Relying on more trucks? At a time when the trucking industry doesn't have enough drivers?

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And at a time when the airlines could use a boost.

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and wouldn't need to be vaccinated!

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Louis DeJoy needs to go, and the sooner the Biden administration can legally effect that, the better.

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this person is no different than #TraitorTrump: he's a grifter, a cheater, a liar, he's paid himself ludicrous amounts of our taxpayer money, cajoled his workers (postal workers) to give to the traitor and he, dejoy, reimburses them for their *gifts*! CREW has determined this has occurred and, I hope, will do something about it. DEJOY NEEDS TO GO! HE'S A PIMPLE ON THE BUTT OF OUR MAIL SYSTEM!

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DeJoy has certainly cost me money in credit card charges because I used on-line banking. The banks send the checks via first class mail and suddenly my payments are late. And when you use a credit card for substantially most of your money transactions, you can have a large bill. This results in the credit card company charging interest for the entire month, not for just the one or two days it was late. This is all aggravated by the fact that the bill takes longer to get to me. I wanted the actual bill sent because emails can get lost in the unbelievable volume of emails I get on a daily basis. When discussing this with my creditors, I was told that this has happened to many people. Does DeJoy have stock in credit card/banks? 😊😡

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The Dems have the playbook for losing down pat!

By sitting idly while the USPS deteriorates at the hands of Trumpists hired to gut it, the Dems are standing on norms that were shredded decades ago by the GQP and enabling the destruction.

Government capabilities deteriorate, playing into the hands of the GQP even with the Dem majority.

Wake up: it's asymmetrical warfare and the Dems are playing the losing strategy.

Did the GQP stand on norms or ethics when it replaced and sidelined thousands of core government admins or scientists? Read Michael Lewis' "Fifth Risk" to see how USDA, EPA, et al were hollowed out by going against the "norms" that the Dems follow.

The GQP flipped the USPS into this state by playing a different game.

It takes lighting one match to burn down a house that will take years to rebuild

While the GQP spent four years shredding our government capabilities, The Dems sat watching the ematches get lit and the buildings burn while talking about what tools they should use to rebuild it after the fire burnt it to the ground.

Now they are still waiting for it to change by itself... and the PO deteriates further under Biden.

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Did you not read the article? Dens have no power AT THIS TIME to fire anyone on the board as they have no legal cause. These are Trump appointees and they are going nowhere until their terms are up. The whole system is rigged to continue employment for these clowns and Congress is the only one who can change this. Think McConnell, Manchin and Sinema are going to vote for this? You live in a fantasy world don’t you?

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Dear personal-insult-Mark:

If you read Lewis' book, or any of 10,000 news items in the last decade, "power" is simply seized these days more than acquired by norms.

The GQP is playing a different game, gaming the system, and simply doing whatever advances their agenda. You know, like what they did to Obama's Supreme Court pick....

To think that the GQP wouldn't have reconstructed the PO Board if the situation was reversed, you are living is to live in a failing "fantasy", and one that hasn't been paying attention the last 5 years.

It is "fantasy" to live in a world thinking the GQP is going to change their power grabbing ways and the Dems have to wait for them to stop.

Simply grabbing power is the entire GQP strategy. This is the party that didn't even have a presidential platform!

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Kindly note difference between “news” and “opinion,” in your first sentence, and spare this list your rants and unpleasant characterizations of individuals (“personal-insult-patty” would be the next in your series, I reckon) who try our best to respond civilly to one another, including you. Those of us who vote Democratic are neither deaf nor stupid, and won’t easily from your tutelage when it’s unaccompanied by specifics.

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Thank you "Patty" for clarifying how important it is to argue and discuss without insulting. This argument is truly worth having. Let's learn to unravel the possibilities for dealing with outright usurpation that appears to be criminal, and make sure that we can promote ways to confront what is happening before our eyes in a way that can stop the onslaught of damage.

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Thanks (and you’re welcome!) Valerie.

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I despise DeJoy. He is a competitor through UPS. He should never have led the USPS. What a snively little weasel he is. Biden needs to hop on this. So much needs to be done before 2022 elections.

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DeJoy's goal is pretty simple. Strangling the USPS in a general sense is almost beside the point. The idea is to ultimately hurt the mail-in voting employed by many "Blue States" and Democratic voters in general. This follows the clear Republican motto of "If you can't beat 'em, change/game the system so you can."

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One hope however is that there will be so much collateral damage from following this playbook that Blue candidates will prevail. It’s gonna take a whole lot of work, but 2022 midterms are right around the corner, and I don’t see a great deal of coordination among Red (anti choice, anti POC voting, anti environment, anti corporate taxation etc) factions.

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Judd, I just forwarded this to a friend and compared it to good lobbying in that you do a deep dive, provide sourcing, and deliver to legislatures, other media platforms - and all of us - the details that we can trust and take action on. Thank you!

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❤️❤️ cue Tina singing “simply the best” (OF COURSE she was talking about investigative reporting, what else could she possibly have meant?)❤️❤️ —I’ll post this on my Twitter feed, which reaches all 63 of my followers in a nanosecond, though it’s distressing to know a printout will now take even longer to reach family/friends/Congresspeople/influencers like me who still read their snail mail.

Also sucks that the glut of catalogues and junk mail, like the light from a dead star, will barely slow its already-commenced journey to my mailbox, but refund checks, shutoff notices & other time sensitive first class mail will be delayed. All so a few lucky truckers can add USPS packages to their loads? (And won’t that decrease the competitive advantage of other, truly private trucking enterprises, and result in a loss of federal corporate income tax base? Proving conclusively that capitalist Republicans, once elected, “eat their young”?)

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Our government is a complete joke. Trump is effectively crippling the Post Office with a trump loyalist, and there's nothing anyone can do about it? Make up reasons to fire these trump board appointees. Who cares if it's legit or not? Tie it up in the courts while Biden appoints someone new to fix the Post Office. Trump was able to do it when he was president but now that the democrats have all the 'power' they don't want to play a little dirty? This is such a pathetic situation we are watching unfold. Purposely trying to slow down the mail under the guise of 'cost-cutting measures' when everyone with eyeballs can see what's really going on. Pardon my cursing but: What the hell?!?!

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With all due respect - those of us who care about the provision of (“legit”) government services must care whether firings from government posts are “legit or not.” Far too many needed folks simply exited State, EPA, FDA etc because of horrific Trump/McConnell

appointments. We (as in “we the people”) need to bring them back as best we can; acting like asshats w/r/to hiring/firing from federal positions will not help us to do so.

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I wish the government were 'legit' but it's never going to be and you're dreaming if you think it can be, especially after trump appointed friends and big donors to key government positions. This is why the left always fails and gives up constant ground to the right. You care about doing things by the book while the trump administration literally burned the book and urinated on the ashes. If we don't get DeJoy and these ex-CEO's out of the post office, there won't be a post office left. Action must be taken and if they look hard enough, they will find just cause to oust these trump loyalists.

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Ok jake. You push your agenda and I’ll push mine.

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And the head of the FBI also a Trump loyalist and Merrick Garland has been a joke as Attny General in mho

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Aw Cathy, give Garland a chance. Personally I’m thrilled to see the US taking up Texas’ SB 8 - if they do nothing else this year (though they will), that would make me happy.

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I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why this guy still has his job!?!?!?

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For heaven’s sake, READ THE ARTICLE.

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Thank you, Jan. I don’t know what I did before you were around to correct me.

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