Critical issues, in my view, are:(1) rapid de-fossil fueling our transportation system, (2) protecting democracy from voter suppression, & (3) finding ways to bring the radicalized, post facts right back into meaningful social and political discourse.
Critical issues, in my view, are:(1) rapid de-fossil fueling our transportation system, (2) protecting democracy from voter suppression, & (3) finding ways to bring the radicalized, post facts right back into meaningful social and political discourse.
Biden can make some big moves in de-fossilization through executive action to require most government and military transportation move to electric vehicles.
Critical issues, in my view, are:(1) rapid de-fossil fueling our transportation system, (2) protecting democracy from voter suppression, & (3) finding ways to bring the radicalized, post facts right back into meaningful social and political discourse.
Biden can make some big moves in de-fossilization through executive action to require most government and military transportation move to electric vehicles.