This guy is raking in $700,000 a year just from these 4 companies. America’s whole political system is broken.

Good work showing us where they put that money while they run their mouths, Judd. Of course their BLM support is just lip service, but at least it shouldn’t wet the beak of scum like Matt Schlapp.

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Thank you for giving me yet another reason not to shop at Walmart..

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Thank you for outing these hypocritical companies. My family and I are doing everything we can to steer clear of giving them any of our business until they own up to their hypocritical and racist behavior. I have no tolerance for any organizations who support or tolerate racism and have even less respect for those who say one thing publicly and do another privately. This is a big problem in our country. Where companies put their money is WHO THEY REALLY ARE!! And they must be outed and held responsible. Money talks! Cut off their cash flow.

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Aww The Corporate 1%. Playing both sides of the field and lying out of both sides of their mouths.

Makes me sick.

Thanks Judd for exposing yet another conservative racist sitting with the 1%. They love screwing the American public and the minority citizens always get it worst. The MAGAT followers love this, thinking they are part of the 1%. Screwed like the rest of us and too ignorant to figure it out.

Side bar:

Hooray for the teenager ninjas and Til Tok for helping ruin Trump's Tulsa Rally numbers. The future may be brighter than I expected!

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It’s so important to shine a light on this hypocrisy. These companies are so phony with their BLM public relations ads but in the dark they spend millions on right wing racist lobbying. Please let us know if any respond and change their ways. It would help if we knew the email address of their board chairman and CEO to get a letter writing campaign going too.

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Thank you Judd, your reporting on these corporations hypocritical mouthing of support for BLM is vitally important

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This guy's professional talents can't be such that he's irreplaceable. These companies should give Schlapp and his ilk the boot.

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You just cant trust anything anymore. All of these companies appealing to the general public and doing the "right thing" only to back a racist piece of trash like Matt Schlaap in the shadows. This newsletter is incredible and you are doing excellent work Judd.

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Thank you for continuing to shine a light on all the corporate hypocrisy and racism

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It pays to be a scum bag.

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