It is a crime to make a false police report. “The governor says” does NOT make something pornography. Lock a few of these witches up and it will cool this crap down. This is the stupidest use of law enforcement resources I can think of.

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Busybodies not only want to control what their kids read, they want to control what your kid reads.

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These folks from Moms for Liberty (a hilarious, self delusional handle if ever there was one) are mentally ill, attention seeking, intellectual midget Karen's of the worst kind. They should be laughed out of every library, school board meeting, and Weight Watchers meeting.

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Thank you for continuing to call out "moms for liberty" "good Christian women" who want to set back true freedom in our educational system. They're not for freedom--they're for stifling discussions that young people want to have and find beneficial. They are not appreciative of the wise and loving teachings of Jesus--they are judgmental, self-righteous, and fearful. We will be damaged as a wonderful home of the free and the brave if people like Baggett and Tapley [and DeSantis and Mike Johnson (R of Louisiana)] can suffocate our educational system.

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"Baggett told Popular Information that she challenged 'When Wilma Rudolph Played Basketball' — the inspirational story of a Black woman who overcame racial prejudice to become an Olympic champion — because it would make white students 'feel uncomfortable' as 'they are being white-shamed.'" Absolutely UNBELIEVABLE!!! This is SO sick. The true story of one person's experience "shames" every white student who reads the book. I'll tell you who should feel ashamed: MOMS FOR LIBERTY!

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As always happens with right wing authoritarians, they over-reach, and Karens for Fascism is starting to do that in Floriduh. Time for librarians and others to fight back hard. Sue these assholes for harassment, defamation, or just being assholes. And damn, this woman went thru the book looking for all the "pornography"???? To mark it with sticky notes? Did she have sticky fingers when she was done as well?

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

What a cesspool of ignorance these acts represent. Shocking that this is where we, as a nation, and a species, are at now. I wonder if we are anywhere near to where it will subside, and the First Amendment will garner traction once again. Thanks, Judd.

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Someone needs to tell this woman that if kids really want something "pornographic," there's this thing called the Internet which will readily provide it to them (assuming they have access to a computer or mobile phone). They don't need to go to the school library to do it, never mind that the book she's challenging clearly doesn't qualify.

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There is a new group similar to MFL active in Chester County PA called Back to Basics. They're running for school board as a candidate block and do their best to come off as fair minded people (spoiler alert, they are not). I'll be showing up to school board meetings and voted to retain our current board, but note these groups are learning to put on a moderate face even in blue counties. Be vigilent!

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It astounds me that these people don’t have anything better to do with their time. Imagine if they actually put some of that energy into action that would truly help people.

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Daughters of the Confederacy = Mom's for Liberty?

"Tapley described Baggett as "a valiant warrior for the kids, an amazing English teacher, and a wonderful Christian woman."

Christians? No! These folken are a sub-species of heretical post-human mutation that one hopes will prove unable to reproduce.

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If this weren’t so dangerous, it’d be down right funny. Personally, I especially liked the part where the informant is angry that there’s a group trying to stop moms for liberty and another trying to protect abortion rights; as if her narrow minded viewpoint is the only one that counts.

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Every town has those people that are attention-seeking, mentally susceptible, and in need of a hobby or friends. With the help of cult leaders like Steve Bannon and hyper sensationalized Facebook posts they are transformed into zealots. The meme about clowns with flame throwers is right on target. I’m sure many of us thought something like this could never happen in our country, but we dumb down our primary education, sanitize it, stop, teaching, civics, and left a whole generation of people who are now adults but who don’t have a grounding in world history, context, and have no idea the fire they’re playing with, or maybe even why they’re doing it.

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Sick people. If they really cared about what is harmful to kids they would be working for gun safety laws.

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Until people call out the Lunacy, publicly, Loudly, and continuously, this Insanity will continue.

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I am so sick of these incredibly ignorant people

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