and its ban on abortion. I almost forgot to mention in its ruling it put doctors “on notice.”

Kari Lake would like to find a place to hide as she runs for Senate. (She’s talking in circles about the state legislating a “compromise” everyone can agree on.) Ted Cruz may have gone to MX. The silence is amazing. But there are some who have spoken up like this genius:


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Where do politicians get the idea that they are knowledgeable enough or educated in the science of medicine to make any decisions at all regarding reproductive issues? Are there trained physicians in governance or have I overlooked these “great minds”?

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Great minds like this one? (He wants to be governor)

— You want to bring back the institution of abortion so that kids can get abortions in the state of Missouri,” Sen. Eigel said, accusing Beck. “A 1-year-old could get an abortion under this.” —


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