About Popular Information

“A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both.” — James Madison

News for people who give a damn

You are not a spectator, and democracy is not a game. But so much of what is written about politics treats you that way. That’s why I created Popular Information. It is daily news and analysis that respects you as a citizen. You won’t just learn about who is up and who is down. You’ll get in-depth information and perspective on the things that really matter.

Every day, there is an avalanche of information — but much of it is a distraction. This newsletter guides you through the noise and helps you focus on what’s important. Popular Information won the 2020 Online Journalism Award for Excellence in Newsletters.

I am a progressive, and you’ll find my outlook reflected in Popular Information’s reporting. But I’m committed to providing readers with the facts necessary to form their own opinions. There is no expectation that readers share my views.

What people are saying about Popular Information

Don’t trust an algorithm with our Democracy

The information you receive through social media is filtered through an algorithm controlled by a multi-billion dollar tech company. The purpose of that company is not to keep you informed but to maximize profits.

Popular Information arrives in your inbox four days a week unfiltered, unbought and unbossed.

No advertisements, no trolls

Politics online is often a cesspool of low-quality advertisements, haters, and racists.

Popular Information is a way to learn about politics free from all the garbage. There are no advertisements. We will never sell or share your information with anyone else.

You get the information directly in your inbox, blissfully out of reach of Qanon conspiracy theorists and that dude you went to high school with who just read The Fountainhead and now has an opinion about everything.

About Judd

Popular Information is written by me, Judd Legum. I spent a decade following politics obsessively as the founder and editor of ThinkProgress. According to Wikipedia, I’ve “drawn notice for reporting and commentary on a range of political topics.”

I also have experience working on a presidential campaign. In 2008, I was Hillary Clinton’s Research Director, which means I was in charge of researching her and her opponents. I was part of a small team that helped Clinton prepare for all 25 Democratic primary debates. I also got an inside look at all the components of a major political campaign, including the press operation, polling, field, and ads.

In 2010, I ran for State Delegate in Maryland. I knocked on 10,000 doors, put up yard signs, showed up at homeowners’ association meetings, and sent out direct mail. I won the Democratic nomination. Then I lost in the general election. It was gutting, but I’m glad I tried it.

I’m putting my experience in politics to work to deliver a newsletter that is worth your time and attention.

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Popular Information is published in the morning four days a week, Monday through Thursday.

Popular Information LLC is owned by Judd Legum.

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Independent accountability journalism.


Founder and author of Popular Information, an independent newsletter dedicated to accountability journalism. You can reach me at judd@popular.info.
Reporter at Popular Information. Reach me at rebecca@popular.info
Research @ Popular Information. Email me at tesnim@popular.info.