Thank you so much for your information and blog. I wish it could be blasted from every roof top. I have shared it widely and given gift subscriptions. Keep doing what you are doing - it is SO important.

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The worst part about a $25 gift card (which expires after 60 days) during a global pandemic in which toilet paper is scarce: you can't even wipe your ass with it.

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I have to say your reporting is among the best $50 I’ve ever spent. Your reporting is so incisive and detailed and your insights are extraordinary. Keep it up!

The part about Darden employees now getting free breadsticks was a great, absurdist touch FWIW

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McMullen participated in a meeting with Trump yesterday. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that the $25 gift certificates - and bragging slash publicly intimidating with them - was Trump’s idea. Pathetic self-praise & meaningless PR. Ughhhh

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I worked for Foodco, Kroger company in Northern California. Most stores were union. Now you see the importance of a union! Some employee's don't want to join unions for one reason or another but that reason doesn't override bad treatment. Which allows these billion dollar companies to treat you like second class citizens! I bet Kroger executives are at home with their families. This is a perfect time for all workers to walk out and unionize!! $25 lmao what a F U!

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Kroger cares about NOTHING but their bottom line. I worked for them for over 25 years and NEVER had paid sick leave. What i did have from them were constant threats if i needed to call in, threatening my job and livelihood if i was ill. They encourage and demand you come in sick. Even with doctor notes, you were harassed and bullied by managment for missing. There is a major culture problem at Kroger that needs to be addressed. This is just now coming to light during this pandemic. I can promise you, the employees are being told to come in unless something falls off. This is not a healthy way to treat employees or run a business!! Please bring these very unethical practices to the light of day. It is time for this company to be known for how they actually treat employees, not the shiny spin they try to make you believe. Everyone who reads this, please remember, this company does NOT care about its employees or you...only your money. Please shop elsewhere.

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Your work is amazing and so are you. If you have any suggestions for how best to amplify, please let us know. I share the shareable articles and urge my contacts to support professional journalists like you. What else can we do?

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Oregon requires paid sick leave for Fred Meyer employees, and further, Fred Meyer employees told me that they have a strong union and are well taken care of. What's up?

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I would not be surprised that states that have passed "at will employment" laws and have poor protections of workers may be where Kroger and other employers commit the most exploitation. Luckily Oregon is not one of those states.

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Maybe if our government would do the right thing for a change; paid sick leave benefits would be made mandatory for ALL EMPLOYEES during this pandemic. It just seems like the ‘safe’ thing to do.

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I'm 67 and my wife is 63. The reality is that 70% or more of Americans (and Brits) are going to get the disease, no matter what we do. The KEY is in not allowing the medical services to be overwhelmed.

This means we will mostly isolate ourselves, with careful runs to shops for food etc. YOU ARE GOING TO GET THE ILLNESS. And recent research shows you can be contagious up to FIVE weeks after you recover.

The number one rule we have is "Don't infect anyone else, don't kill anyone." If Kroger were to accept this fact, they would be planning in depth support for their employees IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THEIR BUSINESS. To do otherwise is to crash.

If we don't all do this right, chaos will ensue, and Mangowanker will cheerfully declare a State of Emergency and Martial Law. (and keep himself out of prison) Why do you think Trump has been so cheerful this week? Answer: His cabal now have a path to Martial Law.

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I agree with Steve Z. Thank you. Glad there are no Kroger’s in my area. I’ve told my son in the Atlanta area to steer clear of Kroger’s there. As we are members of the senior set, we’ve hunkered down and are just taking precautions as best we can. That’s about all we can do for now.

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Thanks for your important reporting. I’m happy to be a subscriber.

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I have been so busy today trying to stay home but still make money. The peril of the self employed.

While I am sympathetic, ain't got no healthcare much less paid time off.

I am sick of corporate BS. Here in VA signs up hiring stockers for overnight at Kroger.

Make that cha-ching ring so hoarders can hoard.

Trump and Co. Acting mighty pious. Army Corps of Engineers said they had not been contacted yet by the Administration though touted by the windbag as part of the plan.

Once again the Shit Show rolls. But not like toilet paper. We as a country are out. Karen hoarded it.

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American greed and capitalism at its best lead by the Ugly American. People are widgets Wonder where the Krogers came from? Canada has faults but is a considerate nation and that is where I chose to live.

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"How dare you point out that our employees are being treated like animals during this time of us trying to use panic to justify awful working conditions. Also, we'll be getting mad bonuses this year for our revenue! High fives!"

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Thank you for doing this. I keep sharing your work and I hope it's helping.

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