Patel is pure unadulterated sleaze.

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Looks like the next administration is a version of Home Shopping network—-of actual trash.

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When reading about the kids' books, I'd swear I somehow had switched from PI to The Onion if I didn't know better.

Thank you Judd and crew!

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The GRIFTING of America

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The swiftness with which the bad actors are hired or being hired, and the corruption that is already showing is just astounding. These are crooked, money-making schemes, and just people getting rich off of the stupidest, most gullible people. Almost feels like we’re powerless to stop it. We can certainly demand that our elected Congress people do their jobs but I just don’t see where that’s even going to make any difference because right now there’s a majority of Republicans in the House and the Senate. I just wake up every day feeling like we’re circling the drain and that this country is just going to have to go through some really terrible things before anybody or anything is powerful enough to change what’s gonna happen in the next four years.

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Those stupid and gullible people are Republicans. Trumps chosen - Musk - has stated several times that this country is going to go through bad times in the next 2 years and then the ship will right itself and we are all going to be better for the pain.

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Remind me again what position Leon Musk was elected to serve?

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Elected is the important word here. Thank you.

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Actually he’s also outside the government which means he is a private citizen with no actual governmental authority. That’s pretty important.

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I assume they are planning to use this argument for the mid-terms. "Yes things are worse now but this is part of the plan. Stick with it or it will all be for nothing. Just trust us. We're successful businessmen."

And the cultists will lap it up, like they lap up all this "merch" tat. The right's war on education is paying off in spades.

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They'll walk away after privatizing every department of federal government, maximizing tax breaks for oligarchs, after implementing cfeducation system in public school after whatever is left of and after they loot that system, making the federal government as ineffective as possible if and when their dumking croaks without appointing dumpy2 or eric as kingff 2.

The rwcfgqptutintools and cfoligarch (after successfully demolishing American democracy), know that that without tutintoolot the magats will not support the party.

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Barely a majority in the House. Not yet a seated majority in the Senate. It’s been pushing through judges. Marc Elias said the other day that they’ve confirmed more judges than the Orange Menace and currently there are more nominated by Dem presidents than otherwise on the bench. More than 220 so far by this Senate.

Mitch McConnell is not happy that 2 Dem appointed judges withdrew their resignations after the election. He vented about it & said if more do that it will jeopardize the agreement with Schumer to not hold up confirmations in return for Dems to leave 4 vacancies to the new Senate. Kind of late in the game for McConnell to worry about that.

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Conservatives like to scaremonger about the "liberal indoctrination" of children and young adults, but this dude is literally writing children's books promoting Trumpism.

I guess it's OK if your side is the one doing the indoctrinating. Gotta get the propaganda in while they're young.

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Yes, I hope to see those books on the "banned books" list!

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More excellent reasons we must not allow recess appointments of this slate of nominees to move forward. It is up to We the People to demand Congress do their most basic of duties by making sure each nominee is fully investigated and goes through the Congressional approval/disapproval process.

I'm collecting resources on how to take action in this doc. We have 6 weeks to stop this shortcutting of our right to get a full and fair approval process. https://bit.ly/StopRecessAppts

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Kay, Great point. I have emailed my Senator & Rep about rebuffing these nominees. Fortunately for me, they would not support them anyway, but they must receive letters and calls by tens of thousands. Scott Dworkin has a list that you can tap on and it takes you to the letter and your Rep & Senator. Just fill in your info.

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I'm a flood-their-inboxes kind of person, where can I find this list?

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Search Scott Dworkin at Bluesky or Twatter (sp intentional)

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Yes! I've sent each letter a few times apiece to make sure!

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I fear as recent history has proven...legal and conventional programs will be worked around. When battling a fire...think foam. Physically remove the oxygen from the flames.

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We must do every single thing available to us. Apply pressure in all ways, conventional and unconventional. 47 is so unpredictable that we can't guess what will actually work so do it all. We cannot allow this slate of cabinet nominees - nor any slate of nominees ever - to be rammed down our throats.

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They don't play conventional...Few seem to realize that fact. That leaves us having to think outside of conventional...what motivates these miscreants to do... and not to do stuff?

As an aside, I wonder who is going to step up to replace the leadership at United Health? Any guess?

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The Senate can put in Trump's alternative candidates to those now nominated, but Trump can fire them and put in his first choice and there is nothing that can be done by anyone for 2 years.

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How can a president avoid the vetting and approval process other than through recess appointments?

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Well, the Kavanaugh FBI background check turned out to be a fail. The WH controlled it. https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/08/politics/brett-kavanaugh-fbi-trump-senate-report/index.html

Pressuring the Senate to do nothing meaningful is the easiest.

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I recall this. However, we know better now. We can howl against this too. We must fight using every means available to us. This is about affirming the precedent that we will not allow presidents to skirt around the law just because it's slow.

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Absolutely. But I view it DJT’s efforts as being more about avoiding scrutiny & exerting influence over the Senate. Not really about speed.

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I think it's probably both. So we must work all angles

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One will be like the other - except more appealing or giving the appearance of being more “traditional” and qualified.

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I’m trying to think of a worse candidate than Kash. Why not just let him run the gift shop at the Capitol gift shop instead?

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This crap will probably be sold there on day one.

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This is just the kind of essential work that Judd does better than anyone.

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If Republican senators confirm this thug they will own every bad thing that he does, and he plans to do plenty. While all of his malicious prosecutions will get tossed immediately because he stupidly published his enemies list in a book, a lot of people are going to spend a lot of money defending themselves and dealing with his hit men before their cases are tossed.

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Who is going to toss the prosecutions? Trump's judges? Trump's Supreme Court? Remember any act that Trump commits while in office {now he also wants immunity before taking office} he is immune from consequences. The rest of us will be paying with our lives, our freedom and of course, tremendous amounts of money to defend our losing cases in courts "By Trump, For Trump" so help us god.

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As if they care. See Impeachment votes for details

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One of the most important things that can be done right now is for people who are reporting or commenting on the facts as they occur to create a timeline and place these items on that timeline with links to references or to their articles. the largest threat we have to ourselves personally and to our democracy is the loss of truth. We know that Trump will attempt to rewrite basically everything that happens in his favor and that he has a large media operation behind him creating this effect. So yes, I’m talking to you Judd. call HCR and Rick Wilson, and all the other writers and bloggers who are independent of mainstream media. You have a leg up on this situation that I don’t have. This must be a communal project that maintains the highest standards of ethics. copy methods at Wikipedia.

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Okay- so Patel is the absolute example of


He blatantly is breaking laws and scamming people and is doing so in plain sight. We have got to get a handle on this.

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Rickey, I fully agree. We lose control to the biggest Fascist psychopaths we’ve ever had in this country. The level of danger not being challenged enough scares the hell out of me.

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I never knew most of these these details but now that I am aware of them I hover between disgust at the ability to profit from such puerile ignorance and anger at. the thought that adults who could be persuaded by it have the right to vote.

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The worst that monetizing anything for pocket lining. But like his sponsor, Patel sees wealth flowing from willing ignorance. Like Barnum, they confirm that "a sucker is born every minute."

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Please do everything you can to get this information, especially the children's book and the credit card alternative, spread to all Americans. People must be informed about this and push their Senators to protect our legal system.

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Substack & Bluesky is our meeting ground. Also all valuable Substacks like this one..Indivisible, Inequality Media, Meidas Touch.

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After reading this, I sit aghast that our FBI, National Guard, current president, police forces fail us deeply by not arresting these seditionist-convicted felon-rapists! It cannot be clearer what utter psychopaths they are. The orange felon is so delusional it’s beyond repair. And yet we, American citizens and all of the above will watch this National/Global Security threat take office! I feeling like we’re skipping to our own prison cells! WTF!

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Yes. Not all of us but yes. Too many of us skipping merrily along oblivious to the fact that the sidewalk ends a few steps away in a steep fall and jagged rocks far below.

How steep a fall? Who TF knows?

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