Cigna double speak makes no sense. Until you recall: The health insurance industry stands to lose big with Dems in control...Medicare for all makes them shake in their designer shoes.

The right to bear arms means more to the 2nd amendment freaks than the children of this country. Their verbage and action has made that loud and clear.

I visited the Virginia Tech Memorial Saturday. I was a reporter for a weekly back then. It was a day of horror and a version of "where were you when April 16" to those of us in the area." One of my youth group members was in a dorm facing on the drill field and described to me by phone the victims being carried across the field. 19 year old in tears because it was unfathomable. 14 years has passed. It still is. And getting worse.

The Roanoke Times won awards for their coverage 4/16/07. They were featured in The Newseum in Washington DC. When I went to work for TRT we had over 120k subscribers daily and 150k on Sundays. Today daily circulation hovers at 30k. I was laid off in 2017. The Newseum was shut down in 2019 I believe. The voice of reason today is from people like Judd picked up by major media, mostly print media that too are in struggling to maintain an increasingly falling readership. Encourage your friends to subscribe to Judd and PI.

We cannot rely on the gun owner proponent of his "Rights" to stop this carnage. Yesterday one of my son's HS friends posted a Boogaloo Bois gun thing on FB. He also lamented how hard it is to find 9mm ammo. This after giving me hell over taking the Pfizer Covid vaccine this past weekend because he believes it's just another government way to take away his freedom. Yes. I unfriended him. But I have unfriended over 500 in the last year. You may not live among them, I do. I watched a Miltia form here last March. I have seen them go underground since Jan 6. In May 2020 the FBI reported 4million gun purchases. Think of all the owners that bought weapons at gun shows in the south, midwest, west that had no background checks, that are never reported. Above all else of the Bill of Rights, these people support gun rights first and increasingly hate the government.

Judd is exposing you to the mechanics of it. From the ground, it is far worse than you can imagine.

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I believe you Cathy. I’m living right across the street from a woman who still has her trump/pence 2020 sign in her window. She and her sons came from OK and think guns are king. I wrote her off in 2017 after trump met with the Russian ambassadors and she had no problem with that. I sure don’t worry about myself but our grandchildren are the ones I really feel for having to deal with the messes we’ve made over our lifetimes and those messes are too numerous to count.

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I worked my butt off by phone mail and texts for GA Senators Warnock and Ossoff so the Senate would be 50-50. Manchin is a puppet of WVA Gov. Jim Justice who is a real peace of work. Sinema owes someone a fav or has donated money calling her shots. So that screws up the process. But by God, I will resist to my best abilities until I die. For my children and Grandchildren yet to be born, my efforts are worth their future.

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Damn Google phone. Piece of work.

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Well, all of this is thoroughly horrifying.

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It truly is. We have a Firehouse GOP local primary coming soon. Two of the candidates are far right. One is militia. This could change the face of our local government.

Sadly, I believe in rural areas more of it will manifest in local politics. Political maps show the population centers controlled the vote for Biden. 43 State legislatures are GOP red. Voting in voter supression laws everyday. Judd is showing you a picture of it in PI. If you stitch it together, you see why I still resist.

All five of our districts now have a GOP committee chair from the far right. The county was a Trump bastion as most rural counties were and his political signs still litter the landscape. That is America outside the major population centers.

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It's terrifying as we clearly now have a tyranny of the minority (in terms of population).

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Yes'm and most definitely the GOP wants to make it official forever and a day.

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While our population is largely intelligent enough, we are largely uneducated. Poor pay keeps good teachers away. Critical thinking skills left the curriculum ages ago. As there is no even relatively easy fix for this, I know I shall be returning my stardust to the Universe long before I see a glimmer of hope. I'll give a vegan's version of a quote from "Hitchiker's Guide to the Universe": "So long, and thanks for all the Seitan!"

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Gonna stick my nose in here and mention that that jackass Madison Cawthorn(Mr Suit and a Smile)got elected in my district. Problem is again, Cathy, like western VA, western NC went for him rather than a Blue Dog veteran Democrat. Go figure. I still say, that this has been a long time in the making.

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It has. I have long drawn out conversations with my Stringer (on my digital paper) about when it began. WWII was the last time the US population as a whole embraced the greater good as a Nation. The Cold War set the stage for fear, wrath and hysteria to take hold, Civil Rights stoked the fire and Vietnam threw gas on the fire. And so it goes on and on from Nixon forward...

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Sorry you live so far away. You could join us for a beer when she is fully vaccinated. I am seven weeks out from Second Pfizer shot.

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Ever hear of cars and meeting halfway?

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"Currently, firearm safety is regulated by the firearm industry..." Always a recipe for success, he said, sarcastically.

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I have never understood this country's gun fetish. We lose thousands of people a year to gun violence and the response by so many is a collective shrug of the shoulders. I guess that I shouldn't be surprised, though: In 2012, the country's lawmakers watched as kindergarteners and their teachers were gunned down in Newtown, Connecticut, and they did NOTHING. That's when I knew that the battle for gun control was truly over.

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Read my post Ian. It boggles the mind. Last year the 2nd amendment proponents came out by the thousands and protested the Governor and General Assembly in Richmond VA.

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I just want to ask them where are the muskets that you are protecting?! 🤷

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And don't forget the zombie apocalypse is coming.

As much as I would like to insert some sarcastic humor, I really can't.

There are people in their late 20s early 30s actually believe this is a thing.🤦

And until we can stop propaganda and blanton lies in the MSM it's just going to keep brewing and getting larger, as it festers across the country.

We need more of a majority to put something like the fairness doctrine back and make it a constitutional amendment.

To the one guy kudos that you can actually hang on fake book, I will have a stroke- I had to delete mine.

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The guy I mentioned is 27. My son at least has good sense.

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Thanks again, Judd. Your clarity on this matter is awesome. To paraphrase, "your kid's teddy bear is more regulated for safety than her uncle's handgun." It's a good argument, that the regulation of tobacco, cars, alcohol - all those potentially dangerous things - haven't taken away any of our "rights."

People are blind to change, though. I live in Boulder. There is an area of town called Gunbarrel, named after a path into the city that a farmer once made, "straight as a gun barrel." It seemed odd when I moved here but over time the name came to seem normal, a part of life. When I've randomly suggested that we should change this name - which lies in our subconscious as a threat of violence - most people shrug it off. Or go on the attack. The Murder Hornets are always lurking online. I don't know how you stand it, Judd, but I'm glad that you do.

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AMERICA! Where guns are the most important thing in the world. Kids getting killed daily? Who cares as long as we're still allowed to own guns, right? I hate this country sometimes...Keep up the excellent work Judd.

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