This is the Republican voter suppression playbook now applied to Social Security with the same purpose. Republicans close DMV offices and make it hard for people to get the ID they need to vote, then they win because their opponents can't vote. The same will happen to Social Security. If you can't do business over the phone and have to go to an office, then you close the offices, you make it impossible for people to access Social Security. And that means Social Security gets cut. And that is the Republican goal. The goal they have been seeking sine 1935.

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And yet until it impacts those that support the MAGA movement, there will be no change.

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it IS beginning to affect them, Bernie is getting HUGE crowds in red states saying the same thing he's always said.

BTW please support Election Truth Alliance (https://electiontruthalliance.org/clark-county%2C-nv), they need funds to do an official forensic audit of a deep blue county in NV that somehow went for Trump while electing all Democrats on the down ballot. They are working on preliminary audits where the same anomalies were found in EVERY swing state (the Russian Tail hack).

It won't matter if MAGAs are affected, THEY won't be able to vote either if the midterms are hacked or simply cancelled.

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Thank you for that info. Finally someone doing this

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100%!! Those sneaky bastards

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I agree!

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That's the tactic Peter. Reusable, simple to re-tool and apply.

There is also an extra added benefit. It's all a MF lie and we know how much our "TDS addled friends across the aisle" just love their FGD lies!

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Yup! You are correct! Disgusting and so cruel.

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As usual the cruel and corrrupt people like Musk and Vought implementing changes in our well thought out agencies that truly do make America great are hurting many unsuspecting and hard-working citizens (or those becoming citizens). Meanwhile the government is taking huge amounts of money from these people while cutting off the income they may be depending upon.

Thank you Judd for staying with this SSA issue. We can count on you to remain alert and to warn all of us who care very deeply about protecting America and our well-being.

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It is also a fact that immigrants who pay in to Social Security, but will never receive any benefit, have kept the program solvent. By ending the EBE they have effectively cut the “jugular” of the program.

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Mark, and there it is: you said it plainly and clearly. They have cut the jugular. It won't take long for it to bleed out.

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I’m frightened, scarred to death. I’m 80 years old and depend on Social Security and Medicare. I have no one in Congress to represent me. Both of my Senator’s are MAGAts as is my Congressman. I quit calling because I live in TN but have a Seattle-area phone number. I doubt they listen to my messages. I write emails almost daily but seldom receive a response. I am terrified my wife - who will also turn 80 in August - and I may soon join the millions of people living on the streets without a ‘pot to piss in’

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I fully understand. I live in Iowa, 2 MAGAt senators, and congress rep. I would experience a dramatic drop in my standard of living, and might hold off homelessness for a bit. Heaven help me if I experience a health crisis, though.

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Even those of us who have Democratic Senators and Congress members have no representation when the minority is either feckless or stifled. We're being subjugated.

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Same here. Though a little younger, I am on SS and Medicare and in SC, you know I have no representation. At least half the country has no voice. Terrifying times.

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My wife and I are in our late 60s. We're angry and have no representation, as we live in Coward Hawley's district.

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I commented before seeing your earlier comment.

This also "complements" closure of local service offices, like the one in Grand Junction, Colorado, that was already serving a large geographical area.

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This seems like a highly inefficient move. The Department of Governmental Efficiency should intervene.

Oh, wait.

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That's where you lack vision Joe.

It's a VERY efficient move. You know that it is cause it comes from names you can trust:

The Orange Crevasse, Evilelmo, Bad Bitch Bondi, Lil Marco (the Florida rapper), Kanine Killer Noem plus the serial Sofa Groomer and Eyeliner Model with a BUNCH of different names whom we will identify as a Jr. VD (veneral disease) going forward.

These fine shining examples of humane humanity are so incredibly efficient that grown men run up to their Glorious Leader with tears in their eyes, breathlessly exclaiming "sir, sir, sir, under your profound and Holy Leadership we now have efficacy like no one's ever seen!"

You need to get you sh*t straight and put on The Red Hat. Git yo money. We gone be eating steak n lobster FOREVER when Orange Man Bad gets thru with them librals and them DEI losers and suckers! I can hear that $5K check coming my way right now!

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Chaos assured, my heart breaks as this regime ratchets up the cruelty. Which I guess is their point.

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These evil thieves apparently want to break Social Security for two reasons:

1. they want to loot the trust fund of money we paid in all our working lives, so the number denoting their excessive wealth will be higher. (This is the thief part.)

2. They want to be rich men in a poor country. Pushing more of us into poverty is their idea of a good time. (This is evil for its own sake.)

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The object is to privatize SS. That way, investment and processing fees will float upward into the capital accounts of billionaire oligarchs, the ones who are engineering the privatization, where it will never be taxed.

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The "conservatives" have wanted to destroy SS ever since it was founded.

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EFF THE KETAMINE NAZI ELON MUSKRAT AND HIS LIES ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY FRAUD!!! Lock his sorry ass up for the crimes he and his DOGE boys have committed!!!

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Put them in chains and shave their heads. Put the video of them at the beginning and ending of every Television News show for a year. The DOGE Boys should have their names scrolling so we will know them by their deeds. As with Nixon's boys - "LOCK THEM UP!"

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On their way to Gitmo.

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For the last month and a half I’ve been trying to cal SSA because I never received my tax 1099. The wait times are insane. I couldn’t use the internet (spent hrs trying) because it said my password, that I wrote in a special little book for that purpose, was wrong plus it would not let me make a new one for security reasons so calling was only option. It was so time consuming to call I was looking up the address of the nearest SSA office when I finally got through on the phone after being on hold 2 hours and 21 minutes. Listening to the worst music played over and over the entire time. They promised to mail it. We will see. AND ALL OF THIS WAS BEFORE ANY OF THE LATEST EFFORT TO RUIN PEOPLES LIVES THROUGH TORTURE!! I can’t imagine what it is going to be like in these field offices in the future.

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Just had to deal with them due to my mom’s passing—the callback option works great if they are still offering it!

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This is also hard on people without cars. I'm so glad we have good bus service where I live, but this seems to put us back into the past before the Internet existed, and maybe even before phones had been invented. I know Trump is really old but I had no idea his ideal historical period goes back to when we got around using horse and buggy.

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This is exactly the kind of maneuver that was explained to us at an online workshop talking about Social Security that Republicans do to make it hard for people to access their money. It is infuriating. I think we should think of more ways to hit Musk's money, which is aka Trump's money. How do you get seniors to know about this, if they are not accessing online accounts? I know my mom has dementia and could not handle anything that requires her to process it at this point. I don't know how I can access my rightfully earned social security living abroad either. What a mess. Between that and Germans with Green cards being held and tortured by ICE, things are looking bleak with the US for my family.

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Thanks Judd. We know they’re up to no good and you proved it. They’ll ruin SSA and then “save the day” by privatizing it. How convenient for them

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The conservative playbook to end government of the people, by the people and for the people:

Over regulate government, under fund it, then blame it and claim that private industry can do it better and cheaper.

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Then we will once again have the monied class and the peasant class. What a comforting thought, right?

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Cruelty is the point.

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Privatizaton is the point. Cruelty is the means.

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I'm not sure they'll even bother to privatize at this point, will just destroy. Those in need are expendable, as no profitability model works.

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Close the local offices then force people to go to the local offices. Got it.

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And the MAGA Project 2025 Republicans do NOT give a damn about the people of America. Their only goal is to hurt as many people as they can. And privatize as much of America as they can and STEAL every last cent from every America. And trash every part of America that they can get their greedy hands on. The end will be an America in shambles. Which is already taking place. They are making this country a hell scape, a smoldering ruins. None of them deserve to "serve" anyone anywhere. They do NOT care. And worse they are enjoying doing it. Imagine being gleeful at hurting your fellow Americans.

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Q: What’s helpful, and working well?

Let’s break it!!!!!

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