Stephen Miller, the notorious advisor to former president Donald Trump, suggested on X yesterday that a "conservative state Attorney[] General" should pursue civil and criminal charges against Media Matters.
When republicans tell us what they will do, believe them!! The former guy is promising revenge and it looks like he’s got a cast of horrible characters in line to do his awful bidding. Wake up America!!
I live in Missouri, and all I can say is I did not vote for the governor who appointed this man or our two senators and my own representative. Once upon a time, Missouri was a bell weather state. Today, it is bleeding red, though I do have some hope in the 2024 senate race.
I grew up in MO when it was a purple state and still follow the politics. 😬 Bailey is out of his mind. Do you think Lucas Kunce has a chance against Hawley? 🤞🏼
I too am in Missouri and am disgusted by what our government has become. I am also annoyed how the democrat party has abandoned Missouri. I am on several email list that I receive daily that ask me to give money to senate races in other states and how crucial that fight is. What about the state I live in?!? Kunce can certainly beat hauling ass Hawley, but he will need support from the party. Missouri republicans are awful.
If the Democratic Party has abandoned you, you need to organize. Follow the Michael Moore playbook. Connect with other groups and other states and gain support. Create your local Democratic chapter and go out and help people. You can do it. There are groups all across the country that partner with local democratic organizations, and they use out-of-state people to help get the word out. It’s doable.
A Democrat from rural western Oregon traveled on his own dime to help organize Democrats in rural eastern Oregon. It is doable. Sometimes state and party officials become complacent or focus on big population areas, just as can happen in any organization or business.
The Democratic Party business model is a built-in proven loser. There’s only a few people that work full-time for the DNC and the DCCC and they hire consultants from the constant campaign industrial complex. Obviously, not professional consultants. Everything about the party either needs burnt to the ground and the Phoenix firmly married to the constitution of the United States or dump it all together and either join the green party or create a new legitimate party. Currently the green party is the only legitimate platform in existence.
This is the future, and great advice. Michael Moore is a smart dude. However, I hope everyone, no matter their disenchantment with certain issues of the Dems, is foolish enough to do anything but vote for Biden in 2024. If we don't get Biden in the White House again, the rest is just talk. It won't be pretty.
Wow. If I was a Democratic Party female constituent I would be outraged that people like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris are backed by the party when it contains people at Katie Porter, Mazie Hirono, Elizabeth Warren, AOC. Kamala Harris is nothing but an opportunist. She certainly isn’t any different than he corporate water carrier white guys that control the party. That’s especially abhorrent from a woman of color.
I guess the bottom line of why reply to your suggestion is I really would like the opportunity to vote for someone and for something. Not against the opposition or the lesser of evils. You should also make that a goal
We had a huge environmental issue on the ballot on the north Oregon coast a few years ago. Tons of news coverage and outreach from all sides. The lowest turnout was from the registered Green Party voters. As we know, it's much easier to talk about virtue than to actually do what's required.
Do you have a credible source for that claim? Currently, not affiliated voters outnumber any party affiliation. I think that’s just nebulous bullshit. That said, if it is reality, anecdotal irrelevancy.
Holding the winners of the vote accountable is far more important to a representative democracy. The donor class is doing a great job of that grade the crux of the matter is, unless the Democratic Party offers a solution to restoring the republic and addressing the eminent climate crisis, there is no statistically significant difference between the two parties. There hasn’t been since Nixon. Other than, basic human rights. If that argument is part of a policy conversation, good government is far out of reach.
While I agree the DNC is a failure in capturing the real passion of voters and achieving the desired outcomes, our 2 party system doesn’t allow for a third party gaining any real traction. It’s a much tougher sell.
I am remiss, you are quite correct that a two party system almost completely ensures our mandate by the framer not function as it should. It is not incentivize good government. Only slightly better than because the electorate is easily lead to tribalism.
It’s not the system. It’s the electorate. The framers weren’t speculating or guessing when they qualified the entire model they so graciously left us. They qualified it. It relies on “an informed and educated electorate” to function properly. They never dreamed they should qualify only allowing “honest brokers” in positions of government.
Because I’m a professional political scientist and the typical tribalist constituent assumption that the party offers good government and quality policy is a false narrative. Obviously, not very many people in America understand political science. I mean look around for god sake’s.
I commented it to you for one simple reason. If you were going to have to build something from the ground up, I would avoid a disingenuous and unannounced agenda parent model.
I’m hoping the green party is now legitimate as it was before Jill Stein.
Vacillating between corporate oligarchy enable to fascism and complete despotism does not suit me. We all should be above that.
Thanks for pointing this out, Jeff. Even news media now use the GOP's language for the Democratic Party. Words used in the wrong way distort and diminish the truth - it's an insidious process that normalizes deception and propaganda. Too many current examples to list here, plus it's harmful to repeat the language of deceivers.
Or... it could have been a typo. This feels like the epitome of the DEMOCRATIC party's problem. People focusing on tiny details, wanting everything to be perfect, while not addressing the larger issue.
I believe Lucas Kunce would have won in the last election, had Trudy Bush Valentine's money not propelled her into the race. Sadly, we ended up with Eric Schmitt, a man cut from the same cloth as Hawley, Bailey and Mike Parson.
Hardly. The average resident of Missouri has been nowhere, seen nothing, is unread, uneducated uncouth and uninformed. But, they know shit. Just ask them........
They don’t know how to politic. I’m sure numerous Republicans could easily be beat especially in the house. My guy, Sam Graves who you’ve probably never heard of but he’s been there since 2000 is such a self-serving back benching corporate tool. If the electorate actually knew what he has done and what he proposes, I just can’t imagine even mouth breathing knuckle dragging Missouri would vote for the guy. But who knows, I was going to fix all that stupid shit that adults do when I grew up. Obviously, I am awash in naïveté.
When a party cannot separate itself from an opposition that is an obvious ongoing criminal enterprise in the eyes and minds of the electorate, I must contend, they aren’t doing it right, prolly........
It has now come to light. Missouri has an authoritarian government who are trying their best to destroy the state. Somehow, they have the thought that if they can push their ways on the people of the state, then the rest of America will follow suit.
The people of Missouri have to stop these elected officials from taking their freedoms. They are stripping you one piece at a time. It has to be stopped. You need to rise up and make your voices heard that you will not tolerate the stripping of your freedoms.
People of Missouri, please, start writing letters, put articles in newspapers, magazines, posters, billboards. Get the pressure on these elected officials to get it right and stop taking your freedoms.
Cori represents district 01 which is St. Louis and parts of St. Louis County. She should have no problem being re-elected especially after a bunch of us Blue voters from district 02 were gerrymandered into 01.
It’s not her votes or her policy positions, sadly, Missouri is full of racist sexist misogynist douche canoes. Her heart is in the right place but she’s not versed in policy. But hey, not very many Americans are. She’s just another corporate water carrier. I have a special ire for women and minorities to vote like old white guys.
I have no idea. An old white guy in Missouri is either proudly ignorant of the entire process and participates anyway or has no real chance of legitimate representation. There’s a reason the Democrats don’t win here. The knuckle draggers are right about one thing. Their life doesn’t change to matter who’s in power.
Sadly, we are an exception to a really shitty demographic.
Take to the streets. Mass civil disobedience is the only way in which a representative democracy can be changed in a statistically significant manner. We have forgotten our own history!
So, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (R) joins the movement against sexuality and the black race (sometimes the brown race) along with DeSantis and Mike Johnson. They are uncomfortable with any sexuality they don't understand, any sexual expression that makes them feel uncomfortable. Their overt and underlying racism comes out in who they choose to prosecute and who they choose to defend. And, who and what is being attacked? "Media Matters for America is a non-profit organization that monitors and exposes right-wing media misinformation and disinformation." Thank you Judd, you are helping us stay on top of who and what threatens our true freedom in this country.
So Stephen Miller hasn't choked on a chicken bone yet? Hmm. Despicable "little" man....His own family, some of whom had escaped the nazis, don't like Miller & many wrote of the reasons why, when trump was in office. He's obviously still floating the idea, indirectly, that a first amendment doesn't exist. Well, for the moment does. So let's pretend for the moment Stephen the amendment does & you're not relevant at trump.
Unfortunately Miller is leading the legal push under America First legal foundation and has had some success pushing far right causes in court. History lesson the original America First led the "stay out the war" (WWII) here in the US. As an anti war movement with influential people, it kept America out until Pearl Harbor and was very antisemitic.
If you have not watched Ken Burns series "The Holocaust," you should.
Yes, I think Lucas Kunce has a chance to win in Missouri. He’s about the best candidate the Democrats could offer to do so. I’m hopeful, but it’s still an uphill battle.
Yes he can win but needs to not be ignored by the party to avoid another trudi bush valentine issue happen that resulted in dip Schmitt getting elected.
The DNC is only going to support candidates who are willing to be donor class corporate water carriers. Please pray that’s there mission statement. Read the platform carefully. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what all over their policies are. “With the people” are purely ancillary
Thankfully the Missouri Supreme Court refused to hear Bailey's challenges on the abortion issue, so hopefully now signatures can be collected. Then maybe Missouri can start clawing back some of the BS the GOP has inflicted on the state. I don't understand how Missouri Republicans fly under the radar because they are crazier than so many other states in the news. Like when two state senators (including a candidate for governor) used flame throwers at a campaign event to burn "leftist ideas" like DEI initiatives and education programs.
We have a Missouri Governor who is a nothing but a mean hick with terrible grammar. We have a Secretary of State, Jay Ashcroft, who is a lunatic and recently lost his case to include clearly inflammatory wording in a proposed reproductive rights amendment. AG Bailey, well, you read the story. All Republicans, all dying to be in the spotlight. As for our US Senators, how I miss Claire McCaskill.
I would have to agree but I am sure that’s a smart decision at this juncture. Why draw attention to seven years of criminality and moral bankruptcy when you only have a year of office left and I’m sure you have plans for more criming after leaving office.
Our governor is a blatant criminal. The fixing of the medical marijuana growing contract during his first term is exposed by the legislative process. First, they limited production to 60 growers. You know, free market at all, then awarded the contracts on a point system. Well, I’ll be damned if the 60 entities that received contract worth the top 60 vote getters.
Nick Those are intimidating and terroristic moves. They should be treated as such but they aren’t. We must gut the Republican Fascist Party next Nov. We shouldn’t have to vote criminals out, they should be REMOVED. But it’s all we have apparently.
Removing them would be great. Missouri, unfortunately, is another state gerrymandered to hell so it's tough. As someone else commented, the national Democratic party as all but given up on Missouri so those running here have a tough road ahead. Fingers crossed.
I shall try again with better syntax, grammar and hopefully, sans typos.
Gerrymandering in Missouri is not relevant whatsoever compared to the political acumen of the electric and on a national scale, ES & S optical scanners. Like dozens of other Senate races, I’m positive Jason candor beat Roy Blunt in 2018. All of the Senate races are conspicuously awarded to the GOP in tight races by ridiculously large margin’s. Beto against Ted Cruz for instance. Anywhere between .5 and 1.5% the last six months of the race yet lost by 1.9 million votes? No
I know. But I have high hopes that the Republican Fascists will be de-moralized after 2024 elections and we can de-rail this lunacy. Jack Smith put Trump’s sedition trial to election year for a reason. The Rs will witness they psychotic Hitler-wannabe..broken.
No Democrat is going to win on the national level in Missouri except for Kansas City Columbia and St. Louis. Definitely not in the Senate and we are stuck with a Republican criminal administration for the foreseeable future. Between the blatant ignorance of the electorate and ESNS optical scanners, status quo is the future. For future.
Bailey has demonstrated the kind of thinking that is representative of “self-evident” truth based knowledge. This is the kind of thinking that the super-majority of conservatives, especially those who adhere to Biblical worldviews, rely on to justify their bigotry and all around stupidity.
This is what we face and must vigorously oppose when it comes to the MAGA rebellion movement.
Missouri Attorney General Bailey doesn't let the facts get in the way of trying to steamroll his conservative agenda from his power of office. It is exactly these kind of people who are not public servants and have no intention of being that. They want to rule. They want to move the country into some unsustainable model of their imaginations. We didn't just drift into the current state of values.
The majority of people, especially the younger population have embraced a more forward progressive vision. If your attitude is you know what is best for your constituents than what they ask for you are the wrong person for the job.
Excellent reporting as usual. Keep uncovering the real criminals. We would not know about this man unless you wrote about him. Thank you. With you around it will be difficult for evil to get away with it.
Can 'Media Matters' sue the Missouri Attorney General, Stephen Miller, and Musk if 'Media Matters' report is found to be true? I hope people will eventually come to see how destructive trump and his cult is to the world.
Absolutely disgusting what these jagoffs are doing in these states ! Why do they think that they are above the law by putting out laws that hurt to destroy others ! What makes them so god-damn better than anyone else !! I'm so tired and pissed off that time and time again these douche bags get away with the crap they spew !! Now we have these asshats trying in Canada ! WTF is wrong with people...!! Why would anyone think it is right to ostracize and disenfranchise people of a different color, different lifestyle and ethnicity!! Why is it OK to rule over women's body autonomy but no mention of any rules for men ?? Why is it that a minimal amount of people get to control the lives of others by refusing gender care , ban books of POC or LGBTQ +, deny the truth of black history and just being disgusting people! I just can't believe that these people can ruin the lives of others and they get all the media like everything is just A- OK !
When republicans tell us what they will do, believe them!! The former guy is promising revenge and it looks like he’s got a cast of horrible characters in line to do his awful bidding. Wake up America!!
I live in Missouri, and all I can say is I did not vote for the governor who appointed this man or our two senators and my own representative. Once upon a time, Missouri was a bell weather state. Today, it is bleeding red, though I do have some hope in the 2024 senate race.
I grew up in MO when it was a purple state and still follow the politics. 😬 Bailey is out of his mind. Do you think Lucas Kunce has a chance against Hawley? 🤞🏼
I too am in Missouri and am disgusted by what our government has become. I am also annoyed how the democrat party has abandoned Missouri. I am on several email list that I receive daily that ask me to give money to senate races in other states and how crucial that fight is. What about the state I live in?!? Kunce can certainly beat hauling ass Hawley, but he will need support from the party. Missouri republicans are awful.
If the Democratic Party has abandoned you, you need to organize. Follow the Michael Moore playbook. Connect with other groups and other states and gain support. Create your local Democratic chapter and go out and help people. You can do it. There are groups all across the country that partner with local democratic organizations, and they use out-of-state people to help get the word out. It’s doable.
A Democrat from rural western Oregon traveled on his own dime to help organize Democrats in rural eastern Oregon. It is doable. Sometimes state and party officials become complacent or focus on big population areas, just as can happen in any organization or business.
The Democratic Party business model is a built-in proven loser. There’s only a few people that work full-time for the DNC and the DCCC and they hire consultants from the constant campaign industrial complex. Obviously, not professional consultants. Everything about the party either needs burnt to the ground and the Phoenix firmly married to the constitution of the United States or dump it all together and either join the green party or create a new legitimate party. Currently the green party is the only legitimate platform in existence.
This is the future, and great advice. Michael Moore is a smart dude. However, I hope everyone, no matter their disenchantment with certain issues of the Dems, is foolish enough to do anything but vote for Biden in 2024. If we don't get Biden in the White House again, the rest is just talk. It won't be pretty.
I'm voting for Biden's vice president, not Biden, when I vote for him. I have always wanted a woman president anyhow.
Wow. If I was a Democratic Party female constituent I would be outraged that people like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris are backed by the party when it contains people at Katie Porter, Mazie Hirono, Elizabeth Warren, AOC. Kamala Harris is nothing but an opportunist. She certainly isn’t any different than he corporate water carrier white guys that control the party. That’s especially abhorrent from a woman of color.
I guess the bottom line of why reply to your suggestion is I really would like the opportunity to vote for someone and for something. Not against the opposition or the lesser of evils. You should also make that a goal
You just as well do all that for the green party and a legitimate platform.
We had a huge environmental issue on the ballot on the north Oregon coast a few years ago. Tons of news coverage and outreach from all sides. The lowest turnout was from the registered Green Party voters. As we know, it's much easier to talk about virtue than to actually do what's required.
Do you have a credible source for that claim? Currently, not affiliated voters outnumber any party affiliation. I think that’s just nebulous bullshit. That said, if it is reality, anecdotal irrelevancy.
Holding the winners of the vote accountable is far more important to a representative democracy. The donor class is doing a great job of that grade the crux of the matter is, unless the Democratic Party offers a solution to restoring the republic and addressing the eminent climate crisis, there is no statistically significant difference between the two parties. There hasn’t been since Nixon. Other than, basic human rights. If that argument is part of a policy conversation, good government is far out of reach.
While I agree the DNC is a failure in capturing the real passion of voters and achieving the desired outcomes, our 2 party system doesn’t allow for a third party gaining any real traction. It’s a much tougher sell.
I am remiss, you are quite correct that a two party system almost completely ensures our mandate by the framer not function as it should. It is not incentivize good government. Only slightly better than because the electorate is easily lead to tribalism.
It’s not the system. It’s the electorate. The framers weren’t speculating or guessing when they qualified the entire model they so graciously left us. They qualified it. It relies on “an informed and educated electorate” to function properly. They never dreamed they should qualify only allowing “honest brokers” in positions of government.
As if I’m going to work hard to support this particular party platform?
I’ve been blessed to spend 15 years of my life and first world countries. Not to be an elitist, but this shit is beneath me.
You weren’t the one who posted the original post. So you don’t have to do anything. Not even sure why you’re commenting.
Because I’m a professional political scientist and the typical tribalist constituent assumption that the party offers good government and quality policy is a false narrative. Obviously, not very many people in America understand political science. I mean look around for god sake’s.
I commented it to you for one simple reason. If you were going to have to build something from the ground up, I would avoid a disingenuous and unannounced agenda parent model.
I’m hoping the green party is now legitimate as it was before Jill Stein.
Vacillating between corporate oligarchy enable to fascism and complete despotism does not suit me. We all should be above that.
Jeff, For starters quit using the MAGA phrase, Democrat Party. It’s Democratic Party.
Thanks for pointing this out, Jeff. Even news media now use the GOP's language for the Democratic Party. Words used in the wrong way distort and diminish the truth - it's an insidious process that normalizes deception and propaganda. Too many current examples to list here, plus it's harmful to repeat the language of deceivers.
Or... it could have been a typo. This feels like the epitome of the DEMOCRATIC party's problem. People focusing on tiny details, wanting everything to be perfect, while not addressing the larger issue.
As if that’s relevant? Take your semantically correct self and go away. Far, far away.
I believe Lucas Kunce would have won in the last election, had Trudy Bush Valentine's money not propelled her into the race. Sadly, we ended up with Eric Schmitt, a man cut from the same cloth as Hawley, Bailey and Mike Parson.
ESNS optical scanners will insure that Republicans win the vast majority of elections in Missouri.
I hope there are enough sane voters in Missouri
There are sane (Democratic) voters in spades in St. Louis, Kansas City and Columbia.
Rounding up you’re referring to 1 million people. In a state of over 6 million.
All true. But they certainly don’t fit into the demographic of “the average member of the electorate”
Hardly. The average resident of Missouri has been nowhere, seen nothing, is unread, uneducated uncouth and uninformed. But, they know shit. Just ask them........
They don’t know how to politic. I’m sure numerous Republicans could easily be beat especially in the house. My guy, Sam Graves who you’ve probably never heard of but he’s been there since 2000 is such a self-serving back benching corporate tool. If the electorate actually knew what he has done and what he proposes, I just can’t imagine even mouth breathing knuckle dragging Missouri would vote for the guy. But who knows, I was going to fix all that stupid shit that adults do when I grew up. Obviously, I am awash in naïveté.
Anything is worth a try. Hawley is nothing but an over educated coward.
Snowballs chance in hell.
Between the DNC’s lack of skilled politik, and ES & S optical scanners, not happening....
When a party cannot separate itself from an opposition that is an obvious ongoing criminal enterprise in the eyes and minds of the electorate, I must contend, they aren’t doing it right, prolly........
It has now come to light. Missouri has an authoritarian government who are trying their best to destroy the state. Somehow, they have the thought that if they can push their ways on the people of the state, then the rest of America will follow suit.
The people of Missouri have to stop these elected officials from taking their freedoms. They are stripping you one piece at a time. It has to be stopped. You need to rise up and make your voices heard that you will not tolerate the stripping of your freedoms.
People of Missouri, please, start writing letters, put articles in newspapers, magazines, posters, billboards. Get the pressure on these elected officials to get it right and stop taking your freedoms.
This article made me think of Rep Cori Bush immediately. Hope she gets great support to increase her power.
Cori represents district 01 which is St. Louis and parts of St. Louis County. She should have no problem being re-elected especially after a bunch of us Blue voters from district 02 were gerrymandered into 01.
She’s not exactly helping the team.
What specifically could or should she do? She seemed willing to stick her neck way out.
It’s not her votes or her policy positions, sadly, Missouri is full of racist sexist misogynist douche canoes. Her heart is in the right place but she’s not versed in policy. But hey, not very many Americans are. She’s just another corporate water carrier. I have a special ire for women and minorities to vote like old white guys.
I’m an old white guy, how do you think I vote?
I thought the congressional vote thing would be inferred from the fact that Cory is in Congress.
I was referring to congressional votes I should have been more specific.
I have no idea. An old white guy in Missouri is either proudly ignorant of the entire process and participates anyway or has no real chance of legitimate representation. There’s a reason the Democrats don’t win here. The knuckle draggers are right about one thing. Their life doesn’t change to matter who’s in power.
Sadly, we are an exception to a really shitty demographic.
Take to the streets. Mass civil disobedience is the only way in which a representative democracy can be changed in a statistically significant manner. We have forgotten our own history!
So, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (R) joins the movement against sexuality and the black race (sometimes the brown race) along with DeSantis and Mike Johnson. They are uncomfortable with any sexuality they don't understand, any sexual expression that makes them feel uncomfortable. Their overt and underlying racism comes out in who they choose to prosecute and who they choose to defend. And, who and what is being attacked? "Media Matters for America is a non-profit organization that monitors and exposes right-wing media misinformation and disinformation." Thank you Judd, you are helping us stay on top of who and what threatens our true freedom in this country.
So Stephen Miller hasn't choked on a chicken bone yet? Hmm. Despicable "little" man....His own family, some of whom had escaped the nazis, don't like Miller & many wrote of the reasons why, when trump was in office. He's obviously still floating the idea, indirectly, that a first amendment doesn't exist. Well, for the moment does. So let's pretend for the moment Stephen the amendment does & you're not relevant at trump.
Unfortunately Miller is leading the legal push under America First legal foundation and has had some success pushing far right causes in court. History lesson the original America First led the "stay out the war" (WWII) here in the US. As an anti war movement with influential people, it kept America out until Pearl Harbor and was very antisemitic.
If you have not watched Ken Burns series "The Holocaust," you should.
Yes, I think Lucas Kunce has a chance to win in Missouri. He’s about the best candidate the Democrats could offer to do so. I’m hopeful, but it’s still an uphill battle.
Yes he can win but needs to not be ignored by the party to avoid another trudi bush valentine issue happen that resulted in dip Schmitt getting elected.
The DNC is only going to support candidates who are willing to be donor class corporate water carriers. Please pray that’s there mission statement. Read the platform carefully. That’s what it’s all about. That’s what all over their policies are. “With the people” are purely ancillary
Someone should inform Gym Jordan we’ve found some of that weaponization of government he’s been complaining about...
Thankfully the Missouri Supreme Court refused to hear Bailey's challenges on the abortion issue, so hopefully now signatures can be collected. Then maybe Missouri can start clawing back some of the BS the GOP has inflicted on the state. I don't understand how Missouri Republicans fly under the radar because they are crazier than so many other states in the news. Like when two state senators (including a candidate for governor) used flame throwers at a campaign event to burn "leftist ideas" like DEI initiatives and education programs.
We have a Missouri Governor who is a nothing but a mean hick with terrible grammar. We have a Secretary of State, Jay Ashcroft, who is a lunatic and recently lost his case to include clearly inflammatory wording in a proposed reproductive rights amendment. AG Bailey, well, you read the story. All Republicans, all dying to be in the spotlight. As for our US Senators, how I miss Claire McCaskill.
Is it just me or has Governor Heehaw been extremely quiet recently?
I would have to agree but I am sure that’s a smart decision at this juncture. Why draw attention to seven years of criminality and moral bankruptcy when you only have a year of office left and I’m sure you have plans for more criming after leaving office.
Our governor is a blatant criminal. The fixing of the medical marijuana growing contract during his first term is exposed by the legislative process. First, they limited production to 60 growers. You know, free market at all, then awarded the contracts on a point system. Well, I’ll be damned if the 60 entities that received contract worth the top 60 vote getters.
Nick Those are intimidating and terroristic moves. They should be treated as such but they aren’t. We must gut the Republican Fascist Party next Nov. We shouldn’t have to vote criminals out, they should be REMOVED. But it’s all we have apparently.
Removing them would be great. Missouri, unfortunately, is another state gerrymandered to hell so it's tough. As someone else commented, the national Democratic party as all but given up on Missouri so those running here have a tough road ahead. Fingers crossed.
I shall try again with better syntax, grammar and hopefully, sans typos.
Gerrymandering in Missouri is not relevant whatsoever compared to the political acumen of the electric and on a national scale, ES & S optical scanners. Like dozens of other Senate races, I’m positive Jason candor beat Roy Blunt in 2018. All of the Senate races are conspicuously awarded to the GOP in tight races by ridiculously large margin’s. Beto against Ted Cruz for instance. Anywhere between .5 and 1.5% the last six months of the race yet lost by 1.9 million votes? No
I know. But I have high hopes that the Republican Fascists will be de-moralized after 2024 elections and we can de-rail this lunacy. Jack Smith put Trump’s sedition trial to election year for a reason. The Rs will witness they psychotic Hitler-wannabe..broken.
No Democrat is going to win on the national level in Missouri except for Kansas City Columbia and St. Louis. Definitely not in the Senate and we are stuck with a Republican criminal administration for the foreseeable future. Between the blatant ignorance of the electorate and ESNS optical scanners, status quo is the future. For future.
Bailey has demonstrated the kind of thinking that is representative of “self-evident” truth based knowledge. This is the kind of thinking that the super-majority of conservatives, especially those who adhere to Biblical worldviews, rely on to justify their bigotry and all around stupidity.
This is what we face and must vigorously oppose when it comes to the MAGA rebellion movement.
Another whiny white rePUGliCON in elected office fucking his constituents! Shithole America one rePUGliCON at a time!
There is a word for what these Republican AGs and judges are doing. Tyranny.
Missouri Attorney General Bailey doesn't let the facts get in the way of trying to steamroll his conservative agenda from his power of office. It is exactly these kind of people who are not public servants and have no intention of being that. They want to rule. They want to move the country into some unsustainable model of their imaginations. We didn't just drift into the current state of values.
The majority of people, especially the younger population have embraced a more forward progressive vision. If your attitude is you know what is best for your constituents than what they ask for you are the wrong person for the job.
Excellent reporting as usual. Keep uncovering the real criminals. We would not know about this man unless you wrote about him. Thank you. With you around it will be difficult for evil to get away with it.
Poor Missouri. An original and very important report. It is at the state and local level that most of the pain is felt. Thanks, Judd.
Can 'Media Matters' sue the Missouri Attorney General, Stephen Miller, and Musk if 'Media Matters' report is found to be true? I hope people will eventually come to see how destructive trump and his cult is to the world.
Absolutely disgusting what these jagoffs are doing in these states ! Why do they think that they are above the law by putting out laws that hurt to destroy others ! What makes them so god-damn better than anyone else !! I'm so tired and pissed off that time and time again these douche bags get away with the crap they spew !! Now we have these asshats trying in Canada ! WTF is wrong with people...!! Why would anyone think it is right to ostracize and disenfranchise people of a different color, different lifestyle and ethnicity!! Why is it OK to rule over women's body autonomy but no mention of any rules for men ?? Why is it that a minimal amount of people get to control the lives of others by refusing gender care , ban books of POC or LGBTQ +, deny the truth of black history and just being disgusting people! I just can't believe that these people can ruin the lives of others and they get all the media like everything is just A- OK !