Thank you, Judd, for your dogged determination to bring the FACTS to the forefront.

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it's about time that the Republican LIES WERE EXPOSED , THE Republicans use the LIES they have told to allow the U.S. people to believe THEIR LIES ----but all the LIES the Republicans tell is for their OWN GOOD and NOT FOR AMERICAN THE PEOPLE. this will show what LIES the Republican party will go to , all to HELP THEM. go figure ??? rotten LIARS THE Republicans!

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This is why I find the mainstream press less and less relevant. In fact, I lay the demise of our democracy as much at their feet as at that of the Republicans. Thank you for reporting on this important topic. I am going to be sharing it on other Substacks today.

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Never forget the 1% own most major media. The plan to destroy America started with corporate control of news. Nothing so emphasizes this as Rupert Murdoch and Fox.

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Exactly. The billionaires club is making the press they own less relevant. I think Musk's rapid destruction of Twitter, now called X exemplifies this too. When I teach my 8- and 9-year old students to use scissors I stress that they are tools not toys. I would say the same to Musk about Twitter-X.

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Never forget he visited Putin the week before he finalized his purchase of Twitter

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Exactly cathy b! This should have been addressed 2 decades ago!

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FAUX news DOESN'T TELL THE TRUTH at all PER. Rupert, they LIE ALL THE TIME ! this tells you NOT TO BELIEVE THEM ---AT ALL ! they only WANT YOUR MONEY--- per. Rupert---- get smart----LET THEM STARVE. AND ALLOW RUPERT (the turd) to STARVE WITH THEM. his care for BOTTOM LINE is ALL he CARES ABOUT !!!!!!

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Thank you, Judd. I say bring back Walter Cronkite. These 'breaking' news stories (all the time) just corrode the truth so that the outlets promoting these 'breaking' news stories can get the clicks and traffic to make $$$$. Once again, it's always about the $$$, not the truth. Ugh. I really appreciate your coverage of this trend, it is needed desperately.

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Actually, anyone with half a brain would know that cutting the IRS is simply selfish spite by Republicans and bad for the budget of the U.S. -- it looked fishy to me from the get-go. By the way, I abhor various ads I hear on KNX making the IRS seem like bad guys for doing their job to catch tax cheaters, offering to "rescue" these deadbeats, for a fee of course. It does nothing for the reputation of the IRS. The average person wouldn't have to pay such high taxes if it wasn't for the ability of rich people to evade their due. (Trump, anyone?)

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As a retired career IRS employee, I know the IRS rarely ever accepts a "compromise" on a tax liability and writes it off as these companies claim. The IRS does, after extensive financial investigation, place accounts in "currently not collectible" status and reviews them with updated information subsequently. Sometimes the statute of limitations for collection expires. But no one needs to hire one of these companies to do any of that. Believe it or not, IRS employees are really hardworking, decent people, and they are not wealthy either!

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The message here is that the new speaker of the House will be like the old speaker of the House. The GOP is about breaking down the institutions of government, they have no replacement just destruction. Strange how nobody has asked “When you’re through breaking up the IRS how will you collect taxes?”

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They are fully willing to go after lower middle class with a vengeance, as long as they can distract from the real culprits!

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CorpoMedia seems to believe that no one will notice but in-house navel-gazers.

Online noise is required to be loud and persistent enough to shake the cobwebs out of all journalists and "journalists" and let them KNOW that we notice.

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Am I to supposed to believe that no consideration was given to interfering with Presidents Biden’s landmark legislation deflating its impact in such a perverse way as to increase the deficit and enrich the wealthiest among us even more? Do those wealthy think they can take it all with them in the end or are they immortal? What is it they intend to do with massive amounts of wealth? Would they buy another planet 🌎 to live on after destroying this one?

Where would they find it? No individual needs or is entitled to that amount of wealth. Used for charitable, honorable purposes is one possibility but these men, women perhaps don’t care about their fellow citizens of the planet. Let’s let the Senate and President Biden veto this trash before it becomes real.

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The billionaire class wants the “things” they can get obviously, but the power and influence is probably the biggest motivator. They can’t take it with them, rather will provide generational wealth (and power) for their descendants. And seems it’s never enough.

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Yes, that seems reasonable if I were one of the very wealthy; not considerate of others at all. I don’t think I like these people very much. 😖

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"At the base of every great fortune there is a great crime." Balzac

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Sadly, the uber wealthy don’t agree that they should be charitable. They believe making their millions and billions does enough. Selfish cretins.

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Love that descriptor, “Selfish Cretins”!

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Another media misapprehension (lie) arrested in mid-flight! Thanks, as always, Judd, for calling out the slime!

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Oh-h, your point is extremely important! Intelligent journalists must lead the way to the honest ways to report the news. Otherwise we're simply awash in promoting the billionaires' agenda. That is NOT the kind of capitalism our nation can flourish under. [I recorded MSNBC's Stephanie Rule last night because Elizabeth Warren, the wisest of all Senators when it comes to our economy, was coming on to talk about Mike Johnson...will watch when I am more awake.]

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Thanks for the tip. Sounds worthy of a watch by me as well.

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Our national media seems pretty far down appeasement mode for the coming authoritarian takeover. As of now Trump is essentially running the House, and the national media is lockstep as it has been since Biden took office, and long before, with pushing out GOP talking points. Problem is, the danger is very, very near and very very dangerous.

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GOP mantra: Always support the rich and lie if you have to especially if you are Evangelical Christian.

In past 3 days I have fundraising emails from Johnson and his wife.

Fame is fleeting. SoH. Get rich quick.

Another good report.

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I keep imagining what it would be like if these deadbeat millionaires actually paid their taxes like the rest of us, so we didn't have to pay to chase them down. Also, I wonder: if they cheat on their taxes, how exactly did they make their millions??? In the USA, doesn't character matter any more?

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We could cure so much if billionaires and multi-millionaires paid appropriate taxes. We could fund Medical coverage for all, we could look into giving some level of basic income, we could talk about lowering the cost of higher education. And if we brought down our military budget to merely 3 times the next 8 largest militaries, we would reduce crime by allowing people to have shelter and basic income & so much more.

We don’t EVER need billionaires.

Regarding your last question: NO, clearly not.

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Easier, and safer, to be a stenographer than a journalist.

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Another rePUGliCON that is a repugnant conman to Americans! well hard working Americans cause we know the rich are lazy whiny assholes....sorry for the bad language but these monsters are destroying America

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Yes! Call them out!

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Tell it like it is, Judd

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