It's a VERY efficient move. You know that it is cause it comes from names you can trust:
The Orange Crevasse, Evilelmo, Bad Bitch Bondi, Lil Marco (the Florida rapper), Kanine Killer Noem plus the serial Sofa Groomer and Eyeliner Model with a BUNCH of different names whom we will identify as a Jr. VD (vene…
It's a VERY efficient move. You know that it is cause it comes from names you can trust:
The Orange Crevasse, Evilelmo, Bad Bitch Bondi, Lil Marco (the Florida rapper), Kanine Killer Noem plus the serial Sofa Groomer and Eyeliner Model with a BUNCH of different names whom we will identify as a Jr. VD (veneral disease) going forward.
These fine shining examples of humane humanity are so incredibly efficient that grown men run up to their Glorious Leader with tears in their eyes, breathlessly exclaiming "sir, sir, sir, under your profound and Holy Leadership we now have efficacy like no one's ever seen!"
You need to get you sh*t straight and put on The Red Hat. Git yo money. We gone be eating steak n lobster FOREVER when Orange Man Bad gets thru with them librals and them DEI losers and suckers! I can hear that $5K check coming my way right now!
That's where you lack vision Joe.
It's a VERY efficient move. You know that it is cause it comes from names you can trust:
The Orange Crevasse, Evilelmo, Bad Bitch Bondi, Lil Marco (the Florida rapper), Kanine Killer Noem plus the serial Sofa Groomer and Eyeliner Model with a BUNCH of different names whom we will identify as a Jr. VD (veneral disease) going forward.
These fine shining examples of humane humanity are so incredibly efficient that grown men run up to their Glorious Leader with tears in their eyes, breathlessly exclaiming "sir, sir, sir, under your profound and Holy Leadership we now have efficacy like no one's ever seen!"
You need to get you sh*t straight and put on The Red Hat. Git yo money. We gone be eating steak n lobster FOREVER when Orange Man Bad gets thru with them librals and them DEI losers and suckers! I can hear that $5K check coming my way right now!