trump is merely the carnival barker for the truly dangerous people financing the fascist right wing movement.

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Not merely, but may end up being their puppet. More likely he will be removed by JD Vance using Article 25 to claim Trump is incompetent. If that happens, we should not back Vance, let him and Trump fight it out, as JD would be a proxy president for Bad Billionaire Bros like Peter Thiel, a Nazi if ever there was one. A gay Nazi, who will fund people who will try to destroy life for LGBTQ+ people, just in the way Cohen did with the Lavender investigations.

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This is exactly right.

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The Hats give them away too.

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Citizens United has destroyed our democracy.

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Our own "Supreme" Court has destroyed our democracy's by ignoring the will of The People.

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SCOTUS is supposed to follow the Constitution and the law. It is doing neither.

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And they are liars.

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my question is, if musk violated the law, is the DOJ going to investigate and prosecute, or does he get away with the same criminal behavior that the orange traitor gets away with?

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Advertizing media got intermingled into politics in the 20th century, and has grown exp[onentially into the 21st. And the Right has now has 2 advertizing fronts working for them. Trump (1) is merely entertaining (referenced perfectly as a ‘Carnival Barker’) and all of the money flowing into advertizing from fascists (2) like this guy, who are simply and plainly protecting their own assets/interests. We (Americans) need to figure out in the next cycle how to begin to seperate politics and advertizing (including “News”).

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Yes, we see it in the ‘branding’, slogans and ‘memes’ instead of discourse. It plays well because the average adult understands little about how government works & a president’s role. Adult literacy is stuck below 6th grade with an attention span of 8.25 seconds. (Goldfish attention span, 9 seconds.)

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What I would like to see is someone take Elon Musk to court, and force the Supreme Court to weigh in on the legality. At this point in history to see a bad guy like Musk, get everything he wants is just dangerous for the whole planet. We should be allying with other countries to take him down. He just steamrolled a German municipality where the majority voted against his expanding his factory, but the politicians overrode that. I would like to see what perks he supplied them. He is not better than Putin, and probably has more money. We should have him on our enemies list not be giving him government contracts with security clearance. I feel badly for the people stuck in space that have to wait for him to rescue them.

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With Someone who has unlimited resources, there needs to be another approach to crippling this person. We don't need another bad law on the books.

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Striking how it takes a billionaire like Elon for the Trump campaign to try to hold its own against Kamala Harris.

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Musk purchased and ruined Twitter for 40 billion just to silence the blue members for this election. He is capable of anything.

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According to Keith Olberman this morning Musk has been seen a lot lately with the owner of CNN. This is one time I hope Keith is wrong.

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CNN has been run by a right winger for a few years, it’s long gone already. https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column

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I know that but Musk is a different ballgame.

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Once again we see how these evil Billionaires are trying to buy the election/govt, and install their 34 Times Convicted Felon Puppet in the White House. These motherfckrs dont care about America or Democracy, they only want to protect their $$$$ and reduce regulations they have to follow, so they can continue to exploit the earth's natural resources & the rest of us. Everyone should BOYCOTT ELON MUSKKKRAT - Tesla, X, Spacex, Starlink, and all his other ridiculous "companies".

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Thanks much so let’s take action on this South African rich boy of apartheid. Vote HARRIS/WALZ = democracy!!

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(friendly note: the UCLA law professor's name is Rick Hasen [not Hansen])

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The punishments for these crimes don't seem nearly serious enough given that our democracy itself seems to be hanging in the balance. To that end, while Elon already walks around like the entitled brat that he is, I imagine these repercussions wouldn't be severe enough to get him to think twice about his actions.

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True. He’d spend much more than that to tie it up in court and get headlines. Couch cushion change.

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This is another reason why we need to defeat Trump and his minions decisively in November. Musk will skate on these crimes if Trump is elected. If Harris is elected, Musk, Trump, Thiel and the rest of the fascist rich will learn that no one is above the law.

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Long past time to nationalize Space X and Starlink. Leave Tesla to rot on the vine of out of date technology, low quality and customer flight to other options. Musk is a clear and present danger to national security, treat him as such.

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All one can truly hope is that "a fool and his money are soon parted" and for icing on the cake all his agreements with our government are canceled...

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Power corrupts absolutely.

Great interview with Richardson last night, Judd!

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

How is it a citizen will go to jail for attempting to vote in good faith, but technically illegal due to a misunderstanding (convicted felons in some states were restored their rights but not all crimes or sometimes a bureaucratic misunderstanding like not paying an outstanding fine first), yet malicious actors can commit voting crimes affecting hundreds of people and get off with a warning?

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