Just read one article about the donations to Trump, directly & through PACs. Then read here about large corporations & how many don’t adhere to their pledge to not support members of Congress who support the Big Lie & seek to overturn the will of the voters. (A big thank you to those that do continue to keep their pledge!)

Congress needs to pass laws to keep corporations & dark money out of politics. Individual contributions to politicians need to be severely limited. Otherwise wealthy people will (& do) unduly influence those running for office, as the way our present system is set up, it takes a lot of money to get elected. And a candidate wants to keep donors happy so supports laws that keep the money flowing.

Is there another way to improve things?

P.S. Thanks to Judd Legum, Rebecca Crosby, & the rest of the Popular Information team for making us aware of the facts.

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"Is there another way to improve things?"

Sunlight. 100% visibility, within three business days, of all contributions to any organization defined in the Internal Revenue code.

SCOTUS says $$=speech? I want to know who tf is talking.

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End Citizens United, pass Medicare For All, cap individual/corporate donations at $500, and make voting easier (by mail) and give equal in-person access for everyone. Then we’ll see what happens…

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Dear Judd: Please confirm: are you saying today that despite reports of precipitous corporate backsliding (from CREW & Accountable.US ) that the February FEC filings indicate corporations are “behaving,” i.e, towing the “halt-contributions” line they drew in 2021? Or is today’s PI only a report about contributions to those 147 Republicans who refused to certify the 2020 elections after the Jan 6 Insurrection?

For example, do those FEC filings cover corporate contributions to national Republican PACs (NRCC & NRSC) and donations at the states’ level— to the RSLC (Republican State Leadership Committee) that you alerted us to on 2/2/22 or to contributions to, say, Texas legislators (your 1/24/22 report)?

I ask because I, along with Cathy Murphree in Texas, have been spearheading an effort to hold the corporate community accountable by writing letters, emails, tweeting, and Facebook messaging.

Given the enormity of the task activists have to protect democracy and get out the vote for 2022 and 2024 years, is that effort as worthy an allotment of time as other forms of protest—like post-carding and text-banking, and phone-banking to register voters and get out the vote? 

Thanks for clarifying.

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Companies that own ALL the biggest Buildings in every major city (hint: banks and insurance Companies) are ALWAYS going to grease the skids. Again, we all know money needs to be removed from politics and it should be a crime to BRIBE (because that is e-x-a-c-t-l-y what it is) all future and elected public officials.

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Thanks for the info. I am in the process of selecting Medicare insurance. Cigna is off, off my list.

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"Nearly every corporation that maintained its commitment to withhold funds from Republican objectors last year continued to do so." This should be highlighted more!

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Just a note of appreciation for keeping at following the money. Thank you!

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