Devin Nunes is really the worst of the worst. I hope that he is defeated in next November's election.

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Nunes is a serious problem. But he & Moscow Mitch are only the outward symptoms of the inner rot that has infected the entire Republican Party. And that rot is quickly spreading into the judicial system like an invasive weed.

Google, in general is seen by consumers as a search company but they do offer many products through which their political contributions might be influenced. A search of Buycott.com https://www.buycott.com/brand/19162/google-upc reveals an extensive list. Vote with your wallet folks. As these corporations have already learned, “Money talks”

Thank you again for the invaluable & informative lesson Judd.

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Only $5000? Why are you surprised that Google (et al) are supplying ammo to right wing zealots like Nunes? There are some Dems that would break up those monopolies. So $5000 seems paltry, or tip of something deeper and far more insidious.

People of California 22nd district: wake the f up. Your man is an a**hole and not in a good way.

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If you track Nunes, the family farm moved from CA to Iowa. Here again why Iowa gives me pause having so much choice in who selects the next president. Nunes is tied there maybe more so than CA.

Rep Racist Steve King is from there, too.

Just tossing it out there.

Judd wrote things on his Twitter account about a number of Companies that support bad candidates. Tyson Foods. Land o Lakes caved in. Check out some of these corporate websites. They play both sides of the field. They your their corporate good deeds with minorities then give to people like Stevie who is a racist.

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Steven King is an unspeakable horror. But in defense of Iowans, they are looking right now at a Democratic primary, not a general election. I would like to believe that all Iowa voters take their job very seriously and understand that the entire country is watching them, but then again,

I just checked and Trump won 51% of Iowa in the 2016 primary so I guess even those being carefully watched by the rest of us can have the heads up their woozits.

I met a man from Iowa a couple years back who told me they have more hogs in their state than people so - something in the air?

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I wonder if it's the caucus effect. You have to be more motivated and have more time to attend - so the Republican caucus is probably more skewed towards candidates like Trump than the average Iowan GOP voter.

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Hit the nail on the head. The big problem with American business as driven by corporations and unfettered capitalism is that only short-term gains (e.g. stock price goes up, executive compensation stays high) are sought, while investment in workers and the surrounding communities is forsaken. When not worrying about my money on a week-to-week level, I dread the idea of another financial crisis happening, as we clearly haven't learned our lessons from the last one.

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Try being retired and wondering when the next financial hammer will fall-especially with the current bunch of criminals in charge. My hair gets whiter each day.

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Keep at it Judd. While none of this was surprising, what was surprising was the ignorance shown by the HBS alums. “Yes, corporate spending is bad for the country, but MY company is as pure as the driven snow”? For god’s sake people, wake up! I may not have a business degree but it’s been as plain as the nose on my face that these mega-spenders are killing the goose that has been laying golden eggs for this country for years.

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This the same strange phenomenon that plagues political constituents. When polled believe ‘other politicians’ are corrupt & should be replaced while largely viewing their own as virtuous or doing a good job. There’s got to be a name for it, I just don’t know what it is.

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Not mine. I’m pretty sure mine are rotten(Meadows, Tillis, Burr). I didn’t think too much of the blue dog Dem that Meadows replaced either. Grifters gonna grift. I just wish they’d stay far, far away from the government. (Yes I know that’s a pipe dream.)

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Denial comes to mind..

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Thank you for this. It's depressing, but you lay it out so clearly!

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Nunes is one of many. Like all those corps that give to racist Rep. Stevie from Iowa, then promote their do goodness on their websites in helping minorities. Tyson Foods comes to mind.

Makes no sense except the 1% makes money on guys like Nunes and Stevie. HBS is an elitst group, so no surprise here. "Let them eat cake" mentality goes withoutsaying.

That isn't going to change anytime soon. I boycott a lot of businesses that do thesr donations, but unless the rest of you join in, I am just a minnow in a big ocean.

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