I have been aware of climate change (CC)problems since 1964. Scientists knew before that date that the world was facing potential disaster. Yet here we are, with science trashed, made fun of and disregarded by more than a third of this country and CC ignored or denied. Another third is so caught up in their lives that they have no time or interest in this existential problem. So our hope is now depending on corporations to do the right thing? I wish I believed in God because I would be down on my knees praying. Judd, you are doing really good work here but I am now at the point of despair. Too little way too late.

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Remember how Google's motto was "don't be evil?" What a joke.

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Just like the "no funding for anti-democracy pols"...it's hard to keep up (as they want it to be.)

Your reporting and stats would be greatly helped by data visualization graphics so people can grasp the hipocracies easily, without reading. Maybe like the "pinnochio" scores that they use for lies in the media.

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I get what you are saying about the nose graphics but we can’t take the time to read? Really? It’s hopeless. I’m glad I won’t be around in 20 yrs to see this all play out. At least I hope I’m not.

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Greed has always been a killer. I got notice from my bird group to take down my bird feeders(which are never up in summer is bears) due to disease likely reflecting climate change.

I read 40 % of animal species have disappeared since the 90s, I can believe it. I used to have a field full of assorted butterflies, honeybees every where. They like the Meadowlark, Whip o Will, Bob White Quail are gone from here. Eventually if this greedy bunch of polluters affected the world of other species, it has bound to get us.

When Covid first popped up a biochemist friend remarked "It's the first of many" and she sat the blame on climate change.

Would the Big Money corporations take the blame. Hell no. They speak in promises they won't keep, backed by politicians whose pockets they line. Imagine that.

Great report. As always thank you for telling the truth, even the painful truth.

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Thank you for this reporting. Yes it's depressing af, but you make crystal clear the conflict between capitalism (run amok) and our survival as a planet. Every dollar I spend on Amazon (and from sheer laziness that's many dollars) is helping to sink the Maldives into the ocean, light forest fires in California/Greece, destroy European antiquities under flood waters, and on and on. Ditto Microsoft and Google...more along these lines, please.

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Holding power and money accountable to their word, which they are clearly not keeping. THANK YOU!!!

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