Sadly, as long as Capitalism and Profits are the show runners, things won't change. There are very rare exceptions, Patagonia comes to mind, but the truth is these corporations are mandated to maximize profits and doing that while also saving the planet from destruction is not possible.

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It must irritate the hell out of these 1% corporations when you expose their double speak in Action and Deed. Keep up the good work!

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This is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT!!! Readers, don't ignore!

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Over time, your reporting will be en excellent resource to the younger people who are studying how to save the climate and how to meld investing with ethics, sustainability, and accountability for our planet and our people. I have worked with families of gifted children - many who are stupendously smart - and they have a stake in this. I've seen some drop out of the high earning fields and further trained their fine minds on how to deal with the issues you brought up here. Thank you. Many universities have started new Majors in the area of investing and sustainability.

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With the vast amounts of information/dis-information available to anyone, at any time in today’s world, it becomes infuriatingly difficult to know when, where, and how an individual can make an impact

or add their voice to others making impacts.

Judd’s reporting is important to educate what is happening - how do we keep score?

There are many groups, agencies, non-profits, and organizations that address climate and economic equality (justice?). How do we know who to support? Do we need so many groups working toward the same goal?

Simple strategies such as a product or company boycott can be effective, but how do we focus on a few and make a difference one step at a time. How do we pick a focus for all to work on to encourage responsible behavior?

Before anyone thinks I am being a Pollyanna here, ask yourself what can be done to be effective that you are doing that could be impacted if others did the same. Then ask yourself how do we know we are making a difference?

We need a score board! One that lets us focus on a few places where we can affect change. One we can check everyday to see if we are making an impact. Something simple that tracks changes over time to let us know we are moving in the right direction.

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One of the required building blocks to do this properly is carbon accounting software. You cannot do more than estimate scope 3 emissions without, nor can you benchmark current emissions and develop a plan to eliminate. The market for such software is still new. At Microsoft we are in the process of bringing the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability to market in order to address this gap, but there are also other solutions coming to market.

I would expect to see dramatic improvements as companies benchmark current emissions and set data driven targets rather than make aspirational statements.

Full disclosure: I work on sustainability partnership strategy at Microsoft.

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Judd-- none of this is PI news, in my opinion. All of these initiatives are driven by managing PR- that includes the nonprofit reports and the companies themselves. You should be looking for the most innovative specific projects and people-or on the negative side the projects that are a drop in the ocean

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Eh, fear gets old. My grsndpa had a buddy who knew the world was comin to an end in the 50's so he never finished his walkway.

Fear is proven to be less of motivator than inspiration. Obama proved that in recent times when he was elected in '08.

I'm not telling YOU what YOU should care about or read. I'm just telling Judd that I'll opt out eventually if there is not a teeny bit of hope in his journalism. A nugget. And if I opt out, I know others likely will too (based on marketing norms of 1 person who speaks up = 20 who didn't).

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So, this is exactly what I was talking about in the last feedback forum. It's the same reason I stopped watching American Horror Story. Great show, but I can't take NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE.

I love news, don't get me wrong. I know there is bad news and great reporting uncovers it. Im grateful or I wouldn't be an annual subscriber! But great reporting can also give us morsels of hope... a reason NOT to completely give up and stop trying to understand what's going on. Many of my friends (Gen Xers) opt out of news entirely. Why?? Bc it's "too much". Human nature... opt out when it's excruciating.

Only speaking for myself when I say that if you don't start balancing this great reporting with some GOOD NEWS (because it's out there, like companies that rated HIGH that we may be able to support), I will stop reading.

Good Lord, our democracy is crumbling, Judd. People are anxious. Why is it so hard to balance negative/positive reporting with the 80/20 rule? The positive is out there. You are either ignoring it or choosing not to report it.

Thank you for the incredibly deep and thorough reporting done by PI. I truly appreciate your work. 🙏

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You can find good news stories elsewhere. The future of the human race is in the hands of these corporations. PI is here to expose their hypocrisy, in the hope (but not necessarily expectation) that external pressure will make them change their ways, and thus *create* good news.

Sugarcoating the truth helps no one.

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Granted I was one of those who called for more coverage of environmental/climate change news. But the gist of this report I heard yesterday on NPR; and as others have pointed out, it seems to be mostly focused on a PR war as to which none of us can have much if any influence. Exception to this is the last paragraph, exposing bank/big lenders involvement in drilling for more oil - something they don’t generally publicize, so good to know.

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really important story. We need a deep dive into the nitty gritty choices one or two of these corps are not making that would help really paint a picture of what a shift to actual net zero would look like for us as a society.

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Hey Judd, I haven't been receiving the newsletters in my emails anymore. Has a setting changed and is there a way to get this in my emails again? Thanks and good work!

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