Do any among us think that Walgreens will act alone? It is only a matter of time before CVS, WalMart and all of the other big chains follow suit. Why? Because none of them want to incur the wrath of the Republican right wing. And why can they do this? Where are people going to go? The big chains have all but wiped out the independent pharmacy. If they all act together, there is no point in shifting your business from Walgreens to one of the others. And they know it. What will be the end result? Do any of us think that some bullshit interpretation of the Comstock Act is going to stop activist groups and others from mailing pills across state lines? And do any of us think that the Mexican cartels aren't already ramping up their networks to fill the demand in states that have banned abortion? As we all say, the zealots will never end abortion, they will only end safe access to abortion.

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Switching to our regional New England based supermarket pharmacy.

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You are lucky to have that option. Even here in NY options are very limited.

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In NY mifepristone is still being dispensed in pharmacies. If you want to boycott Walgreens anyway, that's great. It's about punishing greedy chains like Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid and others who operate in any state where mifepristone is banned or restricted.

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I live in a little town in northwest IL, population 7600. We have 2 independent pharmacies in town. They exist in almost every little community around me and they do well. Closest CVS or Walgreens are in a town that is 22 miles away.

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That's great. My Father was an independent pharmacist. You are lucky not to have to endure the "one on every corner" situation.

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Walgreen's annual shareholder's meeting is March 16-19. Probably in the Chicago area. Excellent timing for a demonstration to complement a boycott, so I hope something is in the works.

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Rule #1 in Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny: Do not obey in advance. That’s what Walgreen’s is doing. We cannot expect for profit corporations to help us keep our freedoms.

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We can damage their

Profits. They are capitalists.

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Boycott Walgreens and any other company that prohibits women from making their own decisions about when to carry a child.

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Boycott hospitals?

Kick these GOP assholes out. Should have been done years ago, but there were enough idiots in the electoral college to put a Republican in the Oval Office in 2016. What a disaster, and it's getting worse.

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I wish I could but they provide many of my specialty transplant meds. They got me by the shorties.

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You can still reach their corporate offices and express your disagreement with their policy.

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It's OK. There are plenty of people like you, and many who just happen to live in places where there are a limited number of pharmacies to patronize.

If there is a hospital with a pharmacy close to you, can you get your meds through them?

I use Walgreens, but to be honest, all the corporate pharmacies have been complicit in helping the GOP's agenda along, by corporate donations to the RNC, among other PACS.

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Problem is Aetna is my insurer and Aetna was recently "absorbed" by CVS/Rite Aid.

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My Medicare Advantage is from an insurer that partners with CVS, but there is no CVS in my vicinity. CVS has been very supportive of the GOP and its agenda. I could be getting vitamins, supplements, herbals and more from them for free, but I won't. I think I'm going to be switching to the pharmacy services offered by a regional supermarket chain instead. I don't buy anything from Walgreens other than my prescriptions.

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Random thoughts: If you don't want an abortion, don't get one. Do unto others... Keep em' barefoot AND pregnant?! RAGA=MAGA! Why can't these people just mind their own *(&*^%&*() business????

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What fool is it claiming that in California, you can wait until late term and "then chop em’ up?"

How do folks get to be so dirt damn dumb? That claim is crayon chewingly stupid and I wonder about the intellect of the poster.

Wait! This just in! The poster is the execrable FL Wonder FL. No need to wonder now about the state of their supposed "intellect." You can see for yourself what state it's in.

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Or have a "late term abortion"? That's illegal, always has been. They don't have 2 collective brain cells amongst them. Amazing that they can walk and talk at the same time when they're so incredibly stupid. Crayon chewing about sums it up.

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Re "late term abortion" ex Governor of VA Northam who was also a doctor who delivered babies, understood that an unborn child without a brain or some other important physical function would be a candidate for very late term abortion. He made a point of discussing this issue "civilly."

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Facts and logic beat illogic and ignorance every time.

To be informed is to be armed!

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Hahahaha! And that execrable menace in his own mind, Frank Lee is one of the f-ing WORST trolls ever!!! I mean it. He is a bad troll. In a "like not very good one kinda sense." Like, trolling poorly. As poorly as tfg dances. Can you imagine the orange scourge breakdancing or stepping or something? The Rumba?

Anyway, he (who probably shouldn't have been named on general principles and good taste), may try to (in his mind anyway) excoriate me for my negative but laser focused and accurate analysis of the enitity posing as Frank Lee's foibles, but bear witness to his/her/it's/that damnable thing's weaknesses.

A Pomerian poorly posturing as a Pit Bull. Unsuccessfully I may add. Nasty possum too.

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Dump Walgreens. Where are the progressive pro choice organizations? Where are the pro choice women? Where are the pro choice men ? Where are the clever entrepreneurs who can always find “work around” ? Where is the progressive outrage ? We way beyond our sell by dates are baffled. Large demonstrations. Public assembly in front of Walgreen’s headquarters and stores.

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Where is the "complexity," Walgreens? You're trying to avoid a potential lawsuit.

I'm not sure if Walgreens is doing this merely out of cowardice or because it is also inclined to acquiesce to a prospective restriction on abortion-inducing drugs because it materially supports RAGA, but either way, it sets a bad precedent.

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They want the GOP to keep prescription drug costs high. It's about money. We pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. I just found out that the drug I take for my blood pressure costs $331 a month without insurance - for the generic. Walk into any Walgreens (I went to one in November for a covid booster) or CVS, and you won't see shoppers or even a cashier. Why? Because they make their money off prescriptions, not shampoo or frozen pizzas.

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I has 19 prescriptions that I take on a daily basis. One costs $7K per MONTH! Another a comparitively modest $1K per month. That's $136K per year for 2 meds that are so expensive that I qualify for a program.

So how does this work then? The insurer is billed by the pharmacy and the hospital while collecting premiums from individuals and employers. The insurer pays out whopping sums while collecting relatively miniscule premiums, yet they also record record profits every year or, so it seems. But in my case, the insurer and pharmacy are distinctly different faces of the same business entity! So how does that incestuous business relationship work?

I have no idea of how much a double lung transplant costs, but I can tell you they ain't cheap. This is a curious situation, but I'm glad to be alive, no matter the machinations, the why's and wherefores involved.

And I am of the mind that we need a much better understanding of those why's and wherefores (transparancy) of our countries' healthcare behemoth suppurating in our midst, in addition to a much more robust and superior healthcare system in general!!!

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To be fair, their other prices are quite inflated.

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Bravo, Judd. Call them out. I switched to an independent pharmacy several months ago. Walgreens and CVS are both entirely too powerful

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Plus, CVS recently "absorbed" Aetna insurance. Think on that for a moment.

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Walgreen's isn't satisfied with taking away women's rights regarding their bodies, they now have taken away their voice by blocking comments on the Facebook page. You can still message them, however. I sent them this post, for example.

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Boycotting Walgreens.

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So how does this square with the insurance companies Walgreens has contracted with (in TX it’s BCBS, I don’t know about other states)? The ACA? I feel like maybe something isn’t kosher in the Venn diagram where all this meets. But I don’t know enough about the intricacy of the contracts or Obamacare to state that confidently. What I do know is state governments are playing extremely cruel games in the name of religion and somehow I don’t think that is at all what Jesus would’ve wanted. And it’s certainly not what a majority, 68% at last poll, of the country wants.

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No skin off Walgreens or the other corporate US pharmaceutical sellers who depend on the GOP to keep prescription drug prices the highest in the world. One hand washes the other - and these companies will always place profits over Americans' health.

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Thank you for continuing to report actions taken by businesses against of the public’s health and welfare--and majority opinion!

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Can you please supply the states in which Walgreens will not distribute the pills?

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A blow against women in any state threatens all women.

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Yes, but in my state I can boycott the local Walgreens and make my voice heard. I’m 85 so I’m not afraid of getting pregnant any time soon 🤓 but, like you, I care about all women who are threatened by this action.

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I too am WAY past the age, but support all women and their rights.

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On Michael Moore’s Substack (https://open.substack.com/pub/michaelmoore/p/boycott-walgreens?r=8cint&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post) he has a list of all of the states as well as copies of the letters sent by the Attorneys General.

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This decision will directly harm type two diabetics with Cushing's syndrome. How very pro life of them.

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