Joe Biden is the president-elect. Biden won or has significant leads in states that represent 306 electoral votes — far more than the 270 needed to win. Biden leads by about 10,000 votes in Georgia and 17,000 votes in Arizona, the two most closely contested states. But even if Biden's lead were to somehow be reversed in both states, Biden would still win comfortably.
A grifter has to grift as evidenced by the fundraiser email and displayed the despairing state of affairs in the GOP. SMM emails are reminding of the sophomoric letter of the overspending college student to Daddy. Trump has done this all of his life. If the Deutsche Bank rumors are true and he is 400 million in debt he has big trouble with lenders on the horizon.
As for the lawsuits, next to grifting, lawsuits have been his strength of his fake businessman persona. Donny hears footsteps of Federal SDNY prosecution, ya think?
I just saw on Reddit a clip of Fox News pulling away from the cutest press secretary howling election fraud. Fox commentator actually saying unless she has proof they won't entertain it.
Damn those rats leaving the sinking ship.
Cato in ancient Rome concluded every speech he made with Carthage delano est. Carthage must be destroyed. My new conclusion to remarks everywhere:
Make those donations to the GA Senate races as our Republic depends on it.
Boy Cathy, you’re on fire today. This ugly booger and his hip pocket buds at Justice and State are trying to pull some ugly crap and Pentagon is aboil too. I fear these next few weeks.
While I am certainly happy that Joe Biden won the election last week, I am increasingly pessimistic that many Republican voters will ever accept the result. This has incredibly dire consequences for the future of the country, especially as a democracy. The thing is, no one should be surprised in the least by this. No one. Trump told us four years ago, when he was running against Hillary Clinton, that he would only respect the outcome of the election if he won, and for months now, he's been saying the same thing about this campaign. And, now he's completely politicized the Justice Department, so we have the weight of the government behind the "overturn the election" movement.
So, now we go to the courts, which conveniently are stocked with far right judges appointed by Trump and handpicked by Mitch McConnell. Not all of the cases will be dismissed and eventually, one or more of them will reach the Supreme Court which has three Justices who Trump has already said he expects to pay him back for putting them on the High Court. Add to them Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas, both of whom have never met a right-wing cause that they didn't want to champion (I'll give John Roberts the benefit of the doubt, since I believe that he still respects the high court as an institution), and boom, we have an overturning of the election result. That's a big reason why my happiness on Saturday was quite muted.
Ultimately, I'm convinced that Trump, his cheering section in the right wing media echo chamber (I'm looking at YOU, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, etc., etc.) are going to get people killed, be they misguided supporters or innocent victims. I also seriously question whether the Democrats are ready for what is coming their way. This is more than just a deeply divided nation. Rather, this is a battle for whether we stay a democracy or not. Trump supporters have already indicated on what side of that battle they are. Ditto Fox News, OANN, and the utterly feckless Republican leadership, etc. Will the Democrats fight to prevent us from becoming, as Fareed Zakaria described it, an "illiberal democracy"? Are they even aware that this is what is at stake? The public pronouncements they have made suggest strongly that they are not, I fear. They are fighting the battles of 20 years ago, not the current high-tech battle for the soul of the nation.
I’m at the point where I would be glad to never again hear Trump’s voice, see Trump’s face, or read anything about him. He is a disgrace. The media should ignore him. He will be history after January 20th. He thrives on attention & chaos. Ignore him. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
I'm not convinced Trump won't try to run again. Even though he has lost this time around, Trumpism is alive and well in the United States. The Democrats would be wise not to overstate their victory here or underestimate the GOP in 2022 and 2024.
I've contended from 2015 that Trump wanted to create a Kennedy/Bush dynasty. When he won, he placed his children in prominent positions to get a"government" reputation. Ivanka has used every trick in the book to create a smart, warm, loving and powerful female reputation. Her photo portfolio is extensive - and every one of them worthy of a future political ad. Junior is a mess but still wants to beat his sister. Eric....who? So if Trump himself does not run then you can be sure the net four years will be used to prop up Ivanka.
If Dems have just half a brain they will implement the policies that majority of the public want. M4A, debt relief for students, Marijuana legalized, major infrastructure work that would supply good paying jobs, $15 min wage, even trumpers could not ignore how much better their lives have gotten. Not holding my breath tho
I am sure his plan is to run again. He won't concede but will leave claiming he was forced to because states illegally certified results. He will throw hit hat into the ring for 2024 as soon as is feasibly possible to begin fundraising which is what he needs. If we think he was harsh to Obama on Twitter during birtherism he will wage war against the Biden administration dividing the county further, all for ego and cash. I would love to be wrong.
I’m hoping the NYAG will have his sorry butt tied up in court and add to that the many others who may have a beef with him too. Nothing would make me happier than to see the whole tawdry “empire that trump built” leveled and cemented over as a reminder that every once and a while, Justice does prevail.
So the Rep are eating their own demanding Georgia SOS resign. Are they that stupid to think this will help them in the run-offs? I thought only Christians did this. Astounding
Do the Trump people define what "illegal" is in terms of votes? Is it anything they say it is? Postmarked after election day? Not signed? Not witnessed?
That’s what they’ve been trying but have been laughed out of every court they’ve appeared in so far. Can’t seem to come up with that essential proof that courts really appreciate seeing.
A grifter has to grift as evidenced by the fundraiser email and displayed the despairing state of affairs in the GOP. SMM emails are reminding of the sophomoric letter of the overspending college student to Daddy. Trump has done this all of his life. If the Deutsche Bank rumors are true and he is 400 million in debt he has big trouble with lenders on the horizon.
As for the lawsuits, next to grifting, lawsuits have been his strength of his fake businessman persona. Donny hears footsteps of Federal SDNY prosecution, ya think?
I just saw on Reddit a clip of Fox News pulling away from the cutest press secretary howling election fraud. Fox commentator actually saying unless she has proof they won't entertain it.
Damn those rats leaving the sinking ship.
Cato in ancient Rome concluded every speech he made with Carthage delano est. Carthage must be destroyed. My new conclusion to remarks everywhere:
Make those donations to the GA Senate races as our Republic depends on it.
Thanks Judd, you rock.
Boy Cathy, you’re on fire today. This ugly booger and his hip pocket buds at Justice and State are trying to pull some ugly crap and Pentagon is aboil too. I fear these next few weeks.
I just watched a PBS special on the rise of Hitler.
The speakers alluded to what is going on in the world today.
You'd have to be pretty stupid to not to get the message. But 50%of this country is pretty stupid.
While I am certainly happy that Joe Biden won the election last week, I am increasingly pessimistic that many Republican voters will ever accept the result. This has incredibly dire consequences for the future of the country, especially as a democracy. The thing is, no one should be surprised in the least by this. No one. Trump told us four years ago, when he was running against Hillary Clinton, that he would only respect the outcome of the election if he won, and for months now, he's been saying the same thing about this campaign. And, now he's completely politicized the Justice Department, so we have the weight of the government behind the "overturn the election" movement.
So, now we go to the courts, which conveniently are stocked with far right judges appointed by Trump and handpicked by Mitch McConnell. Not all of the cases will be dismissed and eventually, one or more of them will reach the Supreme Court which has three Justices who Trump has already said he expects to pay him back for putting them on the High Court. Add to them Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas, both of whom have never met a right-wing cause that they didn't want to champion (I'll give John Roberts the benefit of the doubt, since I believe that he still respects the high court as an institution), and boom, we have an overturning of the election result. That's a big reason why my happiness on Saturday was quite muted.
Ultimately, I'm convinced that Trump, his cheering section in the right wing media echo chamber (I'm looking at YOU, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, etc., etc.) are going to get people killed, be they misguided supporters or innocent victims. I also seriously question whether the Democrats are ready for what is coming their way. This is more than just a deeply divided nation. Rather, this is a battle for whether we stay a democracy or not. Trump supporters have already indicated on what side of that battle they are. Ditto Fox News, OANN, and the utterly feckless Republican leadership, etc. Will the Democrats fight to prevent us from becoming, as Fareed Zakaria described it, an "illiberal democracy"? Are they even aware that this is what is at stake? The public pronouncements they have made suggest strongly that they are not, I fear. They are fighting the battles of 20 years ago, not the current high-tech battle for the soul of the nation.
I’m at the point where I would be glad to never again hear Trump’s voice, see Trump’s face, or read anything about him. He is a disgrace. The media should ignore him. He will be history after January 20th. He thrives on attention & chaos. Ignore him. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Oh Jean I was at that point in November 2016. It’s been downhill ever since!
I'm not convinced Trump won't try to run again. Even though he has lost this time around, Trumpism is alive and well in the United States. The Democrats would be wise not to overstate their victory here or underestimate the GOP in 2022 and 2024.
I've contended from 2015 that Trump wanted to create a Kennedy/Bush dynasty. When he won, he placed his children in prominent positions to get a"government" reputation. Ivanka has used every trick in the book to create a smart, warm, loving and powerful female reputation. Her photo portfolio is extensive - and every one of them worthy of a future political ad. Junior is a mess but still wants to beat his sister. Eric....who? So if Trump himself does not run then you can be sure the net four years will be used to prop up Ivanka.
If Dems have just half a brain they will implement the policies that majority of the public want. M4A, debt relief for students, Marijuana legalized, major infrastructure work that would supply good paying jobs, $15 min wage, even trumpers could not ignore how much better their lives have gotten. Not holding my breath tho
I am with you on that. But they need more than half the Senate though, so I will be writing letters to voters in GA and donating to the Dems.
I am sure his plan is to run again. He won't concede but will leave claiming he was forced to because states illegally certified results. He will throw hit hat into the ring for 2024 as soon as is feasibly possible to begin fundraising which is what he needs. If we think he was harsh to Obama on Twitter during birtherism he will wage war against the Biden administration dividing the county further, all for ego and cash. I would love to be wrong.
I’m hoping the NYAG will have his sorry butt tied up in court and add to that the many others who may have a beef with him too. Nothing would make me happier than to see the whole tawdry “empire that trump built” leveled and cemented over as a reminder that every once and a while, Justice does prevail.
The crazy is strong in the QOP. Also the need to defraud.
as Voltaire put it: "those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities". drumpf has emboldened a dangerous, privileged group of people.
So the Rep are eating their own demanding Georgia SOS resign. Are they that stupid to think this will help them in the run-offs? I thought only Christians did this. Astounding
Judd, thanks for digging into the truth of the matter once again. It’s the first I’ve heard of this.
Do the Trump people define what "illegal" is in terms of votes? Is it anything they say it is? Postmarked after election day? Not signed? Not witnessed?
That’s what they’ve been trying but have been laughed out of every court they’ve appeared in so far. Can’t seem to come up with that essential proof that courts really appreciate seeing.