Our country’s democracy is being rapidly destroyed before our very eyes........and apparently, a vast majority of Republicans don’t give a sh-t about that fact.

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QAnon. That says a lot about the base. But 74 million voted for Trump which is scary as hell.

Powell is a nutcase. Even with her on video conference and Alternate Facts of the Trump ADM is still used.

Undermining Biden transition at every turn, Trump is doing so much damage to the American people and that 74 million doesn't get it. The GOP politicians but that group of voters is worse. They drank the Kool Aid and buy into this crap.

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If I read this in a novel, I would find it unbelievable; no American could be so gullible as to believe such nonsense. Well, obviously I would be wrong to have such faith in the common sense of my fellow Americans. I look forward to January when our new President & Vice President bring truth back to the White House. I hope that the voters of Georgia vote for Warnock and Ossoff for their Senators. Perhaps then we can make America better.

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Thank you Judd. It's hard to understand how my mind can be boggled every day. For the sake of the country and the world, a massive stroke in a widely known mango wanker would be very helpful.

#Mangowanker Turdking the Abominable.

He's a repulsive sociopath, who cannot stand the idea of anyone being alive after his own death.

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When Republicans are expressing embarrassment, you know it's bad.

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Only a very few Rs are expressing embarrassment, the majority of them are not

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It’s finally happened; the entire Republican Party has gone completely insane...they have been infected with something even more dangerous than COVID: trump brain.

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How much more can these fools eff up trumpist minds? Let me count the ways. But wait, there are too many to count. I digress. Aw hell, why bother? As of this post, the GSA(Emily, of dubious fame)has begun the formal procedures to release transition funds to President-Elect Biden AND trumpo has finally decided that, after striking out 35 out of 36 attempts to disenfranchise Democrats AS WELL AS republicans(guess he thought only Democrats voted in blue states), former Vice President Biden actually won the election from Hell! Good god! Will January 20 not leapfrog onto the 24th of November so we can be done with this asshat of a cheating golfer and lousier than Death president before he burns the US down around everyone’s ears? I really,REALLY want Ms. Leticia James, NY-AG to get herself a piece of him before he can sit down in the chopper that will carry his butt off the White House lawn.

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